Re: School Dreams 3

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Re: School Dreams 3

Postby Nalogan » Mon, 11Oct17 21:04

ExLibris wrote:
Firstly+Secondly, you should really ask Goblinboy for permission because Goblinboy is only the copyright owner can authorize a translation

Yea, I have thought to me already almost such a thing, because I have also pursued the post about pictures for the camping trip.
Only that the pictures for the general public were intended and my translation should be only for me, but no matter, it was an attempt worth.
And to translate the game has made even fun and luckily it's not like I do not understand English (is harder to write [img]images/icones/icon17.gif[/img] )

I have attended several games pages and found a lot of games, a big part of it recommended by you, but the German TADS Games I found were
a little bit..äh... boring (No Adult)

Many thanks for your help [img]kator/smiley222.gif[/img] [img]kator/smiley222.gif[/img] [img]kator/smiley222.gif[/img] [img]kator/smiley222.gif[/img] [img]kator/smiley222.gif[/img] [img]kator/smiley222.gif[/img]
Sorry for my English [img]kator/smiley89.gif[/img] i know it's bad
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Re: School Dreams 3

Postby LRM » Mon, 11Oct17 23:10

@ LoJo;
There is no harm or cost in asking. If me I'd e-mail Goblinboy.
Countless Deutchers may be in your debt.
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Re: School Dreams 3

Postby Nalogan » Tue, 11Oct18 11:11

LRM wrote: If me I'd e-mail Goblinboy.

[img]smile/ppeace2.gif[/img] Hearty thanks to for your offer
but ExLibris has brought it already to the point, I must go in the source code purely and write the game quasi new -
and that's something I'm not on it [img]kator/smiley12.gif[/img]....still not....maybe one day who knows, I am ready and can do such a thing [img]kator/smiley196.gif[/img]
Sorry for my English [img]kator/smiley89.gif[/img] i know it's bad
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Re: School Dreams 3

Postby Greebo » Tue, 11Oct18 11:19

Presumably there's an outside possibility that Goblinboy might be interested in working with you or making use of what you have done so far. As LRM says, there is no harm or cost in it.
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Re: School Dreams 3

Postby Nalogan » Tue, 11Oct18 18:16

Sorry i must write in German

Bitte Freunde, bitte

Ich weiß es wirklich zu schätzen das ihr versucht mir dahin gehend helfen wollt es evtl. hinzu bekommen das ich SD3 Übersetzen kann.
Wenn ich von mir Überzeugt wäre das ich das Zeug dazu hätte an einem Quellcode herum zu basteln, würde ich ohne zu zögern eure Hilfe annehmen und mich voller Leidenschaft auf dieses Projekt stürzen.
Doch ich bin kein Programmierer, das übersteigt meine Fähigkeiten, ich bin schon immer ein Spieler gewesen, seit es den C64 gab.
Action, Strategie, Ego Shooter etc. war und ist meine Welt, bis ich vor gut 3 Jahren über die Lagoon gestolpert bin und sich mir eine neue Welt eröffnet hat und TADS games spiele ich erst seit 2 Jahren, RAGS und ADRIFT erst seit kurzem.

Aber es gibt auch noch andere Gründe warum dieses Projekt zum scheitern verurteilt ist;

1.Ich bin mir nicht mal sicher ob meine Übersetzungen richtig sind, ich bin ja nicht z.b. Arnulf, ich bin nur ein kleiner Pilot fish der mit diversen Translator Programmen arbeitet.
Seht doch nur wie ich in Englisch schreibe, versteht das überhaupt jemand???

2.Ich habe nicht mal eine Ahnung wieviel ich Übersetzt habe, wenn ich schätzen müsste so ca. 60% , es ist ein recht großes Spiel und ich bin noch nicht einmal alle Möglichkeiten durch gegangen.
Hinzu kommt noch das Chaos in meinen gespeicherten Übersetzungen....da findet sich doch keiner zurecht, nicht mal ich...

3.Nehmen wir mal an ich würde eine Ausnahme Erlaubnis von Goblinboy bekommen und ich würde es sogar einigermaßen gut hin bekommen SD3 zu Übersetzen.
Es würde nicht lange dauern bis die ersten anfragen kommen, ob sie nicht eine Übersetzte Version von SD3 bekommen könnten.
Wenn ich dann auf das Copyright verweisen würde und es nur für mich eine Ausnahme gemacht wurde, jaaa dann wäre das Geschrei noch größer; Warum ich darf und er doch so.
Und nicht nur ich würde gefragt werden sonder auch die Lagoon und Goblinboy würde mit anfragen und Protesten überschwemmt werden.

