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Re: Infidèle [FR]

PostPosted: Sun, 14Nov16 07:03
by paquito
Zigmut, tu vas avoir du mal à trouver des traductions pour ton jeu. J'ai jeter un oeil au lien et rien que dans les premières phrases, il y a beaucoup d'expressions imagées et d'expressions typiquement française parfaitement intraduisibles.

Prenons l'exemple de "l'abricot humide" je suis presque sûr que "moist apricot" ne parle pas vraiment à un anglophone.
Le mieux serait sans doute de faire des modulations à tout va, mais pour ça il vaudrait mieux que tu trouve quelqu'un qui te traduirait tout de A à Z, et que vous vous concertiez, car le texte risque de changer de façon significative.

Et la traduction phrase par phrase n'est pas une bonne solution, tout est question de contexte.

Re: Infidèle [FR]

PostPosted: Sun, 14Nov16 10:07
by Zigmut
Vous avez raison, je vais essayé de trouver une alternative :)

Re: Infidèle [FR]

PostPosted: Sun, 14Nov16 20:09
by me3
With v0.2.2 i'm still having problems with ppl not moving, the other bugs i mentioned seems to be gone, and most of the textual char bugs are gone.
A bit odd i'd be the only one having those problems, makes me think maybe it's another charset problem, like the variables involved use none a-z letters

Re: Infidèle [FR]

PostPosted: Sun, 14Nov16 20:26
by zombi
juste 2 ou3 trucs
en passant a la version 0.2.2 je peut recup mes sauvegarde de la 0.1.1 ? si oui comment ?
bon passont au choses serieuses ;)
parler de cul quand les 2 sont dans la même piece me semble pas etre une bonne idée sarah risque de pas apprecié ( sauf si elles ont pu faire copines par exemple au jardin)
en parlant de jardin en tondant la pelouse ( ou en rangeant le garage ) on pourait retrouvé une bague ou une babiole qui ferait tres plaisir aune des filles

Re: Infidèle [FR]

PostPosted: Sun, 14Nov16 21:40
by ttant
me3 wrote:With v0.2.2 i'm still having problems with ppl not moving, the other bugs i mentioned seems to be gone, and most of the textual char bugs are gone.

Make sure you use the expected version of rags (v3), not an old one.

Re: Infidèle [FR]

PostPosted: Sun, 14Nov16 22:38
by me3
ttant wrote:
me3 wrote:With v0.2.2 i'm still having problems with ppl not moving, the other bugs i mentioned seems to be gone, and most of the textual char bugs are gone.

Make sure you use the expected version of rags (v3), not an old one.

Edit : same issue using last rags build (3.0.57) with latest version (0.2.2)
Working fine with rags 3.0.55 and previous build (0.2.1)

guessing you didn't see my previous post, 0.2.1 had the same problem in rags 3.0.56 and 3.0.57.
Also i'm not certain that v3 is really required to play this, only differences i've really seen is just a few text output differences, some of the things in v0.2.1 that bugged in rags v3 actually didn't in v2.4.16.
Initial game release, 0.1, was perfectly playable and seemingly fine in that version.

Think i have a rags 3.0.55 somewhere, if that worked for you, it's worth testing to see if it's a rags bug at least.

Test game versions 0.1.1, 0.2.1 and 0.2.2 in rags 3.0.55, all have the same problem with none of the girls leaving their rooms.

Re: Infidèle [FR]

PostPosted: Sun, 14Nov16 22:56
by redle
me3 wrote:
ttant wrote:
me3 wrote:With v0.2.2 i'm still having problems with ppl not moving, the other bugs i mentioned seems to be gone, and most of the textual char bugs are gone.

Make sure you use the expected version of rags (v3), not an old one.

Edit : same issue using last rags build (3.0.57) with latest version (0.2.2)
Working fine with rags 3.0.55 and previous build (0.2.1)

guessing you didn't see my previous post, 0.2.1 had the same problem in rags 3.0.56 and 3.0.57.
Also i'm not certain that v3 is really required to play this, only differences i've really seen is just a few text output differences, some of the things in v0.2.1 that bugged in rags v3 actually didn't in v2.4.16.
Initial game release, 0.1, was perfectly playable and seemingly fine in that version.

Think i have a rags 3.0.55 somewhere, if that worked for you, it's worth testing to see if it's a rags bug at least.

