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Re: Proverbs

PostPosted: Tue, 11Jun21 08:42
by Chakattaur
The study is the light of life. Save light, don't study. :sarcastic:

Re: Proverbs

PostPosted: Tue, 11Jun28 23:38
by Unique21
"Tomorrow's life is too late. Live today."
"Everyone wants to go to heaven but nobody wants to die"
"Sorrows are our best educators. A man can see further through a tear than a telescope."

and a few more....

Re: Proverbs

PostPosted: Fri, 11Jul22 10:18
by SpectraGeko

Brainstorm for an answer before the problem is there.
Don't storm your brain with questions if struck by lightning.

Re: Proverbs

PostPosted: Sat, 11Jul30 17:12
by Jezya
Behind every great woman, is a guy looking at her ass

love and lust don't always keep the same company

The main reason Santa is so jolly is because he knows where all the bad girls live.

Love doesn’t make the world go round, love is what makes the ride worthwhile.

The difference between ignorance and apathy? I don't know, and I couldn't care less.

Sex is like a bridge game; if you don't have a good partner, you better have a good hand.

Re: Proverbs

PostPosted: Wed, 11Aug10 20:26
by dolerhyde7
I say what I like and I like what I say.

Re: Proverbs

PostPosted: Thu, 11Aug11 18:02
by dolerhyde7
It wont hurt when the pain's gone :k_crying:

Re: Herman

PostPosted: Tue, 11Aug16 19:56
by Greebo
ewqrqewrsue wrote:Books, like friends, should be few and well chosen.

Comments, like topics, should be well considered and relevant, or at least amusing -- never opaque!

Re: Proverbs

PostPosted: Wed, 11Aug17 01:56
by Squeeky
Relocated previous two comments as first of which was totally out of place in location Greebo made comment.

Re: Proverbs

PostPosted: Sun, 11Dec18 21:51
by QcBern
My optometrist once said something that has stuck with me ever since.

''Un tien vaut mieux que deux(2) tu l'auras''

One ''have got'' is better than two ''you shall have''

Very wise advice.

If all the top brass had had that as their maxim, we all wouldn't be in this financial meltdown.

Ssheezzz... ''Sigh''


Re: Proverbs

PostPosted: Sun, 11Dec18 22:39
by Trucla
A very old and wise Arab saying that really applies to many situations:

The dogs bark and the caravan goes on!

@QcBern: (en français, car tu es du Quebec) Dans mon pays on a une vieille expréssion similaire:

Vaut mieux un oiseau dans la main que deux oiseaux volant!

Re: Proverbs

PostPosted: Sun, 11Dec18 23:02
by LRM
QcBern wrote:My optometrist once said something that has stuck with me ever since.

''Un tien vaut mieux que deux(2) tu l'auras''

One ''have got'' is better than two ''you shall have''

Very wise advice.

If all the top brass had had that as their maxim, we all wouldn't be in this financial meltdown.

Ssheezzz... ''Sigh''


<Mounts Soapbox, removes Moderator Hat>
We're in this situation because we have pared the Government down to the point there is no one watching for errant behavior by Corporations, Banks, Financial Institutions, Business in general)... Pass all the laws and regulations you like, with no one to enforce and oversee them Business does what it damned well pleases. The fact that business pays for our Politician's reelection doesn't help the average Joe either. Get out your guns! Pass laws that force DC to live like the average Joe and we'll finally get a break. Take ALL the money in their retirement fund, add it and their retirement package to the SS administration and that'll be fixed in short order. Cut their wages to be more in line what middle class Americans earn. Take away ALL the benefits they have enacted for themselves... Make them PAY for their medical care with the pittance most of us earn... In short Make them live as most Americans do instead as CEOs and the very elite in this country live. Only then will they get off their collective asses and do what we elected them to do!!!
Join My revolution... It's overdue IMO!
<Returns Mod Hat, dismounts and stows soapbox, assumes lotus position; Ohm, Ohm, Ohm>

If I don't appear for a while Please check Fort Leavenworth, or more likely, the Terrorist detention centers.

Re: Proverbs

PostPosted: Sun, 11Dec18 23:41
by Trucla
LRM wrote:Join My revolution... It's overdue IMO!
I'm with you, brother! It's the same all over the so called civilized :??: world! [img]images/icones/icon7.gif[/img]

Re: Proverbs

PostPosted: Sat, 11Dec31 20:34
by QcBern
[img]kator/smiley192.gif[/img] LRM (Lou), there's a book that's just out that talks about precisely that : , called ''Republic - Lost - ''


P.S. Though somewhat applicable, something about that smiley is inappropriate. Wish that there could've been another choice to better illustrate what is meant.

Re: Proverbs

PostPosted: Sat, 13Mar16 21:57
My favorite is from the movie "The Shining"
-All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy-