General Chat

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Re: General Chat

Postby Rikwar » Fri, 21Dec17 00:43

Rastifan wrote:This is the truth. Ask any artist [img]images/icones/icon13.gif[/img]

Yeah but the results are worth it [img]images/icones/icon17.gif[/img] [img]images/icones/icon7.gif[/img] [img]images/icones/icon7.gif[/img]
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Re: General Chat

Postby PinkVendeta » Mon, 22Jan03 20:57

Anyone watching anything new that's good?
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Re: General Chat

Postby Kyubi » Mon, 23Nov06 11:59

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Re: General Chat

Postby PinkVendeta » Thu, 24Feb08 22:10

fleet wrote:Welcome back.

Thanks as always, hope You are keeping well?
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Re: General Chat

Postby fleet » Fri, 24Feb09 20:11

PinkVendeta wrote:
fleet wrote:Welcome back.

Thanks as always, hope You are keeping well?

I'm doing fine. I hope you are too.
Check out my latest adult visual novel "After She Left"
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Re: General Chat

Postby Rastifan » Thu, 24Mar07 22:31

Milfwraiths :lol: Artist is Fontez.
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Re: General Chat

Postby kessie8dn » Tue, 24May21 12:00

I just popped in to vent, so I hope you'll forgive me.

I'm sure I can't be the only one over the years to have become totally fed up that so much of the stuff being listed as "Adult Games" are in fact animated stories with zero game content.

The only decision making involved (if any) is like whether to spit or swallow..

Yes, I appreciate it is much harder to create a game (all praise to Shark and that dedicated band of reef dwellers who slave away to entertain us), but these story writers don't seem to take that into consideration when deciding how much they want to charge the sponsors they expect to throw money at them indefinately.

I'm not even sure who these are aimed at. There's so much free porn around if getting off on pics is your goal. May as well just do an art gallery.

Some evil writers even disable the Auto button so you have to click through reams of (poorly wriiten/translated) text.. Wtf is THAT about?

At least host sites could put them in a separate category - although to be fair some writers even use descriptions like "You decide the outcome..." (presumably spit or swallow), etc..

I'm so fed up with downloading what appear to be really good "games" when they turn out to be nothing of the sort.

Thanks to anyone who has got this far. You can carry on now.

Rant over
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Re: General Chat

Postby Rastifan » Sun, 24Jul21 13:23

Holy hell. That poor crock are going to be traumatized :lol:

Mad skills though.
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