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Re: Whakawai

PostPosted: Wed, 10Dec29 15:51
scusate sono nuovo

Re: Whakawai

PostPosted: Wed, 10Dec29 15:57
cosa è PM

Re: Whakawai

PostPosted: Wed, 10Dec29 16:21
e comunque come vado avanti nel gioco so 8 giorni che sono fermo

Re: Whakawai

PostPosted: Wed, 10Dec29 16:40

Re: Whakawai

PostPosted: Wed, 10Dec29 17:31
by shark
Ok, non grida !!!. Non devi premere su Ahoroa, altrimenti Maureen toglie le sue mutande ed hai perso. Devi premere sulla mano di Rebecca

Re: Whakawai

PostPosted: Wed, 10Dec29 17:40

Re: Whakawai

PostPosted: Thu, 10Dec30 00:38
by etres2

je suis bloque au lagon
une des filles fait une fellation au garcon mais je ne peux plus rien faire avec les 3 autres je n'arrive pas à les debloquer
un indice svp

Re: Whakawai

PostPosted: Thu, 10Dec30 02:51
by Newdood
@ etres2: Toutes mes excuses si mon français est mauvais, mais je dois compter sur traducteur de Google pour obtenir n'importe où à proximité de votre langue.

J'avais besoin de cheat code pour trouver le passé séquence où vous êtes coincé, mais je peux vous donner un indice ou deux. Si je ne me trompe pas sur l'endroit où vous rencontrez des problèmes, Phil est le doigté Ahoroa et Rebecca se tient juste derrière elle. Donnez Rebecca un petit échantillon de ce qui se passe avec Ahoroa.

Re: Whakawai

PostPosted: Fri, 10Dec31 15:53
by saraman
can someone pm the walkthru ?

Re: Whakawai

PostPosted: Fri, 10Dec31 17:13
by Newdood
@ saraman: As far as I know, nobody has put together a walkthru yet. If you can tell us where you're stuck, we can give you some hints.

Re: Whakawai

PostPosted: Sun, 11Jan02 03:35
hi can you give me your password and user name for privbox please i need to play that game please don't say no :( i have no money to sign up seriously or else wont be asking you

Re: Whakawai

PostPosted: Sun, 11Jan02 04:06
by Squeeky
D3MPSY wrote : hi can you give me your password and user name for privbox please i need to play that game please don't say no :( i have no money to sign up seriously or else wont be asking you

Excuse me!! Don't you ever give up??

Um? You have no money?? What does your profile quote mean then -
'' Pay The price and See The Game ??

What are you a poor 24 yo Pakistanii University student?

No, don't tell me! You get the ID & Password for free and then sell them to make money!!

Re: Whakawai

PostPosted: Sun, 11Jan02 04:30
by Newdood
@ D3MPSY: Please be understanding of what you're asking for. Nobody is saying 'No,' they're all just saying 'not right now.' Remember that games are only in the Priv-Box for a short time. After that, they are released for free play.

I understand that patience may not be your strong suit, but please wait for a little while. This game is worth waiting for!

Re: Whakawai

PostPosted: Sun, 11Jan02 13:25
by shark
D3MPSY, I gave you an access once but I cannot give you a new free access every month… even if (especially if) you spam all threads about whakawai...

Re: Whakawai

PostPosted: Sun, 11Jan02 14:33
by Mikko
i just cant get past that part on the boat, always ends with licking, could someone pm me.