Star date Monday 2 December. It snowed like a cold hell that day.
I woke up 7pm. I had to push the door open to get out. Then worked my way up to the garage and got the snow blower started.
But there was this wonderful edge left by the snowplower in front of our yard with so many wonderful big ice chunks in it.
The snow blower can't mash that up, so I fetched the pointed spade, hacking my way through it for the snowplower to be able
to handle it. Also having to carry away the biggest ones. This happen 3 times that day. Same edge, same ice chunks and hacking.
But getting ahead of myself. After the second turn, I drove to a nearby store to shop. And the left front tire flattened. I was
now stranded and had to call for help. This took 3 hours. When I finally got hold of a spare tire and was able to drive home,
the eager workforce of the snowplowers union had left another gift for me. Yep! Same edge and ice chucks. I swear the snow
blower gave me a look. When finally finished with not just the edge but the entire property (it is quite big), I could finally
relax with a warm cup of coffee.
Here is the footnote. I was planning to wash the apartment, and as I was attempting to do so, the fucking water was gone.
My landlady said they closed it off for maintenance. It would be back in 2 hours. This being public service, it took 5 hours.
This was now 11 am and I was fed up with life. When I got the bucket filled up, I stumbled and spilled all 10 liters of soap
water all over the bathroom floor.
Yet I still had the stamina to clean it up before going to bed with a heart felt FUCK YOU to the reality of existence.