Redemption for Jessika (En, Sp, Fr, It, Ge)

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Re: Redemption for Jessika (RfJ) (now in French and Italian)

Postby Mortze » Sun, 16Jun12 19:04

Hoboy wrote:tlaero wrote:

Now you might say, "What are the odds of that guy also being immune to Jessika?" And I'll say, "Very good." But that's because I know why he's immune. (-: You don't know why he's immune because I didn't tell you in the game. I'll reveal that in Finding Miranda, the next game, although it's not as big a deal as you might think.


Oh - you tease...

Damn right! [img]images/icones/icon18.gif[/img]
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Re: Redemption for Jessika (RfJ) (now in French and Italian)

Postby Weltmeister » Wed, 16Jun15 00:33

Oh and as a German I loved it that you chose to use scenes from two different Germany-Matches against Sweden, when the barkeeper was watching TV during our first encounter with Jessica in the pub. The first scene is definately a screenshot of the 4:0 against Sweden in 2012, when the team let a four-goal-lead slip away to get a draw against Sweden. The second one must have been from the 2006 World Cup's round of sixteen, although I couldn't find the exact moment, but it must have been not so far from the end of the match. Thumbs up for that ;)
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Re: Redemption for Jessika (RfJ) (now in French and Italian)

Postby muttdoggy » Wed, 16Jun15 03:48

If I built my own company and needed to market products, I'd hire tlaero to be in charge of marketing and have mortze as illustrator for all company materials. Now with tlaero teasing us, she building anticipation for their game. That way, when she releases it, it will be swallowed up by those of us who just can't wait to get our hands on it after being fed bits and pieces of juicy tidbits. My thought on this is simple. Keep it up tlaero! You're doing a great job!!! :roi:
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Re: Redemption for Jessika (RfJ) (now in French and Italian)

Postby pineapple » Tue, 16Jun21 10:38

This is a fantastic game and might be my favorite of Tlaero's work. Great scenes and characters. Mortze's art is very good and there's a lot of variety in poses and bodies. I like the trade off with slightly less freedom in exchange for more of a guided story. It's still very much a game and not a visual novel.
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Re: Redemption for Jessika (RfJ) (now in French and Italian)

Postby tlaero » Tue, 16Aug02 04:59

tlaero wrote:Mayhem opened for another band that Marc was a fan of. That's a pretty common way for bands to get new fans, and it worked here. He was going to see the band he liked and was surprised by how good the opening band was.

And, this month, patrons are getting a short story that goes into some more detail here. They'll also learn how Sylvia and Sarah first met. If you're interested in becoming a patron and sad that you missed this story (as well as the two previous Dreaming with Elsa ones), don't worry. I send out all previous perks each month. So it's never too late to join.

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Re: Redemption for Jessika (RfJ) (now in French and Italian)

Postby DroopyLoving » Sat, 16Aug20 18:07

I finally got around to playing this, and I'm sorry to say I'm really disappointed.
The art and graphics were fine, but the story was really ropey and it was really overwritten.
I've liked the other games you guys have done and really enjoyed Pandora Part 1 (any update on Part 2 by the way guys), but something about this game really grated on me.
There were altogether too many cliches going on from the protagonist being the 'nice guy who gets the girl' to 'I'm a metal girl therefore i'm wild', it all just feels a little tired.

Anyway, I do look forward to your next game. I hope you (read and...) take this criticism on board, it's meant constructively
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Re: Redemption for Jessika (RfJ) (now in French and Italian)

Postby tlaero » Sun, 16Aug21 06:11

DroopyLoving wrote:There were altogether too many cliches going on from the protagonist being the 'nice guy who gets the girl' to 'I'm a metal girl therefore i'm wild'

Thank you for playing. You're unlikely to get a game from me that is "the mean guy gets the timid girl" but there are plenty of games out there that go that route. I'm sure you won't have any trouble finding one more to your tastes.

