First Times

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First Times

Postby Lexavier » Thu, 12Oct04 22:12

Trying to think of a fun forum game to play and this is the best I got so far.
Tell me about when you lost your virginity, was it good, was it bad? etc. etc.

Here's mine:
So I'd been dating the guy for like, a year. We were 16 and hadn't really done very much before, both virgins, both very nervous. First time we get to be alone, and after a lot of fumbling and bumping etc. we finally get naked. Again, first time even this far. When he tries to put it in, it's sooo painful. He barely touched me beforehand and I was so not ready. So much so that we can't continue. We end up just finishing each other off and leaving it at that. What, A, Disaster.

Second time though.... we nailed it, literally. He cooked for me, lit candles in his room, gave me a rose, and .. well you can guess the rest :)

Now, it's your turn :)
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Re: First Times

Postby LRM » Thu, 12Oct04 23:10

My older sister married a Gent with 3 chidren I female (1 year older than I) and 2 males. I don't recall the reason but she spent part of one summer with us. I don't think I was yet a teen, I had discovered myself but had no thought of why males and females differed. We often played slap and tickle, she grabbed something of mine and tucked it in her bra. I recovered my property! I dwelled within her bra for a while and we made plans to continue later. We ended up in my room (up stairs) and clothing flew. I don't recall what made me think of using her but I did. Things were progressing and I was nearing orgasm, I can't speak for her, but my mother called her name. Mom wouldn't climb the stairs unless I was screaming bloody murder, but she did interupt our interlude. She left before we could get back together and it was sometime before I finally got my first mixed orgasm. I don't recall who it was with.
She'll alwys be my first even if it was never completed. Family reunions bring a sparkle to both of us!!!
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Re: First Times

Postby Raelee » Fri, 12Oct05 01:06

It was the end of summer just after my graduation from high school. I was living in southern California at the time. The boy that I had been dating all through my senior year and I went on a beach party. It was a very hot day and there was quite a bit of wine. We snuck away from the rest of the kids and went quite a way up the beach and swam out to a big flat rock that stuck out of the water.

We had made out quite a bit before this but lying there in the hot sun he started kissing my stomach and breasts. It felt so good I just let it go on. He got the bottom of my bikini off and began rubbing my clit and putting a finger in my vagina. I reached into his trunks intending to satisfy him but he pulled away and took his trunks off. He got a rubber out of the trunks pocket and I remember that it seemed totally proper that I should put it on him. He rolled back over between my legs and I remember taking his cock and guiding it to my pussy. He started it in, then gave one hard shove and went all the way

I thought that I had been split in two. I cried and dug my fingernails into his back but he wasn't to be stopped. He didn't last long, but it seemed like forever to me.

We never had each other again. Summer ended and we went to different colleges. It was quite a while before I let myself be convinced to try it again.
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Re: First Times

Postby Squeeky » Fri, 12Oct05 14:42

@ Lexavier
I'm not understanding something.
Are you asking for proposals for a "game" which the team might produce, or just an engagement of experiences? If the former we would be deemed that any sexual interaction would be between 18+.

Princess I cry for you, I trust the next was more caring.
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Re: First Times

Postby Lexavier » Fri, 12Oct05 15:14

When I said game, I meant a Forum game. Like the 'Wildest places to have sex' etc. I've seen other forums do ones like 'rate the person above you' but that wouldn't work in this case since most people use random images as their avatars and not themselves obviously. Just something to entice conversation so I can know my new forum friends better :)

Those are both Salacious and Sad tales, but we grow and learn from them do we not. Thankyou very much for sharing.
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Re: First Times

Postby shark » Fri, 12Oct05 15:57

Hi Lexavier! Very funny topic! congratulation!
Here mine:
When I was a teen, in Corsica, I liked the summer time because many tourists came to spend holidays on my beautiful island. This allowed to meet lots of people coming from different places.
One year, a family from Paris, invited me to discover their city.
In their house, they had installed, for me, a mattress on the floor of their daughter's bedroom. Before sleeping, we were discussing about holidays or any other tenagers topics.
One night, at the moment to turn off the light, she pushed her blanket aside and said a word only: "come".
Never a Word has caused such a panic for me! I felt like a pupil who is questionned by the teacher without knowing his lesson!
I tried to remember all my (little) knowledge and I acted like if I was talking an exam. I think that it was a very boring experiment for her...
Since that day, I'm a little afraid of Parisian girls... :lol:
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Re: First Times

