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Re: games

PostPosted: Thu, 08Feb07 03:30
by pgtips
really good games SHARKEY when are we getting some new on :hic: :fume:

Re: games

PostPosted: Thu, 08Feb07 13:17
by shark
as soon as somebody gives me an interesting idea for a new game....

Re: games

PostPosted: Fri, 08Feb08 02:32
by cowboyblob

"In Bed with Allison," but instead of seducing her with a set series of manipulations (that I've still only managed once), you start her in one of several moods that you need to diagnose through conversation and body language. Of course, it'd be more work for you devising all the branching, but the game would be a lot more playable since it wouldn't turn out the same way every time, doing everything right.

Possible beginning states:

Very horny (Yay!)
Reading in bed
Interested but in her menses (Yuck!)
Playful (like Allison)
Angry (needs a lot of apologies/sweet talk/begging)
Talkative (Help!)
Drunk asleep (have fun, but she kicks your ass when she wakes up!)

I think this game has the opportunity to be both a Sexy game and a Funny one.

Re: games

PostPosted: Sat, 08Feb09 02:10
by hammerhead
Why don't you split the development work with Pusooy who seems to have several projects too many on the go?

Or maybe develop that one with the Horny Afternoon chaperone?