A wonderful afternoon

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Re: A wonderful afternoon

Postby Tantum » Sun, 08Jul06 20:58

A wonderful afternoon
NANNY is sitting in the living room looking very unhappy.
Wendy enters the room, and sees that her nanny is crying softly.
WENDY. Nanny why are you so sad?
NANNY. I am sorry you see me like this Miss Wendy, it seems like there is now one who loves me, will die a lonely old woman one day?
WENDY. Nanny, have you ever been married?
NANNY . Never, I have never found a man I could trust to treat me gently and love only me.
WENDY. You mean that you have never known love at all.
NANNY. Ho I have had lovers in the past, but their work has taken them away from me.
WENDY. Could you have married one of them.
NANNY. All of my lovers where female.
WENDY. (looking very surprised and pleased ) Nanny do you mean that you are a LESBEAN.
NANNY. (very guarded now ) There is nothing wrong for 2 adults acting as they want, behind closed doors.
WENDY. (Moves closer to her Nanny) Nanny I have always loved you, ( Wendy reaches out and touches one of Nanny beasts ) I know that you love me Nanny.
NANNY. (completely surprised ) Wendy I love you like a daughter, I have never thought of you as someone to love me as a lover.
WENDY. Nanny I have no boy friends and at boarding school I have no special friends. I have always looked forward to the holidays to come back to you, but I have always been too shy to let you know how I felt.
WENDY. (unbuttons her blouse and pulls Nanny’s hand to her beast and says) That feels so good Nanny.
WENDY. (Unbuttons Nanny’s top and feels Nanny breasts) Don’t tell me you don’t like this Nanny.
(The voice of Wendy’s father comes from the hall) Are you in the living room Wendy dear.
(Wendy’s father enters the room.) Wendy your Mother and I are going to the theatre In London we will not be home until tomorrow morning. Nanny will be here to look after you. Your mother and I will spend more time with you at Christmas, when you are home again. Well by for now.
DADDY leaves the room.
WENDY. (Looks at Nanny) My parents don’t give a dam about me, You are the only one that loves me Nanny. Please don’t turn your back on me now. Right now I feel so miserable.
NANNY. Wendy my love it is time for us to go to bed. We can make each other feel loved.
At the end of a night of loving they fall asleep in each other’s arms.

This is a story line I have not tried to make a game of it. If Shark thinks it will make a good game .
He will work his magic on my story line.
By not putting in any action markers, if shark makes a game from it, it will be as complex to me as anyone else
I would like to know what Shark thinks of it. Should I just stick to playing the games he creates,
Or is there a future for me as a story line writer.
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Re: A wonderful afternoon

Postby rle68 » Mon, 08Jul07 04:26

i like the amount of thought put into it but like many others i want nanny fucked by a guy .. lesbian stuff is ok.. just not for me
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Re: A wonderful afternoon

Postby Tantum » Mon, 08Jul07 10:25

I Have introduced a man ready for the next story. If we have every thing all at once the Wendy and Nanny games will end to soon
great white shark
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Re: A wonderful afternoon

Postby Silent Stigma » Mon, 08Aug11 07:48

I think itd be cool if Nanny were bisexual. That way she can maybe introduce a new guy into they're lives, Threesome. Of course, Nanny and Wendy have to get to kno each other first, (wink wink)
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Re: A wonderful afternoon

Postby Lucaboo2 » Fri, 08Aug29 16:56

OMG... for half a second a perverted lightning crossed my mind... and if our beloved Nanny was actually some kinda "Mrs. Doubtfire"????
Maybe the divorced Wendy's Dad?
....don't know why but I guess that Shark is rolling up in the lagoon laughing like mad in reading such crazy and pervert people write here...
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Re: A wonderful afternoon

Postby eddiedean19 » Sun, 08Aug31 00:27

I'm not into incest. Nanny raised Wendy for her parents. Having the two of them in the bathroom in HA2 was good enough for me. Having them involved together is us a little too much.

Wendy's a teenage girl. Having a school friend visit -- female -- and get involved with Wendy would be more appropriate than Nanny.
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Re: A wonderful afternoon

Postby sharkfan » Sun, 08Aug31 08:32

How is the Nanny incest?
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