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Re: Big City Campus by Arnii

PostPosted: Wed, 16Oct19 23:18
by jackofhearts
I can't and don't want to transform myself into a woman (or two women).
It's just not my playstyle.

Graphics are very cool, from what I have seen.

Setting the game in HTML5 is superb, but a little TOO hard. Please adapt.
A hintscreen BEFORE the scene, would be awesome (and the given hintscreens aren't accurate, feeling lost)

Re: Big City Campus by Arnii

PostPosted: Wed, 16Oct19 23:23
by PinkVendeta
3 women actually, Amy, Lucy & Hannah, and then Yula, Rose and the others, so about 7 women or more, nice to have a game where You play as a woman solely.

The present game right now is not to hard to complete, when we first got it out, it was major hard to complete, so through a lot of our members comments and so on it was smoothed out and made less hard.

Arnii is doing up a full walkthrough which he is updating on our forum for the game as it is a Big game in reality.

Re: Big City Campus by Arnii

PostPosted: Tue, 16Oct25 22:10
by PinkVendeta
Just to let everyone know, Arnii is constantly updating Big City Campus, so you may well find a lot of new stuff added to it as it gets updated ;)

Re: Big City Campus by Arnii

PostPosted: Mon, 16Oct31 14:51
by Marco6661
PinkVendeta wrote:Just to let everyone know, Arnii is constantly updating Big City Campus, so you may well find a lot of new stuff added to it as it gets updated ;)

Thank you Hannah.

Dernière mise à jour: Version Française ajoutée, en cours de relecture, votre avis est le bienvenu. [img]images/icones/icon17.gif[/img]

Marco [img]images/icones/icon13.gif[/img]

Edit: Pour ceux qui on déjà joué BCC, n'oubliez pas de nettoyer le cache de votre navigateur. [img]images/icones/icon7.gif[/img]

Re: Big City Campus by Arnii

PostPosted: Mon, 16Oct31 17:15
by PinkVendeta
Marco6661 wrote:
PinkVendeta wrote:Just to let everyone know, Arnii is constantly updating Big City Campus, so you may well find a lot of new stuff added to it as it gets updated ;)

Thank you Hannah.

Dernière mise à jour: Version Française ajoutée, en cours de relecture, votre avis est le bienvenu. [img]images/icones/icon17.gif[/img]

Marco [img]images/icones/icon13.gif[/img]

Edit: Pour ceux qui on déjà joué BCC, n'oubliez pas de nettoyer le cache de votre navigateur. [img]images/icones/icon7.gif[/img]

I saw the french version, I was happy with it when I played it through, maybe Shark being a 150% French male would give the French version a play through and see if he finds anything not right in the English to French translation ;)

Re: Big City Campus by Arnii

PostPosted: Tue, 16Nov01 15:26
by Marco6661
PinkVendeta wrote:I saw the french version, I was happy with it when I played it through, maybe Shark being a 150% French male would give the French version a play through and see if he finds anything not right in the English to French translation ;)

Vous pratiquez la langue de Molière Melle PinkVendeta? [img]images/icones/icon10.gif[/img] ;)

Re: Big City Campus by Arnii

PostPosted: Sun, 16Nov06 19:26
by PinkVendeta
Marco6661 wrote:
PinkVendeta wrote:I saw the french version, I was happy with it when I played it through, maybe Shark being a 150% French male would give the French version a play through and see if he finds anything not right in the English to French translation ;)

Vous pratiquez la langue de Molière Melle PinkVendeta? [img]images/icones/icon10.gif[/img] ;)

Merci pour le complament

Re: Big City Campus by Arnii

PostPosted: Sun, 16Nov06 21:16
by Regardie
I played through to what I believe was the end a couple days ago. This is what I found. Graphics are great, love to see Hannah and Lucy again.

I had no problems getting Hannah's stats up, they seemed to be sticky. Lucy on the other hand has terrible problems with stats resetting at odd times. I definitely got knocked back down to 25 on whatever the second stat listed is, (I know, not as helpful as I could but my mind is like a sponge that someone just wrung out...) I believe it happened on more than one trip to the spa. Sometimes her stats would look ok going in, would read wrong at the bonus experience addition section and then be something totally different after.

I would have to play it again to pay more attention to where and when it happened.