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Re: Getting to Know Christine

PostPosted: Fri, 11Mar25 09:17
by VRaptorX
darn it...68 max

Re: Getting to Know Christine

PostPosted: Fri, 11Mar25 09:19
by ExLibris
tlaero wrote : I find it interesting that we're on the fourth page of comments without a single request for a walkthrough (just some perfectly fair game requests for subtle hints). At the same time, we don't have anyone saying the game is too easy.

To be honest I don't think a walkthrough is necessary (although being anal, I've written one). The game is very linear, the only question is whether the player advances or not. It's also a lot more forgiving than Keeley was. There are a lot of points available, and you can get the majority of them with just a basic knowledge of Christine's personality:
1. She loves being the centre of attention, and is a bit of a narcissist
2. She's looking for an enabler, not an equal
3. She has trust issues bordering on paranoia
4. She's indifferent to the feelings of others

So, to please Christine, Adrian should:
1. Be her cheering section and express admiration for her whenever possible (this includes looking at her body, getting in a feel, and generally anything that lets Christine know that Adrian finds her sexually attractive). Admiring other girls is generally good too, just as long as Adrian doesn't act on it (without orders) and makes it clear that Christine is hotter.
2. Enthusiastically agree with any of her suggestions and be confident in carrying them out (although he shouldn't overstep whatever boundaries she sets out). He should not disagree with her or highlight potential risks.
3. Always tell Christine the truth. She only ever asks Adrian questions about himself to see if he lies to her.
4. Not worry about the feelings of other NPCs if they get in the way of doing what Christine wants. Also, Christine generally responds better to expressions of physical desire than she does to emotional intimacy (ie. "You're hot" is better than "I'm very fond of you")

Re: Getting to Know Christine

PostPosted: Fri, 11Mar25 09:33
by lucky loser
After a fair amount of time stuck at the disco, I'm game for a walk-through on "hard." Please PM me!

Question for the game's creators: If we get the minimum # of points at each checkpoint, will we be able to progress through the later checkpoints on the "Hard" setting? I'm stuck at a point w/ 60 points. I can get to 67, but not 70. Do I need to pick up extra points in earlier sections?

I am EXTREMELY impressed with the game so far. I started on "Hard," so maybe playing it in "Easy" or "Medium" will give me hints???


Re: Getting to Know Christine

PostPosted: Fri, 11Mar25 09:35
by VRaptorX
you've written one?

May I have it in a PM or something? I really think I put myself in a no-win situation.

Re: Getting to Know Christine

PostPosted: Fri, 11Mar25 10:05
by ExLibris
ExLibris wrote : One more that I missed
bar20: unconsious

Not sure if this has been mentioned before but hallway7 has "Knock on the door." as the descrïption for the available action even though Adrian knocked on the door in hallway6

Re: Getting to Know Christine

PostPosted: Fri, 11Mar25 10:21
by Aussie Jack
Hi Phreaky and Tlaero. I have finished Christine on hard and have also found the secret ending.

Just wanted to compliment you both on the great work. The storyline was solid, the graphics beautifully rendered and the programming flawless. It was a very enjoyable game to play.

Well done and keep up the great work!


Re: Getting to Know Christine

PostPosted: Fri, 11Mar25 11:04
by ihutch
Hi all

I want to jyst say thank you to Phreaky and Tlaero .

"Getting to Know Christine" is just simply fantastic ... The length is superb there is just so much going on. The game feels like it has a Professinal feel mostly due to the size and it being so large. In my opinion "Getting to Know Christine" is of the quality and large size thats worth paying a few pounds for and so I really appreciate that its free.

Any project should really be " It will be done when its done " so feel free to take as much time as you want for your next release.

My review score 9 out of 10

Now I have a desire to do everything in "Getting to Know Christine" in real life .... Mmm do i know any wild crazy women ?


P.S. I have near enough completed a walk through on hard
feel free to PM me though I will get back to you asap.

Re: Getting to Know Christine

PostPosted: Fri, 11Mar25 11:04
by RandomUser
Fantastic game!

What I'd like to see is a maximum number of points achievable on each particular date so that I know where to look for the missing points.

I'm currently unable to get past the gun date on hardmode and I'm sure I'm missing points on earlier dates.

Re: Getting to Know Christine

PostPosted: Fri, 11Mar25 13:06
by ExLibris
RandomUser wrote : Fantastic game!

What I'd like to see is a maximum number of points achievable on each particular date so that I know where to look for the missing points.

I'm currently unable to get past the gun date on hardmode and I'm sure I'm missing points on earlier dates.

It turns out it's actually possible to 117 points

First date (bar) - 20
Second date (gym) - 18
Third date (webcam) - 23
Fourth date (gun range) - 21
Fifth date (nightclub) - 8
Sixth date (the deed) - 0
Seventh date (pool) - 19
Eighth date (restaurant) - 8
Ninth date (beach) - 0

Re: Getting to Know Christine

PostPosted: Fri, 11Mar25 16:04
by Gatsu
I can only score 17 on the first date : can you help with the 3 points missing? I think they're important to get pass the checkpoint & complete a condition the secret ending.

I'm a bit annoyed with outrider's hint : if I don't plant webcam, how can I have the 50 points at the gun range? to go on?

Re: Getting to Know Christine

PostPosted: Fri, 11Mar25 16:58
by Rob63
Congrats to the team on a brilliant game, it was so different playing a game that has so many challenges and a great storyline , A real pleasure to play it many thanks, Enjoy your rest guys you deserve it.

Re: Getting to Know Christine

PostPosted: Fri, 11Mar25 17:35
by oldgreggandhis
Great game! I don't think it's an overstatement to say that so far it has been the best on in the whole genre.

Also, I have a question: I got through the game on "hard" and later noticed there where some scenes I didn't see... is the game lineal or not? Or if I get max point on medium or easy I'll simply get a different ending?

Re: Getting to Know Christine

PostPosted: Fri, 11Mar25 20:31
by Rekitt
Max points I could find at end of each scene

Ally - 2
Bar - 20
Her House - 30
Gym Shower - 36
Patty's - 38
Laptop - 54
Drive - 70
Club - 75
Sauna - 93
restaurant - 100

And I know i am missing about 15 points.
But these points are enough to get you through on hard with room to spare to go for secret ending

Re: Getting to Know Christine

PostPosted: Fri, 11Mar25 20:49
by Kurrel
I can get as far as the club scene, but I find myself utterly unable to come up with the last few points. I've been trying for a good while now and was wondering if someone could send me the walkthrough? Image

Re: Getting to Know Christine

PostPosted: Fri, 11Mar25 20:50
by lucky loser
Holy moly, 75 max @ the club? Hoo boy, this is gonna take some time...