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Re: Mangaia aka Auau

PostPosted: Sun, 09Jul05 19:43
by digits
As a real polynesian joined the lagoon, I wanted to know a bit more about her island, starting as often with the weeell-known-but-some-apparently-not-aware-of-so-spread-the-words Wikipedia.
Once in a while, french version is the most talkative (only tested english and german, though). A brief summary of what's being said for non-french speaking lagooners:
Despite of his age (18 million years old) the island still has his basaltic nucleus above sea level.
Population decreasing: 2000 in the 70's, 654 2006.
Three main different population sources (by order of arrival): Ngariki (emanating from Tahiti through Rarotonga?), Tongaiti (Tonga or Rarotonga), Aitu (from Tahiti?). Three more repelled invasions attempts lately, from Rarotonga, Aitukaki and Ngaputoru.

I've always been astonished by the sailing capabilities of Maoris, Polynesians... Just look at a map, consider the Pacific's rages and instruments/boats available at that time, and you'll have an idea of what I mean.

The oral tradition has a different (beautiful) version about Ngariki: they're descending from Vari ma te Takere (her right thigh, more precisely), who lived in Avaiki (could be translated by something like Souls Underworld).

Another possibility for Auau ethymology: a yellow hibiscus.
Coordinates: 21° 55′ 17″ S 157° 55′ 23″ W

My knowledge of polynesian culture being very limited, Raelee would be most welcome correcting any mistake. ;)

Re: Mangaia aka Auau

PostPosted: Sun, 09Jul05 20:13
by shark
I know only French Polynesia (Tahiti, Morea, Bora-bora, raiatea…) where I lived during 2 years, but I can say that it is a splendid and magic place.

iaorana Raelee.

Re: Mangaia aka Auau

PostPosted: Wed, 09Jul15 08:40
by Raelee
Good evening Digits
ia orana oe i teie po Shark
Digits I am sorry to be a dissapointment to you, but if you read my introduction, you know that we left Auau Enua when I was about three. I have returned once. I went with my mother and father for a vacation when I graduated from high school. It was only when I was in my third year of college that I became interested in my racial background and started studying the culture. I have permission to take a months leave next January, and I am going back with my family. I am going to spend as much time as I can getting the old ones to talk to me and learn from them. My great grand mother is still alive, though she feels that I am a great disappointment to her, in that I have no children, perhaps I can get her to give me some of the ledgends of our origins.
I am sorry that I have been so long in answering this, but to be honest I simply didn't see it till just this morning.


Re: Mangaia aka Auau

PostPosted: Wed, 09Jul15 09:53
by Arnulf
Raelee, if you want to have children in order to satisfy your grandmother, i'll be happy to help you out - like also a lot of sharkies herein!Image

Re: Mangaia aka Auau

PostPosted: Wed, 09Jul15 11:16
by Squeeky
Hey! GGMother seems to be expressing that desire not Raelee. Leave the girl enjoy life for a while!

How does culture change? Or more, one's lifestyle because of the outside?

We (the 'civilised world') transported the pleasures of the Orient, its mystiques and the advantages of learning, building upon it to totally eclipse the unassuming world of that declared as "primitives"! The Australian Aborigine, New Guinea highlanders, New Zealands Maori, and any amount of Polynesians! (Oops! had to come back here, the African populations and those of the Sth Amer. continent!)

Each had different technologies (defined in terms of their culture) and their mores!

Raelee, we cannot retrace, but even in the frivolity of this forum, might we all consider the plight of your respective peoples, especially if they are facing global floods.

Re: Mangaia aka Auau

PostPosted: Wed, 09Jul15 15:06
by Mimailia
Raelee wrote : Image My great grand mother is still alive, though she feels that I am a great disappointment to her, in that I have no children,

I can't believe the offers to help you, weren't so numerous, as to completely clog the Internet. [img]images/icones/icon15.gif[/img]


Re: Mangaia aka Auau

PostPosted: Wed, 09Jul15 15:17
by qbv8
Mimailia, may I observe that I do not see your offer here yet? :lol:

Re: Mangaia aka Auau

PostPosted: Wed, 09Jul15 15:34
by Mimailia
The offer is implied, if a sweet young lady as Raelee would entertain such offers from a fifty-something "old-fart".


Re: Mangaia aka Auau

PostPosted: Wed, 09Jul15 15:54
by coder
Qbv8, Darf ich mal sagen, daß sich das Deutsch anhört?
I guess Mimalia is afraid of all Raelee's protectors. Or he just noticed that Raelee explicitly states it's the will of her great grandmother. She probably prefers to practice the ritual a lot before adding the fertilization part.

btw: Arnulf, Raelee redet von ihrer Urgroßmutter.
Sorry , ich wollte Raelees Urli nicht nahetreten!

edit: I saw your comment earlier, but I only just noticed you corrected my German. Thanks.

Re: Mangaia aka Auau

PostPosted: Wed, 09Jul15 17:42
by Raelee
Sigh... So many many offers, so little time... but I will add each of you to my list.. Be advised however that it is rather long.....

Re: Mangaia aka Auau

PostPosted: Wed, 09Jul15 17:51
by qbv8
Be advised however that it is rather long ...

Image Who would doubt that ...? Image

Re: Mangaia aka Auau

PostPosted: Wed, 09Jul15 18:02
by co90921
"Hi All. First post. I'm fem, 28 and a boy friend introduced me to this site. I'm a surgical nurse and live in the state of Washington in the USA. More later!" ---Raelee (06/15/09)

I do not know what Raelee's definition of "boy friend" in her introduction post is, however, it looks as if she currently has some suitors courting her now. [img]kator/smiley193.gif[/img]

Squeeky is probably correct in his assumption about Raelee enjoying her life.... If she reads this thread soon, she could possibly clear the air on this interesting development. There seems to be an attentive male audience about this.... here in the Lagoon. [img]images/icones/icon13.gif[/img]

Re: Mangaia aka Auau

PostPosted: Wed, 09Jul15 18:06
by co90921
As usual...slow typist..see the posts listed above mine. [img]smile/biggrin.gif[/img]

Re: Mangaia aka Auau

PostPosted: Wed, 09Jul15 18:21
by coder
Be advised however that it is rather long

Now you me made me wonder how to move closer to the top of the list.

Re: Mangaia aka Auau

PostPosted: Wed, 09Jul15 18:33
by co90921
Gentlemen in this thread:

I would like to add a good point on what Mimailia stated in his post about "fifty-something". Many of us here are in that "fifty-something" age range. We have something to offer our female friends here in the Lagoon that our younger members do not have. Experience....experience in the finer "techniques of pleasure". A sophisticated female member should see that in our "older" fraternity. Yes, the dark color of the hair might be gone (maybe the hair too.), but what we have learned can please any younger female. Noticed I said the word Female, not the words Woman or Mermaid! [img]smile/zemin.gif[/img]