Sensual Experiment?

here, you can speak about shark's games. (comment, need help...)

Re: Sensual Experiment?

Postby TollMan510 » Mon, 08Feb04 01:42

I am new here, so this may have been answered before,but i couldn't find it. Any info you can supply me with will be greatly appreciated. Thank you. The problem seems to be that when I click on the link to play the game, it downloads to 48% complete and hangs up at that point,will not go any further no matter how long I wait. I try to refresh but it will not go any further,seems to be stuck there somehow? Would like to know if there is a way to get around this?
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Re: Sensual Experiment?

Postby FlyingPoo » Tue, 08Sep30 18:19

wouldn't have a clue there buddy try another site there are a whole bunch of other sites you can go to .. to play that game
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Re: Sensual Experiment?

Postby sharkfan » Tue, 08Sep30 18:31

I just tried it and had no problems. You can download all of Shark's excellent games here: ... nload.html
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