Living with Temptation (LOP Gold)

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Re: Living with Temptation (LOP Gold)

Postby dsandr » Wed, 16Jun29 08:59

MalleckM wrote: I would like to look on LWT2. I think it is the best of their game. However, don't be naive they don't develop it right now. They just spend time for other games. and As I see July will be without LWT2. I just can't grasp why they delay the game for more than a year. They actions don't have any logic. You will see. after this Romates they will spend time for Elenora 2 (which personally I don't like at all) Some extra scenes (why the hell do they do it? ) People want LWT2. But they prefer to spend time for something else.

Totally agree so.
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Re: Living with Temptation (LOP Gold)

Postby stcro1 » Wed, 16Jun29 11:50

lwt2 is not finished so it's not like they are spending time on other games on purpose instead of releasing lwt2 now,leonizer said on the blog that schedule is roommates then eleanor2 extra content and then full focus on lwt
i believe the reason why lwt2 is "last" on schedule is because he got the complete scripts and renders after the ones for other games
the wait is very long i agree,but hopefully the game will be amazing once it comes out
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Re: Living with Temptation (LOP Gold)

Postby vkalvkal » Wed, 16Jun29 15:51

After the reaction Eleanor 2 received, I can understand why they're being extremelly cautious with LwT 2.

Honestly, I prefer it that way. I don't even want to think about all the hate they'd get if LwT 2 gets the same kind of reception Eleanor 2 received. They'd surely lose a lot of their fans (since a lot of people can only ask and complain about LwT 2).

It's tiresome, really. Let them do their job, so that they can try to release the best game possible in LwT 2. I'm sure we don't want to see another Eleanor 2 fiasco.

Meanwhile, let's appreciate the hard work they do in releasing other games. Roommates seems promising. Real State Agent was nice. Margaret and Walther also was a nice short game.
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Re: Living with Temptation (LOP Gold)

Postby TheGreatJoeGargery » Wed, 16Jun29 17:47

I wasn't aware that Eleanor 2 was a fiasco but then I haven't really followed it since launch. It seemed to be a well made game, it just wasn't my taste in games.

I do think that LWT2 isn't currently ready but I also think it could have been ready by now if they prioritized it as such. Eleanor 2 and LWT2 are going to be LOP's largest games of the year. So LOP releases Eleanor 2 and they get a ton of subscriptions when they do. Then they have a few releases in between to keep subscribed those people who may be ready to cancel their subscription because they are done with Eleanor 2. Then, when all the subscriptions from Eleanor 2 fade they will release LWT2 and repeat the process. They do it that way to make the most amount of money out of the games they make with their current subscription model.

And quite honestly that is fine with me. I like the games LOP makes. I feel they are very responsive to customer feedback and I feel like they respect their customer base. They are offering free upgrades to Blind Date 3D to everyone that bought it because they responded to customer feedback about the game. How many companies would do that? LOP is not trying to gouge us, they are trying to make a bit of money while producing games we love. I personally feel that their use of a subscription model is outdated but it is the model they have chosen that works for them and I respect that. Under that model, this is the best way for them to do business. LOP have gone out of their way for their consumers countless times, we can wait a little longer to play LWT2 for them.
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Re: Living with Temptation (LOP Gold)

Postby MalleckM » Thu, 16Jun30 00:14

I am glad that other people can see it too. You regarding LWT 1 it was something about that game. Something what I liked. story characters. The rest of their game - hm no. Eleonor - not at all ( but it is my personal taste)
ELe 2 I think - boring as hell.

We don't actually mocking them. We just pointing out that their logic is strange. Do not develop game which is the most popular. How long it will be - 1 year, 1,5 for now? And it seems it won't be this summer. I just want to ask them why? Why can't your roomates wait and you focus on LWT2 instead?

I don't think that rendering takes so much time. I develop my game too. And I do rendering in Daz. More or less 1 year is ridiculous amount of time. If you rende 1 picture in two weeks ... well maybe yes. So I would assume that they have all pictures by now. I can't really understand their decisions. This release of roomate in July totally is not good decision. I don't really see anything interesting in that game. Right now, a lot of people started to make their own games with as good rendering as they doing. They just might loose a lot of people.
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Re: Living with Temptation (LOP Gold)

Postby JellyBelly » Thu, 16Jun30 10:21

MalleckM wrote:I am glad that other people can see it too. You regarding LWT 1 it was something about that game. Something what I liked. story characters. The rest of their game - hm no. Eleonor - not at all ( but it is my personal taste)
ELe 2 I think - boring as hell.

