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Re: When is the new game coming out !!

PostPosted: Tue, 09Mar31 15:40
by ZX89
can i suggest something.. can you make an option that allows us to turn off the music and an option that would allow us to go back to where we lost or at least make chapters or scenes... THANK YOU !

Re: When is the new game coming out !!

PostPosted: Tue, 09Mar31 18:52
by Arnulf
ZX89, in secret phantasy dreams you definitely can switch off the music (loudspeaker-symbol on the right bottom)

Re: When is the new game coming out !!

PostPosted: Fri, 09Apr10 01:30
by Ken
have wendy screw her dog there's your ideal.

Re: When is the new game coming out !!

PostPosted: Fri, 09Apr10 02:25
by qbv8
Ken, it is really enough now. You have stated your point repeatedly in many threads here, and people have made very clear that bestiality is neither the style of Shark's games nor of this site. Therefore it is pointless to always repeat this dog-thing here --- and in addition, even out of every context. This tends to get spam now.
Here are some of your previous postings regarding the same topic:

in Shark's lagoon -> Secret Fantasy Dreams, sequel:
7-March-2009: ... tm#id86621
7_March-2009: ... tm#id86624
9-April-2009: ... tm#id87704

in Shark's games -> Wendies father is fucking Nanny:
9-April-2009: ... tm#id87707

in Shark's games -> Secret Fantasy Dreams:
9-April-2009: ... tm#id87717

in Shark's games -> When is the new game coming out:
9-April-2009: ... tm#id87716

Re: When is the new game coming out !!

PostPosted: Fri, 09Apr10 16:13
by cruiser
I totally agree with qbv

[img]smile/xmadfire.gif[/img] Ken stop spamming the Forum...

the Mods should have an eye on you...its the wrong place for your desires [img]smile/xmadfire.gif[/img]

Re: When is the new game coming out !!

PostPosted: Fri, 09Apr10 17:59
by Arnulf
Hi, cruiser, i did the possible things. But what schould i do, when there are already some replies which have also some good effect. I've deleted already a number of similar messages of Ken.

And: Ken, please be aware, if you don't stop this nonsense, we also can ban you from posting! [img]smile/behead.gif[/img]

Re: When is the new game coming out !!

PostPosted: Fri, 09Apr10 18:12
by Bonhomie
He's a troll guys - it's pretty obvious the quality of this site, and the limits.
His attempts to promote his subject matter are totally out of sync with the site.
Don't dignify him with a response ...... just delete or ban him.

Re: When is the new game coming out !!

PostPosted: Sun, 09Apr19 17:27
by ZX89
THIS GAME IS TAKING FOR EVER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: When is the new game coming out !!

PostPosted: Sun, 09Apr19 17:38
by co90921
ZX89 wrote : THIS GAME IS TAKING FOR EVER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Be Patient!! Good things come to those who wait. People have other commitments or responsibilities in their lives. Shark will have the game ready when it is completed.

Re: When is the new game coming out !!

PostPosted: Sun, 09Apr19 19:31
by ZX89
i know that he has other responsibilities but seriously cut the BS just tell us when.. or gives the time at least.. it ain't right to say it will come when it is finished .. put a release date or something :S

Re: When is the new game coming out !!

PostPosted: Mon, 09Apr20 07:58
by TrenchCart
Posted by ZX89;
THIS GAME IS TAKING FOR EVER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i know that he has other responsibilities but seriously cut the BS just tell us when.. or gives the time at least.. it ain't right to say it will come when it is finished .. put a release date or something :S

If you think you can do it better and faster than Shark, then by all means do. Otherwise I suggest you sit tight and wait for news like the rest of us.
That is basically what inthecrackrules said as well.... *lol*

About the "cut the BS" part of your post, that was uncalled for. Are you paying money to get a new game from Shark every week?
No, I didn't think so. Leave the whining attitude over at the GOD site where they excel at whining.

If Shark were to give us a release date and later realize he would not be able to keep that date then people like you will come on here and whine about missed release dates...

Re: When is the new game coming out !!

PostPosted: Mon, 09Apr20 15:39
by ZX89
True but see at least you will be giving us something to keep us waiting for and if he does not finish it on time ...i will not say anything because he would have a good excuse for not finishing it !

Re: When is the new game coming out !!

PostPosted: Tue, 09Apr28 21:11
by frozen
ZX89, I can offer you a not official release date other than "when it's done". Here it is:

The next game will be released on 20th decembre 2121. If shark feels like it, is inspired and finds time for it, it MIGHT be released earlier, maybe much earlier.

(Just a joke) :D

Re: When is the new game coming out !!

PostPosted: Tue, 09Apr28 23:31
by Naphalm
I can see ZX's logic behind his .... arguement. And I'm as excited as him to play the next game but these things take time dont they, and we dont want our favourite game artist rushing now do we! :) Cant wait Shark, looking forward to it!

Re: When is the new game coming out !!

PostPosted: Wed, 09Apr29 13:15
by Rocca83
Quel genre de jeu est en préparation ?
Un nouvel épisode de Wendy ?