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Re: Singles 1 and 2

PostPosted: Sun, 08Oct19 18:53
by Dave Angel
Singles 1 (which I have'nt played) and Singles 2 (which i still play) are 3d games with a romantic tint.

Although not as explicit (until you download the patches and nudey cracks) as the velvet express or other 3d sex games, it is a challenging game with a number of outcomes in the end.
For a sex game, it is'nt bad, and the censored versions are available in most high street game shops.
The uncensored cracks and patches can be downloaded from the net, a quick search on google for a charchanger should give you the links.

I like this game, even though it's been around for about 4 years... I would give it 7 out of 10.
The new version is called A Kiss Before Midnight, it has'nt been released in english as far as I know.

Dave Angel