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Pusooy - Spirit Girl 3

PostPosted: Sun, 19May26 01:15
by kessie8dn
I knew there was a reason for poking my head in here earlier - The latest instalment of Spirit Girl is avaliable in the member's area on Pusooy's site now..

Superb graphics, as always, and the usual non-stop shagfest with no surprises and a few lines of dialogue that progress the story (such as it is), if you like that kind of thing.

With such an abundance of talent, I hate to say it but I still come away thinking of missed opportunities.

Re: Pusooy - Spirit Girl 3

PostPosted: Wed, 19Oct09 18:58
by kessie8dn
I can't even bother to open a new thread to say SG 4 is now available. My subscription was still valid so I was "lucky" to get this one for free.

The only surprise is there is even less story progression in SG4 than in SG3, something I didn't think was possible.

Pusooy has lost the plot - literally!

So sad

Re: Pusooy - Spirit Girl 3

PostPosted: Thu, 19Oct17 20:19
by Greebo
I think I''ve hardly visited Pusooy's site since he changed his financial model, yet before that I used to make the occasional contribution and visit frequently, joining in comments.

Re: Pusooy - Spirit Girl 3

PostPosted: Fri, 19Oct18 07:34
by PinkVendeta
When ever I played his earlier games I always said, Artwork beautiful, storyline ok, animation smooth, playability of his games horrible.

Now his present games have average artwork, rehashed storylines, smooth animation still, and as always, playability of his games is horrible.

The adult gaming world literally flew past him and his games, I mean animation now in most adult games is stunning, same for artwork, storylines are so amazing now and complex and playability in them is easy and enjoying.

The mistake he made I feel was he was at the top for a long time and he never grew as an artist, when major change was coming, he dug his heels in, buried his head in the sand and refused to move along with the amazing changes that had come to adult games in terms of artwork, animation, storylines, playability, and he just kept churning out the same games with rehashed storylines figuring endless people would still be there to pay to play, but, when in fact the pay to play had moved on and past him into gaming that is literally awesome now.