Hot Wife Tara

Complete and totally free games (the author can request a non-obligatory financial contribution in thanks or to help him to create new game)

Re: Hot Wife Tara

Postby TheGreatJoeGargery » Sun, 16Jun26 09:03

chrispool wrote:One of the best free games they have produced. The story is exciting, the graphics are very good, the girls are super attractive, the gameplay is simple.
I think it lacks control in the sex scenes, but maybe it's enough for a free game.
This little free game is a lot better than their recent premium one (Dignity One), sometimes I don't understand...
Anyway it proves that stories with cheating, with couples experimenting new things are the best.

Thanks for the game and congratulations to the team.

I agree with this completely. I'd really like to see this concept be expanded upon into a premium game. The basic concept of "you and your wife go out on the town and pretend you're not married and various stuff happens" is ripe with possibilities. It could easily be made into a game on the level of Eleanor or Living With Temptation. Hot Wife Story 2 was a good attempt at a paid game in this genre but it fell short of the mark (honestly it felt like a free to play game as well).

I'm a huge fan of the cuckold theme however I enjoy it much the same way that I enjoy a horror movie. I don't want to be cuckolded in real life just like I don't want to be killed by a psycho in a hockey mask, but making me feel that anxiety associated with those things is what hooks me into the story in both of these genres. Like a good horror story I think a cuckolding story is best with a slower buildup with subtle hints at what could happen. You almost have to think of creating the story in a Lovecraftian sense, where everything starts small and mundane and builds to fantastic levels by the end. It could perhaps start out as a game where you and your wife are out having drinks one night, you go to the bathroom, and when you come back you find her being hit on by some guy. You have a conversation about it on the way home, she admits it made her feel sexy and things escalate from there.

The Wife Gone Wilder expansion of Living With Temptation scratched the surface of this, but it ended where a game centered around cuckolding would start. If your wife ends up taking off with the celebrity at the sex club you attend, then don't end the game there, but have me pick her up the next morning and have a conversation about it. Then we have all week to talk about it before we go out again the next weekend. Also have a cell phone mechanic (perhaps like Art With Carla) where if the two of you get separated, you can be in contact with each other and receive messages and even pictures from each other.

The actual cuckolding is done right in Tara (and Hot Wife Story 2), it's just with some buildup to the cuckolding the games could be so much better. The free games section is often talked about being a testing area where you can see what works and what doesn't. Hot Wife Tara defiantly worked. What I would like to see is it expanded into something larger.
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