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Re: Redemption for Jessika (RfJ) (now in French and Italian)

Postby tlaero » Sat, 16Aug27 17:15

Redemption for Jessika just passed 50,000 downloads and has held on to the top rated spot on Playforceone (followed by Christine and Elsa). On downloads, Jessika had been catching up to Elsa, but my recent giveaway of Learning to Fly (viewtopic.php?f=3&t=3871) spurred some Elsa downloads, and she pulled ahead.

Thank you, everyone, for playing the game.

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Re: Redemption for Jessika (RfJ) (now in French and Italian)

Postby Affabilis » Sun, 16Aug28 13:00

No, thank you (and Mortze!) for making them!
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Re: Redemption for Jessika (RfJ) (now in French and Italian)

Postby mkh » Thu, 16Oct13 00:00

Did first find this game two week ago and it's a great game.
I was sad, when I completed game, because I wanted more, so I HAD to try DWE too. Yeah I know, I should have played DWE first, but did first find it later, when I visited your place.

Both are great games, but this is about RFJ. Though I wonder.....Is Else romantic or naughty in RFJ? And is she still with Jason?
In Court (Intro) Jessica keep her sunglasses on all time. I thought, she should take them off as soon judge came in.

Maybe Marc don't have any friends, but I believe he have some kind of work releated friendship with Gary and Silvia. I also believe, he have a lightly closer friendship with Sylvia and she surely have a closer friendship with him than everyone else around work.
Marc sure is weak, if he's compaire to men in stone age, where they got on date with a club and came home with one or more girls.....But in our time, no way. He know, that Jess had a hard time since that concert and just trying to do his best for her and let her do stuff in her tempo. He do push her a little now and then and
kinda heavy after secund elevator run (or rather fun!). He also believe in himself, Miranda more or less comferm that and he get respect from Vince, Fred and Tommy. BTW Do Sarah like them? If not, then it most be a little awkward for all four of them to stick around, when they play.

I don't like SaraB. She's really a bitch. She try to trap Marc and somehow also betray Silvia a bit at same time.
I do however like Sarah! She start to grow after her and Sylvia's show and she got me completely after that kiss in bonus. I wonder, why SaraB acted like that. She must at some point had a really bad experiment with men. I'm fine, that she didn't want to try out Marc like Sylvia did in bonus and I laughed, that Sylvia dared her to give Marc a hand and I was surpriced, that she offered Marc to touch her breasts, when she gave him a hand.
I'm splitted between Jessica and Sylvia. I love both, but Sylvia get my final vote for her flashing.....and her black hair. I just hope, she would let it grow a little longer until next time we meet. Sorry Jess, you got the lenght, but not the color.....But if I fail with Sylvia and Marc dump you, give me a call.

Sarah was broken, but not because she's lesbian and only lesbian. That's her choise and i'm fine with that. No, she's broken because of Jess. Sarah have known Jess for at least ten years and seeing her best friend breaking down is a deep pain for her.
So when Marc enter scene and heal Jess, he heal Sarah as well and as a bonus, he also kick her sexlife three times, first with him watching her and Sylvia, secund when he "restore" Sylvia's mood and she rush home to ravish Sarah and thierd when he more or less tell Jess to do her best friend. I'm sure Marc got a friend for lifetime in Sarah for his actions.

