Donation pages?

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Re: Donation pages?

Postby jfrancois323 » Fri, 16Mar18 03:17

It's bad to say, but most of them (somes are serious) on the site, never finish game or with HUGE delay. The true dev who got problems will geive you somes updates and it's never for a long time delay. in my opinion, try contacting them, maybe they got a great reason. Sorry Shark, i need to take you for my example, Shark take 4-6 months to make a game, but he still give us updates and give some apologies when he got a delay, because he care about what he do.

So, try to contact them, if you got no response in a reasonable times, you should cancel your share until further improvement.

This is why i love the Lagoon, the dev are keeping us inform on progress!!
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Re: Donation pages?

Postby ker » Mon, 16Apr25 23:29

Yep, being on the other side of that page I do believe that communication is important. I try to do frequent status updates so people know where they are. If I was supporting a project and the developer simply vanished for months, well I'd certainly send them an immediate message. And stop my pledge until I knew that the project was still being worked on and what to expect in the near future.
sirens hunter
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