We don't actually mocking them. We just pointing out that their logic is strange. Do not develop game which is the most popular. How long it will be - 1 year, 1,5 for now? And it seems it won't be this summer. I just want to ask them why? Why can't your roomates wait and you focus on LWT2 instead?

I don't think that rendering takes so much time. I develop my game too. And I do rendering in Daz. More or less 1 year is ridiculous amount of time. If you rende 1 picture in two weeks ... well maybe yes. So I would assume that they have all pictures by now. I can't really understand their decisions. This release of roomate in July totally is not good decision. I don't really see anything interesting in that game. Right now, a lot of people started to make their own games with as good rendering as they doing. They just might loose a lot of people.

You're assuming they started rendering LWT2 at least about a year ago. Technically, yes they did start the project a year ago but they had to scrap what they had because people didn't like the new models they made for LWT2. Thus putting LWT2 on hiatus for a bit because of the setback, and because they wanted to give the people what they wanted. Unless I'm mistaken they didn't really get back into the swing with LWT2 until the end of 2015.

Also if I'm not mistaken, they have different artists per project. Roommates is ready to be released because the artist working on Roommates finished their work probably months ago. Therefore because Roommates is being released before LWT2 that doesn't mean they put more focus on Roommates and less focus on LWT2. Also you have no idea when the artist for Roommates started their work. For all you know the artist could have been working on the renders for Roommates since last year, and it's finally ready to be released this July.
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Re: Living with Temptation (LOP Gold)

Postby TheGreatJoeGargery » Thu, 16Jun30 14:23

JellyBelly wrote:
MalleckM wrote:I am glad that other people can see it too. You regarding LWT 1 it was something about that game. Something what I liked. story characters. The rest of their game - hm no. Eleonor - not at all ( but it is my personal taste)
ELe 2 I think - boring as hell.

We don't actually mocking them. We just pointing out that their logic is strange. Do not develop game which is the most popular. How long it will be - 1 year, 1,5 for now? And it seems it won't be this summer. I just want to ask them why? Why can't your roomates wait and you focus on LWT2 instead?

I don't think that rendering takes so much time. I develop my game too. And I do rendering in Daz. More or less 1 year is ridiculous amount of time. If you rende 1 picture in two weeks ... well maybe yes. So I would assume that they have all pictures by now. I can't really understand their decisions. This release of roomate in July totally is not good decision. I don't really see anything interesting in that game. Right now, a lot of people started to make their own games with as good rendering as they doing. They just might loose a lot of people.

You're assuming they started rendering LWT2 at least about a year ago. Technically, yes they did start the project a year ago but they had to scrap what they had because people didn't like the new models they made for LWT2. Thus putting LWT2 on hiatus for a bit because of the setback, and because they wanted to give the people what they wanted. Unless I'm mistaken they didn't really get back into the swing with LWT2 until the end of 2015.

Also if I'm not mistaken, they have different artists per project. Roommates is ready to be released because the artist working on Roommates finished their work probably months ago. Therefore because Roommates is being released before LWT2 that doesn't mean they put more focus on Roommates and less focus on LWT2. Also you have no idea when the artist for Roommates started their work. For all you know the artist could have been working on the renders for Roommates since last year, and it's finally ready to be released this July.

In MallecM's defense I do feel he is accurate that there is a release schedule at LOP and games are being designed as part of a business plan to maximize profit. I don't think it is a coincidence that Eleanor 2 and LWT2 are being released so far apart. I also find it highly unlikely that if they both happened to be ready at the same time that they would both be released in the same month (in fact, I think development resources are allocated to ensure that doesn't happen). What I do think is that as players we should accept this, especially considering the great customer service LOP provides their players.

