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Re: Brad's Erotic Week - S 01, E 01-03 (2015-06-08) - EP 3!

PostPosted: Sun, 15Jun28 03:33
by Wolfschadowe
Bonhomie wrote:God Wolfe you're a tease .................... :roi:

Bonhomie wrote:Edit again - Just checked - I get the box outlines in IE, so maybe it is something on my firefox settings ?
Not intentional. Probably something with firefox being wonky. Most likely it's still outlining, but the outline isn't visible for some reason.

Rexxx wrote:I had thought that the first vote would have been the most important, all your story in interesting, so even if someone can prefer a path (bar or strip) more, for me at the end the majority will vote the choice that advance the story for seeing how continue and end and for this I had been sorry for the choice of Azumi.
I liked much the character but I thought that it would have been subtracted votes from strip club storyline, that I have liked more.
Maybe I will be mistaken but I will be more surprised if the choice won't go nearly always on the choice that advance the storyline, the good thing is that it's anyway a good game.
I'm re-evaluating how the voting process will work in the future. Stay tuned.

benedict wrote:And one last thing - when discussing possible love interests with Jasmine she reacts the same way with "I’m sure you aren’t her only regular, and others are there at the same time you are. I call it like I see it." Isn't she supposed to react differently if you say you have a date with Faith/Natalie?
This is a known bug. Should be addressed in the next patch. It doesn't really block anything or affect the story other than being a little off for two pages, so it's not the highest priority, but it's still in the pipeline.

Bonhomie wrote:More worryingly I have lost all my saves again.
It would appear running CCleaner is not a good idea?

Strange though as I cannot recall losing saves from other games.
CCleaner has an option that will clear web history, temp files, and cookies. That will eat savegames. It is strongly recommended that you use the Save and Achievement Import/Export feature regularly, especially if you are using any kind of automated registry tools.

Re: Brad's Erotic Week - S 01, E 01-03 (2015-06-08) - EP 3!

PostPosted: Sun, 15Jun28 03:58
by Wolfschadowe
Ripe wrote:Voting for next episode turned into a popularity contest which is one of the main reason why we shouldn't have been given a choice of what next update will be. I really wish you'd work on the game at your own pace, giving us updates in order you feel they should be introduced. Hopefully, voting for Episode 4 will be the last time we get to choose which storyline will be updated next.
I ALWAYS reserve the right to ignore the vote and put out whatever I want. I also control what is voted on. No need to worry about the order, the vote only chooses what is seen next. It doesn't choose what gets created or not created. That's already set in stone.
ltpika wrote:Yeah, gotta say I'm disappointed that we're continually getting content with the same girl. Nothing against Emily but can she not be on the ballot next time?
Maybe, maybe not. I'm re-evaluating how the voting is done. We'll see what EP5 brings.
xravensfan wrote:And here goes the squeaky wheels... complainers eventually kill these FREE works off with their fussing. I can't be happy.. so wahhh [img]images/icones/icon9.gif[/img]
A lot of the Wahh goes to me. I think my mistake with the current system is that no matter what, a majority of the people will be disappointed with 3 voting options. I may reduce to 2, or maybe have voting every other episode, or something else. I'm re-evaluating the process and am open to input and ideas.
kexter wrote:@Chill out guys, I won't let Wolfschadowe run too far ahead in the story with the voting options. Wednesday needs to be rounded off sooner than later.
Just try and stop me. Mwuahahaha.
kexter wrote:
Bonhomie wrote:More worryingly I have lost all my saves again.
There is an Export Saves/Import Saves feature in the game (Options menu), have you tried using it to backup your saves before CCleaner cleans your browser cache?
Seconded. Can't stress enough to use the backup/restore system. Just save the files as, don't try to open them in an app. If you really want to look at them, use notepad or notepad++ as they are text files, formatted for .json, I believe. Kexter will correct me if I'm wrong on that.
Bonhomie wrote:I am an old fart so not too clever on the PC - can I specifically stop it doing that on Firefox, (which is what I use for online gaming) and still let it clean up other problems?
I use CCleaner myself, but I keep it on manual, and keep it limited to the registry only. That's just my personal preference though.
dirtyoar wrote:Personally, I voted option 2 for more Natalie, but also to finish off Wednesday. Regardless, I LOVE the game!
Thanks dirtyoar!
ltpika wrote:He's an intelligent adult, no need to "white knight" like you would for your gaming corporation of choice. Your conclusion is essentially right, I'd rather see something wolfshadowe wants to do rather than let the one a-hole gaming the voting system dictate the game. Fuck democracy.
First---My wife would argue with you about the "intelligent adult" point. ;) Second. I always do whatever I want with the game, the voting is just me taking requests under advisement. Finally, those of you who have tried to vote multiple times...maybe by clearing cookies, or trading up didn't work. hahaha. I'm the only one who is allowed multiple votes...and maybe kexter if I don't watch him. :roi:

