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Re: Brad's Erotic Week - S 01, E 01-04 (2015-09-28)

PostPosted: Thu, 15Oct01 09:26
by kexter
mugen24 wrote:Do I have to start from the beginning of episode 3 to set this up?
If you don't have a save for that particular path then you pretty much have to start from the beginning.
Set a date with only Faith then later try to invite Emily as well while having a low score. If you see "Wow, psycho." - click it.

Re: Brad's Erotic Week - S 01, E 01-04 (2015-09-28)

PostPosted: Thu, 15Oct01 16:04
by Wolfschadowe
DroopyLoving wrote:Another great episode. Got a couple of different outcomes, it's a shame that it'll be a 6 month (at least) wait until I can progress with my main characters story, but I understand why you need to release the strip club office episode.
Thanks Droopy, I'm glad you are enjoying the episode. There will still be plenty there with Emily in Episode 5, as much of it will still take place at the office. We'll just be picking up the end of Wednesday with Natalie as well.
mugen24 wrote:Any hint for the Heartless Bastard achievement?
It's like Kexter said, but there's a few criterea.

Mild HInt
The achievement is earned partway through the episode, after Emily notices the camera, right about the time she's asking about what happened with Faith. Certain criteria must be met for it to be available.

More direct hints.
There are a few different routes, some (not all) of the criteria for the easiest are:
  • You must have at least kissed Faith on Wednesday.
  • Lie about what happened to Emily.
That will get you in the ballpark.
mugen24 wrote:I've tried that and it didn't work. Do I have to start from the beginning of episode 3 to set this up?
Hard to say. It could be that you have to go back to Episode 1 to set this up. A key thing to remember, the episodes are relatively short, but they are also "Wide" meaning that there are usually significantly different paths that you can take through the game. There is no single "perfect path." The game is designed to reward replay-ability with new content, new information and new experiences.


Re: Brad's Erotic Week - S 01, E 01-04 (2015-09-28)

PostPosted: Thu, 15Oct01 17:13
by Wader
SO, i played your game when you released the 3rd episode, but i forgot to save, now i played from the beginning and tried a different ending, i have a question
this time i played the corruption path, but i just "had sex" in the bathroom, i cheated and look the images file and saw that you can have sex in the office, if i play the corruption path I cant "fuck" (sorry for the strong word) with emily in the office? or i'm doing something wrong?

Re: Brad's Erotic Week - S 01, E 01-04 (2015-09-28)

PostPosted: Thu, 15Oct01 17:30
by Wolfschadowe
Wader wrote:i played from the beginning and tried a different ending, i have a question...
Hi Wader! Thanks for playing. The game branches, and each love interest has multiple story-lines. What you are describing are two separate story-lines of several possible in that scene. Each storyline leads to different scenarios later in the day and later in the game as well, and different endings to the game.


Re: Brad's Erotic Week - S 01, E 01-04 (2015-09-28)

PostPosted: Thu, 15Oct01 21:32
by Wader
Wolfschadowe wrote:
Wader wrote:i played from the beginning and tried a different ending, i have a question...
Hi Wader! Thanks for playing. The game branches, and each love interest has multiple story-lines. What you are describing are two separate story-lines of several possible in that scene. Each storyline leads to different scenarios later in the day and later in the game as well, and different endings to the game.


thnks for your response, i think i understood (not 100%, but still understood but it really doesn't matter) one thing i like in your game is that i can/have to play more than once to see everything.

sorry if it sound kindda rude, i tried to write in a way that show my "likeness" for the game, and since i'm not a "English Native speaker" i always have this problem.

Re: Brad's Erotic Week - S 01, E 01-04 (2015-09-28)

PostPosted: Thu, 15Oct01 22:17
by kexter
Wader wrote:sorry if it sound kindda rude, i tried to write in a way that show my "likeness" for the game, and since i'm not a "English Native speaker" i always have this problem.
A) You didn't sound rude at all.
B) We would never assume that you or anyone else would try to be intentionally rude.