It could be a lot worse. They could go with a micro transaction model with their games. You would get to a sex scene then have to pull out your credit card to unlock the ability to have oral sex in the game or something crazy like that. As players I don't think we should demand the great customer service LOP gives and in addition that they take a hit financially to release their games for our convenience. Let them make a bit of money, they earned it.
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Re: Living with Temptation (LOP Gold)

Postby JellyBelly » Thu, 16Jun30 21:28

TheGreatJoeGargery wrote:In MallecM's defense I do feel he is accurate that there is a release schedule at LOP and games are being designed as part of a business plan to maximize profit. I don't think it is a coincidence that Eleanor 2 and LWT2 are being released so far apart. I also find it highly unlikely that if they both happened to be ready at the same time that they would both be released in the same month (in fact, I think development resources are allocated to ensure that doesn't happen). What I do think is that as players we should accept this, especially considering the great customer service LOP provides their players.

It could be a lot worse. They could go with a micro transaction model with their games. You would get to a sex scene then have to pull out your credit card to unlock the ability to have oral sex in the game or something crazy like that. As players I don't think we should demand the great customer service LOP gives and in addition that they take a hit financially to release their games for our convenience. Let them make a bit of money, they earned it.

Of course there is a release schedule to maximize profit. Its pretty obvious since they started LOPGold. But that doesn't counter argue the fact that he clearly doesn't comprehend the business plan when he literally says their logic is strange and Roommates being released in July is a bad decision.
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Re: Living with Temptation (LOP Gold)

Postby stcro1 » Fri, 16Jul01 08:54

JellyBelly wrote:
Of course there is a release schedule to maximize profit. Its pretty obvious since they started LOPGold. But that doesn't counter argue the fact that he clearly doesn't comprehend the business plan when he literally says their logic is strange and Roommates being released in July is a bad decision.

why would this be bad decision?roommates are for sexandglory not for lop gold so it doesn't make sense
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Re: Living with Temptation (LOP Gold)

Postby OzyOzyOzy » Wed, 16Jul06 11:03

Hi, so, i'm a very big fan of this game - and LOP in general - and if it's possible, Iksanabot (I also really really loved STT and I think you really are an amazing writer), can you give some "clarifications" please? I have waited long for this game, and I'm willing to wait even longer if it's in order to make the game even more awesome than it already is, but I, like others I think, have some doubts:

- The plot is intriguing and the images shown until now are awesome, but I read that there's only a Week of "game time". Isn't it too little? I mean, we had almost 40 Days to do various things in the first LWT, and i get it: this time the relationship are already "standing" and don't need to be built, but i don't know, it just seems not enough time to me. In 7 Days we'll have a lot of plot and events, but the possibility of "relaxing" and "indulging" in non-plot sex was one of the thing i Enjoyed the most in the previous ones - i don't know what the others thought. Unless i interpreted wrong some things you wrote.

- I won't ask about details of the plot to avoid the obvious spoilers :D but in the beginning you said that there will be the possibility to chose if we cheated on tracy in the first game or if we become swingers: I guess it will influence some events in the game; but there's also the possibility to chose neither of them? I mean, to me the "true ending" of the game is the one were you and Tracy fuck by the pool while Derek and Lisa spy on you. There's also this "third choice" or it's only limited to the previous two?

- There will be four girls in this game from what i saw (Lisa, Lisa's friend (?), Tracy and the wife of Justin's cousin), but there is any possibile small hint on the "combinations" that we could have? Surely Lisa and her friend & Lisa and Tracy are obvious, but i wonder if we could have Lisa & "The Cousin's Wife" (with no swinging, i mean, everything behind the douche cousin's back i mean) or even TCW ( I'll call her like this until i don't know her name) and Lisa's friend! The possibility are endless, as they say, but i don't want to force it on you, not at all. Just asking for curiosity.

- I guess that if there will be enough response the game will surely have ad expansion - that will be written when you will have the time to write, of course, i'm not asking for it right now. Have you actually just thought about it already? Some ideas? If not, don't worry, I'll not cry. Just want to know if there's this possibility.

I will surely enjoy the game nonetheless, like i've enjoyed all of your works, but I had these doubts. Thanks for a possibile response. :) if someone else wants to join or respond, it's welcome. Sorry for the not perfect english.
Last edited by OzyOzyOzy on Wed, 16Jul06 14:10, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Living with Temptation (LOP Gold)

Postby Dasati » Wed, 16Jul06 13:40

I think the week of game time (if that is the case) depends on how it's used. With the first game for example, a lot of the early time is used in stat building. You only had the energy available to do a certain number of things each day. We already know there wont be any stat building in LWT2. Also it depends on the time costs for each action. Again using LWT as an example if Justin went to the gym, you could choose to work out for 2 or (I think) 4 hours. The actions in LWT2 might have smaller time costs (or perhaps none at all) depending on the mechanics.
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Re: Living with Temptation (LOP Gold)