Taking a break...more catching up in a couple hours....


Re: Brad's Erotic Week - S 01, E 01-03 (2015-06-08) - EP 3!

PostPosted: Sun, 15Jun28 07:20
by Wolfschadowe
MysteryMan2333 wrote:Interesting that Wolfschadowe hasn't responded in awhile. He usually frequents these boards a lot so it's odd to see him be silent for as long as he has.
So...I must have gotten a notification from the forum and deleted it, forgetting to come to the forum and check it out. So...then the forum, being polite, doesn't send another notification. Meanwhile I'm thinking...Man, the lagoon is quiet.... So now I'm catching up on a week's worth of posts. Round two...
MysteryMan2333 wrote:I do think the suggestion of "if a character wins the vote, they should be excluded from the next round of voting" is a pretty reasonable suggestion. Assuming episodes can be created that way, it would at least combat the issue of the same character winning the vote every time. However, he also mentioned that eventually the other characters will be forced to play catchup so it's possible this would have been the last Emily episode for awhile anyway.
Episodes are created this way, for the most part. I like the concept of this, but rather than characters, I'm thinking more along the paths line. Each character has between 5-10 paths where they are the focus. Many times another character will be involved in a path, think the Faith-Emily ending at the bar as an example. So, in that case, imagine the options at a point in the game when all five main characters are active. Throw in the three Inclusion characters... This early in the game, the options are limited, but each episode generates more branches.
For example, Thursday night has 5 different date locations... Also, one reason I don't mind the Emily path getting further ahead here is because it opens more Faith focused paths for the next round of voting

Morgwen wrote:He is not silent, he is active in his own forum:
Only because that forum sends me notifications. Damn you lagoon!
No..No...not really the lagoons fault. I'm sure it's a PEBCAK error on my part. Actually I love Sharks Lagoon and I will be here forever. :)

massimo wrote:Considering that the entire story has been fleshed out already, I would imagine all the girls/storylines will be available once all the episodes have been completed, so the voting is just a matter of deciding which parts gets completed first. I'm fine with that, as long as we ultmately find ourselves with the completed story in the end :)
Yep. And it's not even completion order that's being chosen, but release order. I have content through about Episode 6 or 7 completed, and 8 is getting close. It's just the order of release, and maintaining enough of a buffer so that I can keep everything on a regular schedule. As we all know, life happens, and if some emergency or something happens where I need to take a month off, I can still release an episode and have time to catch up on everything to release the next episode.
macman135 wrote:I don't post on here often, but I felt compelled to. This game is fantastic so far. Can't wait for more! :D
Thanks macman135!
Bonhomie wrote:Having looked at some of the storylines info in a thread over at Wolfe's forums, I have realised I have a lot to find.
I am also surprised as what I though was a sort of quest for decent sexual relationship looks like turning into CSI Middle Earth. :D
Just wait a few more episodes... ;)

Re: Brad's Erotic Week - S 01, E 01-03 (2015-06-08) - EP 3!

