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Re: Trasnslations

PostPosted: Wed, 09Mar11 19:32
by secadm
How difficult it is to translate a game (HA for example)
in other languages ? I'd like to see if I can do it for
Greek from example...

Re: Trasnslations

PostPosted: Wed, 09Mar11 20:07
by shark
A new translation is a long work because each scene should be modified. But if a new language is wanted by many people, it's possible to do it.

Re: Trasnslations

PostPosted: Sat, 09May23 17:29
by Felix
Shark, there is always the possibility to import texts from an external file (on your website) inside a Flash movie. Implemented like this new languages can be added even after a game gets published. The opening page could read the possible languages (from a ini file) and put these in a drop down box to choose from.
O course it is nearly impossible to upgrade old games, but for the new ones...

Downloaded versions (exe) could have language packs...

Re: Trasnslations

PostPosted: Sun, 09May24 17:20
by erana
I should have mentioned it before, but if you ever need another Spanish translator, just give me a yell, Shark...

Re: Trasnslations

PostPosted: Sun, 09May24 17:34
by shark
I will remember it

Re: Trasnslations

PostPosted: Tue, 09May26 20:58
by Felix
Yep, and me for Dutch...