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Re: Polynesian Mermaids

PostPosted: Sat, 09Aug29 15:14
by xgui

Re: Polynesian Mermaids

PostPosted: Sat, 09Aug29 17:42
by 60nowise
xgui, great pic!!!

Re: Polynesian Mermaids

PostPosted: Mon, 09Aug31 01:33
by xgui

Re: Polynesian Mermaids

PostPosted: Mon, 09Aug31 02:21
by Craban
hehe, is that a jealous look at the ... what I miss at mermaids?

Re: Polynesian Mermaids

PostPosted: Mon, 09Aug31 10:28
by LRM


I offered these to Ms Raelee. She declined, in respect to Cloé.
Here is a new one Raelee.


Edit - Added: , in respect to Cloé.

Re: Polynesian Mermaids

PostPosted: Mon, 09Aug31 16:34
by Raelee
To elaborate just a bit, I declined with many thanks out of consideration for Cloe. I loved them but thought it a bit presumptious to adopt an avatar so nearly resembling hers

Re: Polynesian Mermaids

PostPosted: Mon, 09Aug31 17:12
by Squeeky
Raelee wrote : I've returned to the picture of the mera-mother and child repeatedly for days. At first I was going to post some flip comment about the childs hair being blonde and checking the color of 60nowise's hair, but the longer I looked at it the more I saw in it. She is a beautiful woman yes, but there is a sense of absolute love, serenity, protection, that is the essence of motherhood in any species.

By the way 60nowise, are you blonde?

Posted 31/08/2009
To elaborate just a bit, I declined with many thanks out of consideration for Cloe. I loved them but thought it a bit presumptious to adopt an avatar so nearly resembling hers

Raelee, I enjoyed the sentiments of the last sentence of the first citation. Very well said.

Adopting a similar avatar? All we see seem to be Caucasians! Hey! Let us see a South Seas Mermaid as your avatar, maybe someone could create it, sent to you PM for your adoption.

Let me take a step back from this. Raelee, while too many expect sensual frivolity from this site you bring a very staid, level headedness to many conversations. Thank you.

Re: Polynesian Mermaids

PostPosted: Tue, 09Sep01 01:02
by LRM
@ Raelee;
What Squeeky said.
You always demonstrate wisdom and constraint. You are my favorite female on the site to date.

To elaborate just a bit, I declined with many thanks out of consideration for Cloe. I loved them but thought it a bit presumptuous to adopt an avatar so nearly resembling hers
I should have added ", in respect to Cloé."

Re: Polynesian Mermaids

PostPosted: Wed, 09Sep09 22:25
by co90921
LRM wrote : @ Raelee;
What Squeeky said.
You always demonstrate wisdom and constraint. You are my favorite female on the site to date.

To elaborate just a bit, I declined with many thanks out of consideration for Cloe. I loved them but thought it a bit presumptuous to adopt an avatar so nearly resembling hers
I should have added ", in respect to Cloé."


Very well written (note the correct spelling!!). Something about a phrase about "a Woman's (Mermaid's) scorn....." comes to mind. [img]images/icones/icon15.gif[/img]

Re: Polynesian Mermaids

PostPosted: Wed, 09Sep09 23:10
by co90921
Here is a nice drawing of a beautiful Polynesian Girl. [img]images/icones/icon13.gif[/img]


Re: Polynesian Mermaids

PostPosted: Thu, 09Sep17 17:10
by Raelee
ABSOLUTLY Lovely! If I but knew how, I would take her for my avatar in a heartbeat!

Re: Polynesian Mermaids

PostPosted: Thu, 09Sep17 22:39
by shark
do you want I do it for you ?

Re: Polynesian Mermaids

PostPosted: Fri, 09Sep18 00:20
by LRM
Here is my version Raelee.
She is striking.

Re: Polynesian Mermaids

PostPosted: Fri, 09Sep18 02:02
by Raelee
If you do this for me I will thank you very much!


Re: Polynesian Mermaids

PostPosted: Fri, 09Sep18 02:29
by shark

te mao here au ia oe