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Re: In bed with...

PostPosted: Thu, 06Sep07 02:48
by mister
Well, I imagine it is just me - but once I get her to play with the teddy bear I cannot find anything to interact with. I had assumed it was her breasts - but I don't notice them moving and I get to orgasm before she does. Boo hoo.

Any help?

Re: In bed with...

PostPosted: Thu, 06Sep07 05:48
by funny
Hi mister!

Shark has made a help guide here if you want to use it:

By the way, you are right, you have to rub her breasts to get her to orgasm first... sometimes it doesn't look like the breasts are moving (due to computer speed), but you have to keep rubbing there anyway... I think that part is the most difficult part of the game...

Re: In bed with...

PostPosted: Fri, 06Sep08 10:08
by Omega
I cannot read the help guide because its not in english infact most of the site is not in english which sucks but I love this site and all your great work! Is there any way the help guides can be re done in english?

Re: In bed with...

PostPosted: Fri, 06Sep08 12:39
by beni
The help is in english. When you click on the help button, you have the choice between e french flag and a english flag.

Re: In bed with...

PostPosted: Fri, 06Sep08 20:53
by Omega
Beni That is not what I was refering to.

I was refering to This

Re: In bed with...

PostPosted: Fri, 06Sep08 22:07
by mister
Omega, if you click on any of the images you will be taken to the solution page for that game. IBWA has help at: ... ution.html

When the page loads you will see a British flag in the lower right - if you click on that you will be taken to the English help info. Navigate using the left and right arrows.

I hope that helps.

Re: In bed with...

PostPosted: Fri, 06Sep08 23:15
by shark

If you does not succeed in finding the way of the solution, you are going to have difficulties to find the way of Alison's bed...
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: In bed with...

PostPosted: Sat, 06Sep09 04:43
by Omega
Oh ok. Sorry I made a mistake :)

Thank you for clearing that up.

Re: In bed with...

PostPosted: Sat, 06Sep30 01:25
by Patrick
I am just a novice at this and have been playing IBWA and Sweet Alison for the last week and even with the help solution I can't get past the first orgasm, I shoot my load first, what is the secret

Re: In bed with...

PostPosted: Fri, 06Nov03 03:55
by aladinder
Salut, j'aimerai bien jouer "In bed with alison" online, pcq j'ai télécharger et installer ce dernier, et quand je l'execute il ne démarre pas, si vous voulez me donner la solution pour jouer ?
merci d'avance

Re: In bed with...

PostPosted: Sat, 06Nov04 00:06
by shark
Besoin de précisions pour essayer de trouver une solution à ton problème.
comment as tu installé le jeu et comment essayes tu de le lancer?

Re: In bed with...

PostPosted: Sat, 06Nov04 02:30
by Dave Angel
Dans la lit avec Alison,

Je parlais un petit francais.,, peu un peu

Re: In bed with...

PostPosted: Sun, 06Nov05 03:09
by aladinder
j'ai décompresser le fichier ensuite j'ai executer le seul fichier existant et aprés j'ai chercher directement l'executable '' et rien ne se passe sauf un petit bip de message non affiché
donné moi une solution svp

Re: In bed with...

PostPosted: Sun, 06Nov05 21:03
by shark
franchement, je vois pas où ca deconne...

Re: In bed with...

PostPosted: Mon, 06Nov06 00:10
by aladinder
je vais être bien précie. es qu'il y a un logiciel qui manque pour le lancement du jeu, c-a-d quelles sont les applications doivent être installé pour que le jeu démarre ?