Chloe 18 vacation

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Chloe 18 vacation

Postby Kroq-Gar » Mon, 18Sep10 18:22

How can I activate the road trip part of achievements? I thought from work but it continue to show me same images of the girl
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Re: Chloe 18 vacation

Postby ttant » Tue, 18Sep11 18:26

From what i recall:
you need to eat to much candy from the newspeper stand.
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Re: Chloe 18 vacation

Postby PinkVendeta » Mon, 22Jan03 21:25

All of the Chloe 18 games are good, animation is smooth, renders are good, story is a little typical in reality.

But the money grind in all of them is a real pain to do, kills the enjoyment of the games.
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