PostPosted: Sun, 15Jun28 20:33
by ut1stgear1
ExLibris wrote:
benedict wrote:Considering almost everyone who has commented has said he voted option 2 I find it quite weird option 1 has such a huge lead.

I suspect that's attributable to the number of people who play the game elsewhere eg. PlayforceOne

I have started playing on BEW site but check in on PF1 every once in awhile since I have not yet recreated my saves on BEW. Leo has not updated BEW on PF1 so they are only playing EP1 and EP2 so they don't have the advantage of seeing what has been added in EP3 yet. I have been able to get through most of EP3 I think though by going back through EP1 with saves. Still have to do EP2.

Re: Brad's Erotic Week - S 01, E 01-03 (2015-06-08) - EP 3!

PostPosted: Tue, 15Jun30 05:48
by Wolfschadowe
Final results of the vote, courtesy of Kexter:

Kexter wrote:Overall 3891 valid* votes were cast, the final results are as follows:
Emily option: 1517 votes (39.0%)
Natalie option: 995 votes (25.6%)
Jasmine option: 1379 votes (35.4%)
*391 individuals tried to vote multiple times, as a result, 932 votes were invalidated.

Also, in case anyone is wondering, even if we counted the 932 invalidated votes, the results would have been the same.

Episode 4 will be the Thursday Afternoon Office Branch that continues Emily's storyline from the Bar. Thanks to everyone who voted! :)

For Episode 5 I'm re-evaluating the voting process. Currently, my thoughts for changes for EP5 voting and beyond are:

1. Have only two options
2. Both options have equal duration
3. Whatever path focus won the previous vote is excluded from the next vote, or possibly the next two votes

That means that For EP5, the votes would be: (unofficially here, subject to change, yada yada)

* Wednesday Diner with Natalie, and Thursday office Strip Club branch.
* Thursday evening Faith Focused Bar date.

Another idea that I'm toying with, but am undecided on is to offer the two options, but the vote is for which of the two is released first, and then the other immediately follows without a vote.


Re: Brad's Erotic Week - S 01, E 01-03 (2015-06-08) - EP 3!

PostPosted: Tue, 15Jun30 06:14
by MysteryMan2333
Wow, that's a lot of votes. It'll be interesting to see how many votes there are in the future to see if the game's popularity keeps growing. I'm also a little surprised poor Natalie ended up 3rd.

All of your suggestions for changing the vote in the future seem valid to me. I especially like the idea of just letting people decide which episode gets released first, and then the other following suit. This still gives people some sense of being involved in the game, but ultimately giving them less control over which direction the story goes. I especially like it if Faith is one of the people up in the next two voting options!

On a side note, I was wondering the other day how much of this game people are going to miss. For instance, the newly released episode 3. The scene in there involving Emily is only available if you're on the so called corruption path. How many people even know that there is such a thing? How many people are going to go back and play the game in different ways so they can experience each new episode based on the way the character had played the way before? I realize people on these forums may be doing that, but obviously considering there were 3500+ plus votes, the lagoon is clearly in the minority. Is the fact that some people (possibly the majority?) are going to miss a lot of content in the game a concern?

I guess the fact that the game is so complex, especially for an adult oriented game where 90% of the genre seems comprised of sex romps, is a double edged sword.

Re: Brad's Erotic Week - S 01, E 01-03 (2015-06-08) - EP 3!

PostPosted: Tue, 15Jun30 06:28
by xravensfan
In probably the dumbest logic to vote...

I vote for what gets published the fastest. :-)

Re: Brad's Erotic Week - S 01, E 01-03 (2015-06-08) - EP 3!