My great moment :
When Sylvia dumbfounded figure out about Sarah's band, her roommate and that very same roommate was the one in court earlier same day.
Sylvia's flashing AND revenge over Joe. He sure did lose his balls there and will never find them again! But if Marc by accident lost his balls, I'm sure, that Sylvia had to fight Jessica to stand first in line to help finding them again and I also think, that Sarah would be in that line, but not as first, since she probably would avoid to touch them unless Sylvis dared her.....But she would help looking after them.
"Everyone has an "unfair" advantage in their job. It's why they do that job" Marc's own Words or did he read them somewhere?
Sarah's thanks to Marc after striptease and blowjob and her telling Jessica how to act with Marc after sex! He did kinda get a wingman.....ehh wingwoman there.
Sarah singing quietly along, when Jessica sing/play for Marc. I also believe, she cry silent of joy. There are no tears yet to be seen, but had there been a picure or two more, they was bound to be there!
Sarah pushing Tommy out of room. She kinda "tell" him to get out so Jessica can play with Marc.
Sarah's serious talk just before end of "bonus scene". First I thought it was about Sylvia, but when I thought it over, I realized it was about Jessica. She have known her for ten years or more and she love her. She want to help her and is not able to help her, she can only drag a drunken Jessica home and put her in bed and know, she have to do that next day again and day after that. Now Jessica was smiling, she was laughing.....Her best friend was alive because of Marc.

I really like Sarah's Bettle, it fit her. But what are reason with those three cars? Looks like it dosen't matter what to tell police. Is it one of SaraB's traps?
I will now use my free pass and ask the question, I really want to ask : Why Buttercup? Sylvia rufuse to tell me and Sarah can't because of laughing.

My wiev at RFJ
Sex events :
Sylvia and SaraB show : It was a "look, don't touch" so of cause no clicking around
Striptease/blowjow : I like the options to finish
Elevator ride : It was a quickie, so there was no time to click
Piano play : Really wanted options to finish there. Thought she wanted Marc to go anal, But I guess Charles found those pics and scripts and blew them up. Damn you, Charles!
Romantic bed : Touching around here and there and back again. Nice after a spetacular day.
Bonus : Everyone tried something new and everyone was happy. So much to look at, so no need to click for options.
Paths :
I like those three path in DWE better. Jason could get naughty and say what he wanted in "Sexual" but in a somehow charming way. There's nothing wrong to be confused in "Confusing". I'm confused there and I haven't completed that path yet, it's so.....well confusing!
But "Lewd", well I don't want nor like to be mean to those hot girls, not to mention that one of them hate men and another can break fingers and it's also going to be awkward at next party with Cynthia. Maybe I should call in sick, but what if Sylvia show up and want to flash me? I do hope, that's her who do the flashing and not her gun. Chloe however is a bad girl, so no need to be sorry there.
Art :
WOW! Nothing less than WOW!
But there is one question : Why are Sarah looking so sad? I know, why she's sad at beging, but she still look sad after Jessica came back to life. Is she affraid, that Marc just play an act to Jessica? Is she just slow to get happy? If I remember correct, so did she also look sad in DWE, but that could be because she was woken up by fire alarm or was it because Jason dared to ask a question? I sure hope, she start to smile more.
Story/writing :
I really like this story. It's a story with erotic elements and not other way around. Sex is a reward and not a goal. I also like that "magic" or "special skills" and that they are needed for story and not for sex. But I guess, that Jessica could sing a sexy song, if she wanted and world around her would go sex maniac.
Writing is great with a good mix of fun, seriousity and naughty stuff when needed.

I rate 9.9 of 10 because of Lewd, where I lost my chance with Sylvia. Someone really need to sweettalk her!
I also need a nice pic of her to my avatar, maybe that can soften her up a bit.
I'm going to find Miranda and ask, if she can See Sylvia in my future.
Sylvia is a hottie and Xara is too. Ayana try to catch up.
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Re: Redemption for Jessika (RfJ) (now in French and Italian)

Postby Mortze » Thu, 16Oct13 00:58

Thank you mkh for your great and refreshing review!

Sarah/SeraB doesn't have a sad look. Or at least, that wasn't what I wanted to portray in her. But rahter, the kind of look someone gives you when they think you're a dick. Like she's judging you from the start. In my language we call it a "nauseated look", like if you were always sick in your belly and blamed everyone around for it. That's what I wanted for her.