4.Es werden dann auch nicht nur Deutsche vor der Türe stehen, jedes Land will SD3 dann in seiner Sprache haben und Goblinboy mit anfragen dazu bombardieren und ihn damit daran hindern sich auf ein neues Spiel zu Konzentrieren, weil er dann mehr damit beschäftigt wäre zu kontrollieren wo sein Quellcode überall auf der Welt gelandet ist.

Ganz ehrlich, ich habe Angst davor das es ein Stein ins rollen bringen würde der sich schnell zu einer Lawine entwickeln kann, ich möchte nicht dafür die Verantwortung Übernehmen....und mich bzw. uns damit um neue Spiele von Goblinboy zu bringen.
Mein Grundgedanke oder vielmehr meine Hoffnung war das es ein Programm gibt mit dem man einfach die Texte austauschen kann,
das gibt es aber wohl nicht.
Ich habe zu viel Respekt und Ehrfurcht vor Goblinboy's Arbeit, (das ich mir fast in die Hose mache), als das ich seine Arbeit verunstalte.

Ich danke euch das ihr mir helfen wollt Goblinboy zu fragen oder ihn für mich fragen wollt, ich sage danke......aber nein danke

can understand or read that someone? [img]images/icones/icon9.gif[/img] oh man where is the enterprise when you need it [img]images/icones/icon9.gif[/img]
Sorry for my English [img]kator/smiley89.gif[/img] i know it's bad
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Re: School Dreams 3

Postby Nalogan » Tue, 11Oct18 18:17

Because my ImTranslator say this:

Please, friends, please
I know how to estimate it really you try to me there being a matter it wants to help perhaps there get I translation SD3 can.
If I Was persuaded of myself that I the stuff in addition would have to mess around in a source code, I would suppose without hesitating overthrowing your help and me to full passion on this project.
However, I am no programmer, this exceeds my abilities, I have always been a player, since there was the C64.
Action, strategy, ego Shooter etc. was and is my world, until I have tripped a good 3 years ago over the Lagoon and to me a new world has presented itself and TADS games I play only for 2 years, RAGS and ADRIFT only recently.

But there are still other reasons why this project to fail is condemned;
1. I am not even sure whether my translations are right, I am not z.b. Arnulf, I am only a small pilot fish with various translator to programs works.
Do see, nevertheless, only like I into English writes, understands generally somebody???

2. I have not even a notion how much I translated has if I had to estimate in such a way approx. 60%, it is a surely big play and I have not gone yet all possibilities by.
There the chaos comes still in my stored translations .... there, nevertheless, nobody finds the way, not even I...

3. If we take sometimes in me would get an exception permission of Goblinboy and I would become even fairly good got it there SD3 translation.
It would not last long to the first ones come requesting whether they could get no translated version of SD3.
If I referred then to the copyright and it was done only for me an exception, jaaa then would be still bigger the shouting; Why I may and he ... is not however, thus.
And not only I would be asked sonder also the Lagoon and Goblinboy would ask for with and be flooded protests.

4. Then not only Germans will also stand before the Türe, every land wants to have SD3 then into his language and Goblinboy with ask for in addition bomb and him with it in it hinder themselves on a new play from Concentrating because he would be occupied then more with it to control where his source code has landed everywhere in the world.

Quite honestly, I have fear of it a stone in this roll would bring itself fast to an avalanche can develop, I would not like for it the responsibility taking over .... and me or us with it around new plays of Goblinboy to bring.
That was my basic idea or rather my hope it a program one gives with simply the texts can exchange,
there is not this, however, probably.
I have too much respect and reverence for Goblinboy's work, (which I come along almost in the trousers) when I disfigure his work.

I owe that to you to her want to help me Goblinboy to ask or want to ask him for me, I say thanks ......, however no thanks
Sorry for my English [img]kator/smiley89.gif[/img] i know it's bad
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Re: School Dreams 3

Postby ExLibris » Thu, 11Oct20 05:56

Greebo wrote:Presumably there's an outside possibility that Goblinboy might be interested in working with you or making use of what you have done so far. As LRM says, there is no harm or cost in it.

Given that Goblinboy is currently working on GoP3, if you encourage him to set that aside and do something else you risk being lynched by hordes of angry fans.
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Re: School Dreams 3

Postby Freddy » Thu, 11Oct20 10:35

moin LoJo.

ich kanns lesen... und ich glaube ehrlich gesagt nicht, dass irgendwer mit anfragen überschwemmt werden würde, da 1. die fangemeinschaft eher klein ist und 2. die meisten die bereits schon zur fangemeinde gehören gut genug englisch verstehen um die spiele auch so sehr gut bewältigen zu können.

ach und ich kann mich wage an einen eintrag von goblinboy in irgend einem forum erinnern, indem er geschrieben hat, das der text in wehnigen tagen entsteht und den rest der zeit die bilder, der code und die fehlersuche sowie beseitigung in ansprucht nimmt. also, da du wahrlich kein programmierer bist, solltest du wirklich die finger davon lassen.

btw... glaubst du nicht, wenn es ein programm geben würde, das diese spiele übersetzt, würde es nicht jeder programmierer benutzen und direkt die spiele in diversen sprachen auf den markt schmeissen ?!

