Neighborhood Erotica FREE sex game *RELEASED*

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Neighborhood Erotica FREE sex game *RELEASED*

Postby Muze » Sat, 20Aug01 19:55

I have completed and released a new game by AGR Games. Neighborhood Erotica, is a point and click sexual adventure game.


There are five main stats (Spells, Strength, Smarts, Style, Stealth) as well as various perks you may select or pick up as you play. These stats and perks, along with various objects you obtain, offer a very different experience as you adjust them each playthrough, with many skill checks. Replaying different approaches is recommended.

Several locations and houses, and many different girls to have sexual shenanigans with. Each girl has a hidden interest level that will go up or down depending on your choices. You may cast spells on them, or break into their houses. Choose to be forceful or charming. As you complete sexual conquests, you earn Sex Cards, which can also be spent. There are potential enemies, and perhaps murder. But mostly lots of silly conversations, exploration, and pornographic encounters with sexy women.

And there is a main quest of sorts that reveals itself as you play.

Technically it’s rather basic. Browsing images to explore the world, with some video clips throughout, audio, music soundtrack, and clicking multiple choice options.

Go here to Play now
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