Greebo wrote:Being an imbecile is no barrier to becoming President, unfortunately -- hence Donald "Tweet your random wrong thinking" Trump! The man's a clear and present danger to what remaining sanity there is in the world.
Want more proof? (Yes, that is the man himself -- not an incoherent, loony body double!)
So, You ignored everything in my fact truth based reply to Rik and picked up solely on one word, imbecile
Thats very snowflakey of You Gerry.
Now, while we are here, at least Trump never claimed to be native american indian like Warren did, and then only to have it proved to be untrue
But, You ignored something 1 thread back Gerry.
PinkVendeta wrote:Greebo wrote:LRM wrote:The world population doubles every ten years(?).
Actually Lou, I think you'll find it's every sixty or seventy years at the moment, given a bit of prediction leeway,(see "World Population Increase" in wikipedia), but it's still almost as serious as the appalling climate change scenario we are witnessing right now whilst Trump pooh poohs it as "Fake news!" Maybe there's still time to do something about the population growth and reduce greenhouse gases like methane at the same time by drastically reducing beef and intensively farmed chicken and pig production and consumption,and following Jonathan Swift's "A Modest Proposal" or "Soylent Green" commencing with Trump, Boris Johnson and their ilk rather than the infants of the poor that Swift satirised about.
I do love a good chat with You and Lou and JP and everyone else, but, You seriously need to stop with all the Trump BS that You constantly vent out, now it is Boris as well , Trump cannot be blammed for everything wrong in todays world Gerry, so seriously, stop.
China uses more coal per second, per minute, per hour, per day, per week, per month and per year than all other coal producing nations combined, skies over China are a constant fog of pollution and China does not give a flying f*ck about the Paris climate accord, and that is the straight up truth, yet China has more electric busses than most other nations do in use, 431,000 on China`s roads in use
China pollute REALLY badly on one hand, dont care what rest of world thinks, yet have 431k in electric busses on the roads, seriously, You could not write this as a plan of action and hope that people worldwide would not bust a gut laughing.
Now on to blaming everything constantly like You do on Trump, lets get You off that high horse You are sitting on Gerry.
A man named Paul Harvey gave this speech in 1964 and it was broadcast by radio across America in 1965, every single thing he predicted in this 54 year old speech has come to pass and is our world today, and Trump had nothing to do with making any of it happen, that falls to those who came before Trump.
"If I were The Devil" By Paul Harvey