Re: Brad's Erotic Week - S 01, E 01-04 (2015-09-28)

PostPosted: Thu, 15Oct01 22:28
by Venom
Playforceone has update the web based version. I wonder how long it will take exlibris update his walkthrough

Re: Brad's Erotic Week - S 01, E 01-04 (2015-09-28)

PostPosted: Fri, 15Oct02 23:07
by Duskward
I failed to mention in my previous post, but congrats on a tremendous episode, Wolf! Though not as complicated as any of the day 1 (or I assume the upcoming day 2) date scenes, there were several fun paths to explore. Your rendering/posing skills improve with each episode - I particularly enjoyed some of the expression work for Emily in this episode. Having dabbled in Daz, i know that stuff takes time, but the little details definetly pay off.

did you ever end up finding a second person to help cut down on rendering time, like you were asking around for a few months ago?

Re: Brad's Erotic Week - S 01, E 01-04 (2015-09-28)

PostPosted: Sat, 15Oct03 06:36
by Wolfschadowe
Venom wrote:Playforceone has update the web based version. I wonder how long it will take exlibris update his walkthrough
I'm sure there will be new ExLibris walkthroughs soon. :)

Duskward wrote:I failed to mention in my previous post, but congrats on a tremendous episode, Wolf!
Thanks Duskward! I'm glad you enjoyed the episode. :)

Duskward wrote:did you ever end up finding a second person to help cut down on rendering time, like you were asking around for a few months ago?
Nope, not yet. A couple people have applied, but I think they didn't realize the amount of work is really involved. I sent them a sample work packet as a test. One got most of the way through it very well, but dropped out, and the other was interrupted right at the start with a new job, so I'm still rendering solo. Would love to have help though. That would mean larger episodes.


Re: Brad's Erotic Week - S 01, E 01-04 (2015-09-28)

PostPosted: Sat, 15Oct03 09:37
by Jashu469
Another great addition, but I'm really waiting for the actual dates to get going in the various story paths.

Re: Brad's Erotic Week - S 01, E 01-04 (2015-09-28)

PostPosted: Sat, 15Oct03 09:55
by The Maltese Budgie
Great work on Ep 4 Wolf, enjoyed it hugely; this is a great and wide reaching project you are helming given the many paths and approaches that will be possible when the game is completed, and I'm just adding my voice to all the others in thanks for your efforts and creativity. [img]images/icones/icon7.gif[/img]

Re: Brad's Erotic Week - S 01, E 01-04 (2015-09-28)

PostPosted: Sat, 15Oct03 11:15
by nacho666
There is a bug with Jasmine.
When Brad talk with her about the other girls, her answer is the same about Faith & Natalie.

“I’m sure you aren’t her only regular, and others are there at the same time you are. I call it like I see it.
Speaking of calling, Emily called and asked me to come in tomorrow when we have the Thompson Tower video. She just got the contract.”

Re: Brad's Erotic Week - S 01, E 01-04 (2015-09-28)

PostPosted: Sat, 15Oct03 12:52
by kexter
nacho666 wrote:There is a bug with Jasmine.
That is intentional as far as I know. That statement by Jasmine does apply in both cases if you think about it.

Re: Brad's Erotic Week - S 01, E 01-04 (2015-09-28)

PostPosted: Sat, 15Oct03 19:15
by nacho666
kexter wrote:
nacho666 wrote:There is a bug with Jasmine.
That is intentional as far as I know. That statement by Jasmine does apply in both cases if you think about it.
Well. Maybe is my basic english, but i can't see the relationship between sentences.

Re: Brad's Erotic Week - S 01, E 01-04 (2015-09-28)

PostPosted: Sat, 15Oct03 22:58
by Greyelf
nacho666 wrote:Well. Maybe is my basic english, but i can't see the relationship between sentences.
The following may help you:
I’m sure you aren’t her only regular.....
A customer/person that visits a place like a bar or a strip cub many times is often known as a regular, which is short for regular customer.
, and others are there at the same time you are.
The word others in this sentence is referring to the other customers, and the whole sentence is suggesting that the bartender/stripper is spending more time with Brad than they do with their other customers.