Postby OzyOzyOzy » Wed, 16Jul06 14:36

Dasati wrote:I think the week of game time (if that is the case) depends on how it's used. With the first game for example, a lot of the early time is used in stat building. You only had the energy available to do a certain number of things each day. We already know there wont be any stat building in LWT2. Also it depends on the time costs for each action. Again using LWT as an example if Justin went to the gym, you could choose to work out for 2 or (I think) 4 hours. The actions in LWT2 might have smaller time costs (or perhaps none at all) depending on the mechanics.

It could be, yes, but it just seems, how to say it, "off" to me. I'm afraid i won't have enough time to plan some events or to understand how to trigger them; I would not like if the game basically screamed at me "Now you have to do this!" the entire time. I know this is not the case, but the first game was, after all, based on the "temptation", the fact that it needed patience to be played, and that you did not know what could happen - in the first run of course - or if you could actually make it happen, and also that the relationships could be kind of "slow burn". Get what I mean? I could be confusing you.

I mean, in LWT 1, if you fuck up, you have some time to try to make up for your mistakes during the gameplay, you are given second chances. I'd like to know if this option is still present in the second one.
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Re: Living with Temptation (LOP Gold)

Postby Dasati » Wed, 16Jul06 15:50

OzyOzyOzy wrote:
Dasati wrote:I think the week of game time (if that is the case) depends on how it's used. With the first game for example, a lot of the early time is used in stat building. You only had the energy available to do a certain number of things each day. We already know there wont be any stat building in LWT2. Also it depends on the time costs for each action. Again using LWT as an example if Justin went to the gym, you could choose to work out for 2 or (I think) 4 hours. The actions in LWT2 might have smaller time costs (or perhaps none at all) depending on the mechanics.

It could be, yes, but it just seems, how to say it, "off" to me. I'm afraid i won't have enough time to plan some events or to understand how to trigger them; I would not like if the game basically screamed at me "Now you have to do this!" the entire time. I know this is not the case, but the first game was, after all, based on the "temptation", the fact that it needed patience to be played, and that you did not know what could happen - in the first run of course - or if you could actually make it happen, and also that the relationships could be kind of "slow burn". Get what I mean? I could be confusing you.

I mean, in LWT 1, if you fuck up, you have some time to try to make up for your mistakes during the gameplay, you are given second chances. I'd like to know if this option is still present in the second one.

I get what you mean, LWT had an element of freedom to it in that if you messed up there was time to fix it. I think your concerned that with LWT2 there'll be a "right" way to play it and you'll be penalised for not doing things just right. Personally I've not seen anything official relating to the length of the game so it's speculation at this point but I have faith in the LOP team (especially given how much anticipation there is for LWT2) to not force a particular way to play.
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Re: Living with Temptation (LOP Gold)

Postby MalleckM » Tue, 16Jul12 00:34

So they released, this bad game Roomates finally. I hope now it is time for LWT2 and nothing else.
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Re: Living with Temptation (LOP Gold)

Postby iksanabot » Wed, 16Jul13 22:51

Hi all.
I can not really answer any specific questions here, though I appreciate the interest in LWT2 and the concerns. To be honest, I am concerned too. Scared shitless, actually, of how you guys will like LWT2. But I am hoping the changes to game play, shifting away from stat building will not ruin the game. The reason I went that way is because at the end of LWT Justin is supposed to have basically maxed his stats, so I didn't want you to have to start over. You start wth both Lisa and Tracy hot for you, and choose whether you cheated or swung in the first game. If you choose that you did not cheat or swing then it assumes the ending you got was fucking Tracy after the dinner party.

I guess the lack of stat grinding will make single play throughs take less time, but there is a lot of content specific to choices, so I think you will want to play it through many times to see everything. I am sure that for some people the expectations are so high they will be disappointed no matter what, but I am hoping the variety of scenes, and the creativity behind them will be enough to satisfy most of you. I am giving no hints of scenes, because that would only lessen the impact they have when you finally discover them.

Anyway, the game is not coded yet so some aspects of game play will change as Leo develops it. We will play test the shit out of it to mske sure it doesn't feel too empty without the stat building.

I'm texting this post from an airport so please forgive any typos.

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