Virtual Date with Jessica

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Re: Virtual Date with Jessica

Postby tlaero » Sun, 10Jul18 10:01

Squeeky, if you'd rather this be in Projects, that's fine. I don't think it's too bad being here, though.

As for doing checkpoints, that's doable with the code the way it is, but not necessarily simple. Phreaky, if you want to do checkpoints, let me know and I'll show you how to do it. The big trouble with checkpoints is that you have to remember to update them when you add new variables. Maybe I should have put all the variables in an array....

TheBrain, great suggestions. Yes, subtle is good. I like subtle. (-: I especially like the idea of drawn out feedback. Your "cold" example is a great one.

This isn't really a general adventure game rule, but something I think these games need more of is romance. I don't know any women who would actually act the way they do in these games. That's okay, they're games after all. But more romance wouldn't hurt anything. (-:

(The other thing we need more of is foreplay. After working so hard to get to the sex, it should last longer.)

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Re: Virtual Date with Jessica

Postby Squeeky » Sun, 10Jul18 11:24

tlaero wrote : Squeeky, if you'd rather this be in Projects, that's fine. I don't think it's too bad being here, though.

I had to think hard about what you meant, but my comment
@ ... m#id106662

was concerning @ ... m#id106658.

I had the sense that in the Projects area those "rules"/principles would be more easily found and addressed. I fully realise that they are inextricably entwined with the fabric of this thread also; just seems a shame for such guidelines to ecome "buried".
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Re: Virtual Date with Jessica

Postby Rikwar » Sun, 10Jul18 14:20

Hey thanks Graenread just a small part of the spoiler just the get a nudge in one of the paths ;)
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Re: Virtual Date with Jessica

Postby zburdu » Sun, 10Jul18 20:04

what i have to do for jessica to sing on the club?
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Re: Virtual Date with Jessica

Postby Graen » Mon, 10Jul19 06:58

zburdu wrote : what i have to do for jessica to sing on the club?
Just ask her to sing, when the opportunity arises. Depending on your choices during the game, you may still be able to get the good ending.
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Re: Virtual Date with Jessica

Postby moonkee » Mon, 10Jul19 19:33

Graen.. thanks for the walkthroughs... it's just what I needed to see how she responds and where to answer differently for other results!

phreaky... awesome game!!! Not gonna beat a dead horse and ask for the same things everyone else is asking for... you already KNOW that!!! But i did wanna say thanks for what you've done so far!
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Re: Virtual Date with Jessica

Postby sahabjee » Wed, 10Jul21 16:14

Is there any walkthrough for this game?
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Re: Virtual Date with Jessica

Postby Graen » Wed, 10Jul21 17:39

sahabjee wrote : Is there any walkthrough for this game?

Page 3 maybe? (And I don't mean from The Sun :D)
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Re: Virtual Date with Jessica

Postby okimaon1 » Wed, 10Jul21 19:00

Just a very short comment - the game is very nice, the girl is hard to catch...:)
my only comment, is that i didnt find her very attractive, compared to your other girls, phreaky. I especially felt it when coming to visit the massagist, she was way hotter. that's when i started feeling "it's her I really wanna date" :)

keep up the good work!
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Re: Virtual Date with Jessica

Postby joe0147 » Thu, 10Jul22 00:26

cheese101 wrote : tried sooo many combinations,but can't get her to go to the beach...or lingerie shopping.

edit: finally got beach,then the ending :D

now i just need to get the other 2 endings...

Image look at usssssss[
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Re: Virtual Date with Jessica

Postby Thrain » Thu, 10Jul22 18:30

Good job, Phreaky and Tlaero !

Playing a game without major bug is really a good thing :)

Difficulty's level is really good for me, if we can know when we are improving something in the date. I succeded to find 3 ending without looking at the source, but for the last one, I admit I spyed which answer increase variable.
If something in game interface let me know when I gain something (no need to know exactly what, simply I gain something), that will be really great !

I like Jessica's graphic, not the best around, but good enough for me ^^.

Story is good but I prefer when the girl is less "easy" (just personal taste !)

I already wait for the next story ^^
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Re: Virtual Date with Jessica

Postby phreaky » Thu, 10Jul22 19:30


For my future reference, how can I improve the graphic ?
I mean, what is lacking from jessica etc

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Re: Virtual Date with Jessica

Postby smokindavis » Thu, 10Jul22 21:58

I don't think anything is lacking with Jessica. Not everyone is going to LOVE every model. It is just a matter of preference.

If you try to please everyone, every time, your models will quickly become carbon copies with different hair colors, for example.
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Re: Virtual Date with Jessica

Postby Thrain » Thu, 10Jul22 22:04


I will try to explain.
Your game (same with arianeB or games from Chaotic) are in "First person" view (like in RGP game).
It's a very good point of view when you speak with your date. That give very sexy scene specialy when you graphicaly play with different kind of clothes. I pretty sure I not the only who like when your model start to wear less casual clothes ^^

But when girl came more closer (Kiss is a right exemple), I really hate the first person view. You see only skin, and it's far (for me !) to be sexy !

In game from Shark or Leonizer, you are not stick in "first person" point of view and that problem doesn't exist.

If you can find trick to avoid the closest view, I think (again its personal taste), that will increase your graphics.
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Re: Virtual Date with Jessica

Postby chinook » Thu, 10Jul22 23:40

Can someone give me tips or clue for getting the beach or the lingerie ending because I'm tried 8 times and I fail to a one of the 2 ending.
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