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Re: When is the new game coming out !!

PostPosted: Wed, 09Mar25 21:30
by shark
why you think it is started?

Re: When is the new game coming out !!

PostPosted: Thu, 09Mar26 07:36
by TrenchCart
" why you think it is started?"
Does that mean you intend NOT to make any more games? ;)

If the answer is no, then you have, by definition, started on a new game and it will be done when it's done and not one second sooner. :p

What I mean to say is that if you decide to make another game or not should be based on you wanting to make it and us willing to wait for it.
I can only speak for myself but I am willing to wait.

Re: When is the new game coming out !!

PostPosted: Thu, 09Mar26 11:36
by Jackadict
Shark is joking !
A little fish said me that Cloé has given him news ideas... so wait and see

Re: When is the new game coming out !!

PostPosted: Thu, 09Mar26 16:29
by Milly
Maybe Cloe and I could have a little girl to girl talk....(now stop it you boys I know what you were thinking) sorry Cloe all they think about is seeing girl girl action I swear. I thought maybe Cloe could help me help RKShooter. Cloe maybe you can PM me.

Re: When is the new game coming out !!

PostPosted: Thu, 09Mar26 17:49
by digits
shark wrote : why you think it is started?

Gratitude is merely the secret hope of further favors. FDLR


Re: When is the new game coming out !!

PostPosted: Thu, 09Mar26 18:42
by shark
Avogadro wrote : Shark is joking !
A little fish said me that Cloé has given him news ideas... so wait and see

The problem is a little different: I proposed to Cloé the plan of SFD2 (topic, story and unfolding of the scenes).
I asked her to think about the actions that we could put in each scene (like for SFD1 where she had proposed the collar, tha hair brush, the lollipop…)
Unfortunately, the little mermaid misses inspiration and she does not help me very much. I less often see her in the lagoon and I don't know if she wishes really to invest herself in the new project.
Of course, I have some ideas and I continue to draw the game, but I would have appreciated a female help for giving more realism for characters and actions....

Re: When is the new game coming out !!

PostPosted: Fri, 09Mar27 01:51
by luke
Y'a bien d'autres sirènes dans le lagon, non ? Mesdames, mesdemoiselles, manifestez vous...

Re: When is the new game coming out !!

PostPosted: Fri, 09Mar27 09:59
by sharkfan
Mermaids are very mysterious.... [img]smile/!hinhin.gif[/img] [img]smile/!hinhin.gif[/img] [img]smile/!hinhin.gif[/img]

Re: When is the new game coming out !!

PostPosted: Fri, 09Mar27 10:27
by Arnulf
And dangerous!

Re: When is the new game coming out !!

PostPosted: Fri, 09Mar27 11:18
by Jackadict
Les sirènes, étant féminines, sont versatiles.
Mais, pas de panique, Cloé reprend son rôle !

Re: When is the new game coming out !!

PostPosted: Fri, 09Mar27 17:17
by Cloé
une sirène a le droit d'être prise ailleur...........

Re: When is the new game coming out !!

PostPosted: Fri, 09Mar27 17:59
by Jackadict
Dans un filet ?

Re: When is the new game coming out !!

PostPosted: Fri, 09Mar27 23:18
by Cloé
entre autre........

Re: When is the new game coming out !!

PostPosted: Sat, 09Mar28 00:45
by shark
C'est un pêcheur ou une pécheuse qui t'as pêchée ( J'ai dit pêchée, pas pécho...)

Re: When is the new game coming out !!

PostPosted: Sat, 09Mar28 01:52
by Jackadict
C'est sa 'mer'