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Re: School Dreams 3

Postby zebrotavr » Thu, 11Oct20 13:38

i tried today but failed to connect
Does this site function?
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Re: School Dreams 3

Postby Greebo » Thu, 11Oct20 16:21

I tried out of interest and couldn't connect. What is more Google's cache for it gave a 404 error. The aifcommunity appears to be alive and well -- just their main site unavailable
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Re: School Dreams 3

Postby Ramirez » Sat, 11Oct22 07:01

You could try this:
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Re: School Dreams 3

Postby Greebo » Sat, 11Oct22 11:12

The site seems to be back out of 404 land now.
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Re: School Dreams 3

Postby ExLibris » Sun, 11Oct23 00:25

Repost from aifarchive of Matrix Mole's explanation for why was down

As I'm sure many of you may have noticed over the last few days, the
domain and all associated sites have been offline. This action was
taken by the hosting company because network and system usage were
crippling the host machine that the VPS resides upon. They enabled the
system long enough for me to get onto the server and do some forensics

What I discovered was over 500 connections in a short time frame from
a single IP in china to SD3.rar (Goblin Boy's School Dreams 3).
Because that file is so big (3rd largest file in the archive), all
those opened connections created the equivalence of a DoS attack to
the system at the OS level instead of merely at the apache server
process level. Every one of those connections was not only coming from
a chinese IP address, but they were all a result of a direct link to
that file from the Shark's Lagoon forums (located at That forum is still generating large amounts of
traffic onto the server for that specific file. I've locked the file
temporarily so that no one can access it in an effort to prevent the
load from bringing the system down. I'm also in the process of
configuring and installing some apache modules to prevent this kind of
behavior in the future (both the DoS style connections and the direct

The server is currently online with access to SD3 disabled at the file
system level. I have no way of knowing if the DoS was intentional or
not, as there are download accelerators out there that can open
multiple connections to a server to in theory enhance the speed of the
download. Among those accelerators, it's easy to forge the client that
it's connecting as, along with the referring link, and finally to have
buggy programming that doesn't limit the number of connections to a
sane level to prevent this kind of result. Once I've got those
security measures in place, I'll unlock the file so that it can be
accessed once more.

Matrix Mole

So it looks like removing the direct link at the beginning of this thread might be a good idea.
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Re: School Dreams 3

Postby LRM » Sun, 11Oct23 07:31

ExLibris wrote:Repost from aifarchive of Matrix Mole's explanation for why was down

As I'm sure many of you may have noticed over the last few days, the
domain and all associated sites have been offline. This action was
taken by the hosting company because network and system usage were
crippling the host machine that the VPS resides upon. They enabled the
system long enough for me to get onto the server and do some forensics

What I discovered was over 500 connections in a short time frame from
a single IP in china to SD3.rar (Goblin Boy's School Dreams 3).
Because that file is so big (3rd largest file in the archive), all
those opened connections created the equivalence of a DoS attack to
the system at the OS level instead of merely at the apache server
process level. Every one of those connections was not only coming from
a chinese IP address, but they were all a result of a direct link to
that file from the Shark's Lagoon forums (located at That forum is still generating large amounts of
traffic onto the server for that specific file. I've locked the file
temporarily so that no one can access it in an effort to prevent the
load from bringing the system down. I'm also in the process of
configuring and installing some apache modules to prevent this kind of
behavior in the future (both the DoS style connections and the direct

The server is currently online with access to SD3 disabled at the file
system level. I have no way of knowing if the DoS was intentional or
not, as there are download accelerators out there that can open
multiple connections to a server to in theory enhance the speed of the
download. Among those accelerators, it's easy to forge the client that
it's connecting as, along with the referring link, and finally to have
buggy programming that doesn't limit the number of connections to a
sane level to prevent this kind of result. Once I've got those
security measures in place, I'll unlock the file so that it can be
accessed once more.

Matrix Mole

So it looks like removing the direct link at the beginning of this thread might be a good idea.

The poster can edit his post to remove the link or one of us mods can if requested by him.
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Re: School Dreams 3

Postby Greebo » Sun, 11Oct23 10:37

Presumably you don't really need the poster's permission to mod it in view of shark's stated requirement for posts:
"2 - Respect of intellectual property :
- NO direct links of files hosted by other sites (.exe, .swf...), the links must point towards a Web page (HTML, php...)"
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