But doesn't she look different at the double date at Delfino's, in the bonus scene? She did had a haircut and she's more relaxed, no? She's with her 3 favorite persons in the world so she's definitely happy.
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Re: Redemption for Jessika (RfJ) (now in French and Italian)

Postby tlaero » Thu, 16Oct13 04:26

Hey mkh. Welcome to the lagoon. Thanks for playing our games and for your enjoyable review.

Regarding Elsa post DwE, you can get some indication of her growth in the short story DwE: Learning to Fly. viewtopic.php?f=3&t=3871
Patrons also have access to two other picture short stories with Elsa as well as a text one that describes when Sarah and Sylvia first met.

As for "Buttercup," Sarah's pet name for Silvia is a reference to Powerpuff girls. Sylvia is a cop, but Sarah sees her as more of a super hero...

If by "three cars" you mean the part at the end where you describe the car, yeah it doesn't matter what you tell the police. It's the end of the game, so giving points for getting it right wouldn't have any real effect. And, besides, the police don't get there in time anyway...

My favorite image in the game is the one of Sarah when she sees Jess in the studio playing for Marc. Mortze so completely nailed that image.
My favorite scene is the game is when Jess realizes that people aren't going to listen to her and that it's all about to go terribly wrong. Then she casts aside her problems and fixes it. I literally wrote the entire game so that I could do that scene.

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Re: Redemption for Jessika (RfJ) (now in French and Italian)

Postby mkh » Thu, 16Oct13 23:00

Mortze wrote:Sarah/SeraB doesn't have a sad look.

You're right, but I couldn't find a better word at that time. I still believe, that she is sad, when she tell Marc about Jessica after her and Sylvia's show and when she and Marc get Jessica into bed. I'm also pretty sure, that she smile, whenever she's alone with Sylvia (I would). I also think, she's all smiling, when she try to kill her drums. And yeah, she is happy and she have fun with everyone in bonus, no doubt about that.
I can't blame her for having mistrust in men probably because of Charles and with that in mind, I can't blame her to have some mistrust in Marc, when it comes to Jessica. She really is a handfull, but she know, when she's wrong and she will admit. That is what define a great personality.

tlaero wrote:My favorite image in the game is the one of Sarah when she sees Jess in the studio playing for Marc.

I agree, that it's a very good image and secund on my list, but my favorite image is Sarah kissing Marc in bonus. That say all about her feelings for Marc. Granted, they are both naked, she just gave him a handjob and he had fun with her breasts, so maybe situation ran away with me, but I still believe, that it was an innocent kiss and it came from her Heart. It that had nothing to do with their lack of clothing and not so innocent handling of eachother a moment earlier.

I just played DWE again, because I wanted to see how Sarah looked like. She didn't look sad, more like she was tired and/or annoyed by that firealarm. I also notice that Jessica was "humming a calming tone" and actual stopped panic, before it started. Jessica was gifted with her skill, but had to learn to use it right, while Elsa had to learn hers, but knew how to use it before she learned it.

tlaero wrote:Sylvia is a cop, but Sarah sees her as more of a super hero...

Im sure Marc agree with Sarah after bonus and probably allready after flashing (I do agree).

Kinda funny, but this game is about Jessica, but she is not present in any of my favorite moment or image. Sarah is however and I started to dislike her! I guess, it just show how much inpact she have on this story. At least as I see it.
I need to visit a special bookstore and ask Elsa, if she can fix me a dreamdate with Sylvia.
Sylvia is a hottie and Xara is too. Ayana try to catch up.
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Re: Redemption for Jessika (RfJ) (now in French and Italian)

Postby Shift64 » Sun, 16Nov13 01:59

I just played this and it was epic. I can not really express how much I like this game and what it actually means to me. I just love it, but I really wish there was a way to simply read everything like a comic instead of having to replay everything and try to figure out how to cover every branch in the storyline.
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Re: Redemption for Jessika (RfJ) (now in French and Italian)

Postby woody » Mon, 16Nov14 06:27

a great game well thought out thnx for sharing guys,little question will we see a part 2
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