It isn't just you. v0.1 worked perfectly well for me as well. In any subsequent releases I've seen the women have never left their bedrooms.

Seeing that you respond in English, same as myself, being a regional setting/charset issue seems fairly likely (assuming it is working correctly for those whose computers are setup for French).

I do see lots of things such as
Code: Select all
Cette période a coincidé avec une déterioration de votre mariage.

which is obviously a charset limitation. Isn't that far fetched to think that similar characters are being used within the coding and not being handled correctly.

Re: Infidèle [FR]

PostPosted: Mon, 14Nov17 15:50
by Zigmut
Hi all,
for non-french user i upload a version with 0 accents, maybe more readable.

@ zombi : de bonnes remarques, je note dans ma to-do list.

@me3 : ppl ? No moves after 7 am ? It's strange, it's a variable named "date" who synchonise this things (no special characters), could you test with the no-accents version plz ?
Thx also for the feedbacks.

Re: Infidèle [FR]

PostPosted: Mon, 14Nov17 16:42
by me3
Zigmut wrote:@me3 : ppl ? No moves after 7 am ? It's strange, it's a variable named "date" who synchonise this things (no special characters), could you test with the no-accents version plz ?
Thx also for the feedbacks.

Seems to still be the same, does that "date" variable use a real date thing, so that the local date/time formats would potentially affect it? not that i think a french format is all that different, besides any month names obviously.
Also, when checking now i remember something that does change, with noelie, when peeking into her room, you get the dressing pic in the morning at noon (12:00) you get nothing (and she isn't anywhere else in the house so she hasn't run off), and after 13:00 you get the music pic.
Does that use something similar to the date variable that controls sarahs and noelies movements? i'm guessing it might be just time of day based, but still, at least that bit is working

Re: Infidèle [FR]

PostPosted: Mon, 14Nov17 16:55
by paquito
The French format far dates is the opposite of the way used in the USA.
dd/mm/yyyy in French
mm/dd/yyyy in the USA

So that could maybe makes troubles, depending to the date.

Re: Infidèle [FR]

PostPosted: Mon, 14Nov17 17:27
by me3
paquito wrote:The French format far dates is the opposite of the way used in the USA.
dd/mm/yyyy in French
mm/dd/yyyy in the USA

So that could maybe makes troubles, depending to the date.

i know, but my comps doesn't have a US date format ;)

Re: Infidèle [FR]

PostPosted: Mon, 14Nov17 22:28
by ttant
Zigmut wrote:Hi all,
for non-french user i upload a version with 0 accents, maybe more readable.

I 'm french, i use a french version of windows and i got accent issue. So have you another explanation (like because rags is in english ?)
I also got an issue when going to bed dressed. the next morning my "picture" is not the expected one after i get dressed.
Also french word are used for the shirt, but neither for trouser nor underwear.

Re: Infidèle [FR]

PostPosted: Mon, 14Nov17 23:34
by amnesyas
bug de la verxion 0.2.2:

- au centre commercial: tu ne récupéré pas le bikini de Noélie mais celui de sarah.
- au centre ville : tu ne peu pas racheter de carte de membre.

Re: Infidèle [FR]

PostPosted: Tue, 14Nov18 17:46
by Zigmut
@ amnesyas et ttant, merci pour vos retours, j'ai mis en ligne une version 0.2.3 qui devrait corriger les problèmes, j'en ai aussi profité pour corriger 2-3 autres bogues.

@ me3. I try to reproduce yours problems but with Win 10 US (the only version i have in englsih) and the RAGS player v.3.0.57, i have no issues.I explore more, sorry for that.

Re: Infidèle [FR]

PostPosted: Tue, 14Nov18 19:52
by me3
Zigmut wrote:@ me3. I try to reproduce yours problems but with Win 10 US (the only version i have in englsih) and the RAGS player v.3.0.57, i have no issues.I explore more, sorry for that.

Yea i know how annoying it can be to try and replicate other ppls problems.

I've tried changing standards and formatting settings to french, seemed to have no effect. I've also tried launching rags through applocale with french language setting, no change.
As long as the date/time check isn't specifically looking for a format, i can't see it making a difference.
Ie as long as it doesn't do something like this: if (date == "18/11/2014")
but instead uses the "raw" timedata, something like unix time (seconds since 00:00:00 utc 01/01/1970)