Postby Lexavier » Fri, 12Oct05 17:01

:D Thankyou Shark! and thanks for sharing too. I'm sure she enjoyed it more than she let on haha.
I remember going on a school trip to Lille, and being out in a market place, nomming on a chocolate waffle, and attracting the attention of two cute French guys. They even invited me back to their house. Shame I couldn't leave the market, if I'd been a rebel I might have sneaked away but I'm sure I'd have caused a lot of fuss. Besides, I was only 14 (think they were about my age, well, they looked it anyway).
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Re: First Times

Postby Loup Garou » Sat, 12Oct06 01:35

Stepmother worked for NATO, so I got to spend 2 summers in Europe. During one of those visits, While walking around Brussels, I came across the Red Light district. Only 15, and not having had a relationship yet, and having absconded some money from the house, I chose to... educate myself. My french sucks, so our conversation was limited, but it was an interesting experience. I dunno, but I think I mildly surprised the young woman during our... session when I... indicated that I wanted us to modify our position from straight missionary to her... sitting on my lap facing me. It was fun. No love was experienced, of course, but... (I am also happy to say that no STD was experienced, either)

An addendum... mildly amusing. At least, to me.

The above is my first intercourse. My first sexual encounter was like two weeks earlier... same part of town. And this is where the linguistics problem really screwed things up. Speaking with hands and moving lips with out sound to a young woman sitting behind a window with red neon lights, she indicated that it would cost 2,000 Belgian francs. I started to barter and offered 1,000. She agreed. I thought, "wow... she must think I am cute or something..." I guess she thought I actually knew the pricing system. Instead of bartering her down to a lower price, I, instead, asked for a hand job. But hey, what did I know. I was a kid. 8-) I made no bartering mistakes in the encounter discussed above.
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Re: First Times

Postby Loup Garou » Sat, 12Oct06 01:53

@Raelee Damn. Sorry your boyfriend did not understand the concept of a hymen. But few teenage boys do.
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Re: First Times

Postby tlaero » Sun, 12Oct07 01:28

I'm pretty boring. I met my spouse when we were in high school. We dated each other exclusively for 6 years and got married after college. Although we did various sexual things in those years, we didn't have intercourse until after we were married. And it wasn't even our wedding night due to ... poor timing. So the first time for both of us was in our hotel room in Jamaica on our Honeymoon. We were really lousy at it, but over the years, we've gotten better. (-:

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Re: First Times

Postby Loup Garou » Sun, 12Oct07 03:48

I am glad you two kept practicing, Tlaero. 8-)
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Re: First Times

Postby Newdood » Fri, 12Oct12 19:30

Thanks, Lexavier, for opening an interesting topic!

My first time was with a girl I'd been dating for about 8 months. Luckily, it wasn't her first time, 'cause I wasn't as slow as I probably should have been.

Unfortunately, I was raised Roman Catholic, so my first response was to feel guilty, but I got over it after a few days...
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Re: First Times

Postby Loup Garou » Sat, 12Oct13 18:07

Damn... RC sex guilt. Nasty. Glad you got over it, Dood.
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Re: First Times

Postby rkshooter » Fri, 12Oct26 13:12

Tlaero, I too had my first time with a girl in high school, We attend the same school but I never knew her until after I was out of high school, she was sixteen and I was 18 when we met, maybe about 18 months we had sex, We were both first timers, It was not a good experience for us. We married right after her graduation to all the negative coments from our friends & family. Well 34 years later we are still married and we have gotten the sex down right awsome, still only been with one woman and her with one man, Many say that we have missed out but we both feel that we have sonething very special that very few people can say this, especially in the US. By the way most of those same friends and family are on their 2nd or 3rd marrages, I just feel lucky to have found my soul mate young.
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Re: First Times

Postby tlaero » Sat, 12Oct27 07:37

That's really cool, rkshooter.

I wonder how many sexually active people there are in the world who have only ever had intercourse with one person. It feels like we're rare, but maybe not as much as you'd think.

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