PostPosted: Tue, 15Jun30 07:08
by Wolfschadowe
MysteryMan2333 wrote:Is the fact that some people (possibly the majority?) are going to miss a lot of content in the game a concern?
I'm not too concerned about it. That's really what the Achievements help with. They let everyone know that there is more content out there to be found. Every episode adds achievements for that episode, and occasionally unlocks some overarching achievements as well.
MysteryMan2333 wrote:I guess the fact that the game is so complex, especially for an adult oriented game where 90% of the genre seems comprised of sex romps, is a double edged sword.
Perhaps, but I'm making the game I would want to play. Hopefully, others will enjoy it too. :)

Truly, I expected that maybe 50 people max would play it before I released the demo. After the demo, I thought 400 would be the max based on Demo downloads, but the actual number is much, much higher. Kexter is the "Keeper of the Stats" so probably knows better than me, but including downloads and PF1 and other affiliated sites hosting the game, I'm pretty sure it's north of 30,000 players, which absolutely amazes me. I'm sure that many of them played it and hated it, but I'm very happy (and humbled) that nearly 4000 or so liked it enough to take the time to vote. :)
xravensfan wrote:I vote for what gets published the fastest. :-)
Seems valid to me. :)

Re: Brad's Erotic Week - S 01, E 01-03 (2015-06-08) - EP 3!

PostPosted: Wed, 15Jul01 04:39
by Shepard
Wolfschadowe wrote: that nearly 4000 or so liked it enough to take the time to vote. :) Congratulations are in order, Mr. Wolf. :roi:

Re: Brad's Erotic Week - S 01, E 01-03 (2015-06-08) - EP 3!

PostPosted: Sat, 15Jul04 02:45
by massimo
I've got a suggestion: how about giving the people who have donated 1,000 votes each? ;)

Re: Brad's Erotic Week - S 01, E 01-03 (2015-06-08) - EP 3!

PostPosted: Sat, 15Jul04 03:19
by Wolfschadowe
massimo wrote:I've got a suggestion: how about giving the people who have donated 1,000 votes each? ;)
Actually thought about doing something similar, but with the regular patrons on the patron server, but haven't figured out a way to make it relatively fair yet. Now that there's some metrics available from the first vote, I may have something to work with for the next one though. [img]images/icones/icon14.gif[/img]

Shepard Congratulations are in order, Mr. Wolf. :roi:
Thanks! [img]images/icones/icon13.gif[/img]

Re: Brad's Erotic Week - S 01, E 01-03 (2015-06-08) - EP 3!

PostPosted: Tue, 15Jul14 06:31
by eboogie
I may be doing something totally wrong but I downloaded the files in the original post which say episode 1-3 but after the first day in the bathroom the game i doing something wrong??

Re: Brad's Erotic Week - S 01, E 01-03 (2015-06-08) - EP 3!

PostPosted: Tue, 15Jul14 06:42
by Wolfschadowe
eboogie wrote:I may be doing something totally wrong but I downloaded the files in the original post which say episode 1-3 but after the first day in the bathroom the game i doing something wrong??
Hi eboogie, can you clarify if you were in the bathroom at the bar, or the bathroom at the office? If it was at the bar, there should be no reason that the game ends there. The episodes are essentially:

  1. Intro, Wendesday at the office, Wednesday at the bar
  2. Wednesday at the Strip Club
  3. Thursday coffee, Thursday morning office.
  4. (Coming Soon)Thursday Afternoon at the office (Bar Side), Thursday Late Afternoon Home


Re: Brad's Erotic Week - S 01, E 01-03 (2015-06-08) - EP 3!

PostPosted: Tue, 15Jul14 15:07
by eboogie
I was in the bathroom at work....maybe it was day 2 sorry for the confusion...I went to the bar the first night. then went to work and went to the bathroom and the game ended there...

so judging by your list, thats where the game is currently ended at?

Re: Brad's Erotic Week - S 01, E 01-03 (2015-06-08) - EP 3!

PostPosted: Tue, 15Jul14 16:13
by Wolfschadowe
eboogie wrote:so judging by your list, thats where the game is currently ended at?
Yes, that's the end of one of the paths. There are many other paths to try out though, if you haven't found them already. Episodes are released about 1 every 3 months. The next episode is scheduled for the end of September.