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Re: Whakawai

PostPosted: Sat, 11Sep10 16:40
by Ballira
Okay, just to be clear right up front, I'm going to be refering to DANY FINGERING AHORA WHILE SHE'S BEING HELD AT THE WATERFALL SCENE.

I'm going to put the hint in a spoiler. In fact, this little tidbit is why I just made an account. I have spent an hour of my life being a persistent little thing in trying to figure this out. While I thank the people who gave the hints for, "How can she thank him?" and "Wonder how she tastes?", I'm sorry to say that that wasn't enough for me because I kind of figured that.... just couldn't figure out that gosh darn hot spot!

So anyone wanting to know, I'm going to give a hint. It will be in the following spoiler. Sorry to anyone if this is too broad of a hint.

Someone may be feeling a little left out. After Dany fingers Ahora, do you think someone is going to want to clean those fingers for him for a little taste?

Also, sorry if I managed to offend someone. I really mean no offense by saying that the previous hints given weren't really enough for me and that may be why so many people keep repeating the question. ^^;


I JUST finished the second part of this particular game. It's really refreshing for there to be a love story involved in one of the famous Shark Games that's more than the usual 'meet and fuck' story lines, or the S&M stuff. Not that those aren't bad! But I still really enjoyed playing a game where there was a bit of a love story to it. [img]images/icones/icon10.gif[/img]

Re: Whakawai

PostPosted: Tue, 11Sep27 14:49
by Becdor41
J'ai parcouru l'ensemble du forum. Malgré cela, je n'ai pas trouvé comment dépasser le stade où, à la chute d'eau , Phil caresse la chatte de ahora... Qui peut m'aider ?

Re: Whakawai

PostPosted: Tue, 11Sep27 17:21
by luke
La scène où les acteurs sont en plan rapproché ?
Je suis sûr que quelqu'un a envie de goûter la saveur de cette chatte... mais il faut que tu sois rapide avant que Phil ne retire ses doigts pour trouver qui

Re: Whakawai

PostPosted: Tue, 11Oct11 14:51
by Becdor41
Merci Luke !
Grâce à toi, je suis arrivé au bout des deux chapitres !

Re: Whakawai

PostPosted: Wed, 11Oct19 10:09
by P-Slayer
I Think it would be cool to see that group of four try to seduce other people, or other Shark's Lagoon universe characters.

I wonder what the chances are of a Shark's Lagoon crossover game are? Man, i want that to happen so bad. I'd be cool!

Re: Whakawai

PostPosted: Wed, 11Oct19 10:50
by bangkitz
dear shark....i need the part of wakahawai the waterfall scene after aharoa got licked by phil,,and then she have to thanx to phil...she give HJ & BJ,,,but i always got bad can i get through...

sorry for my bad english....

Re: Whakawai

PostPosted: Wed, 11Oct19 11:33
by shark
Don't touch her head.

Re: Whakawai

PostPosted: Wed, 11Oct19 13:12
by bangkitz
yeah,,,thx all...I got it,,,good i'll try to play wakahawai II..yeah...

thank's shark....

Re: Whakawai

PostPosted: Wed, 11Oct19 13:47
by bangkitz
and yes,,,wakahawai part 2 is more this game....
can't wait for the next game shark....

Re: Whakawai

PostPosted: Sat, 11Oct22 17:59
by glendale
how do i skip the bad end? i tried everything...

Re: Whakawai

PostPosted: Sat, 11Oct22 19:36
by Loup Garou
There are a lot of times when you come to a scene when you have more than one choice for your moves. Look for alternate actions, because you are are using the bad move. If you find and use the good move, you will not go to the bad ending. 8-) Be warned, there are several times through out the game when you will have choices.... the light way or the dark way. Choose wisely, Luke.

Re: Whakawai

PostPosted: Thu, 11Nov03 19:08
by criofish
both done today (1& 2)
lots of help here as usual

and nice games... as usual!

Re: Whakawai

PostPosted: Mon, 12Jan02 08:07
by cembi99
d'accorp j'ai un gros problème au jeu whakawai 1 je suis rendu a la partie sur le bateau ou je doit masser une des filles qui semblent aimer sa mais rendu a un certain point mon personnage se desabille et ensuite les deux fille sur le bateau font un massage a mon personnage y a t-il une maniere d'empecher cela ou je doit aller jusqua se but pour se rendre au prochain ????? car a chaque fois mon personnage prend trop de plaisir avec ses nouvelles amies donc elle ne va pas aller voir hiro merci d'avance :) [img]images/icones/icon14.gif[/img]

Re: Whakawai

PostPosted: Mon, 12Jan02 08:18
by Squeeky
cembi99 wrote:d'accorp j'ai un gros problème au jeu whakawai 1 je suis rendu a la partie sur le bateau ou je doit masser une des filles qui semblent aimer sa mais rendu a un certain point mon personnage se desabille et ensuite les deux fille sur le bateau font un massage a mon personnage y a t-il une maniere d'empecher cela ou je doit aller jusqua se but pour se rendre au prochain ????? car a chaque fois mon personnage prend trop de plaisir avec ses nouvelles amies donc elle ne va pas aller voir hiro merci d'avance :) [img]images/icones/icon14.gif[/img]

This does not translate well in English (on-line method).

Re: Whakawai

PostPosted: Mon, 12Jan02 11:25
by Greebo
Sounds like the usual problem with the three girls on the boat where allowing things to go too far means you reach a bad ending -- it's been answered many times!