Help pick the next Tlaero and Mortze game

Complete and totally free games (the author can request a non-obligatory financial contribution in thanks or to help him to create new game)

Which game should we do next?

Finding Miranda
Redemption for Jessika
Total votes : 175

Re: Help pick the next Tlaero and Mortze game

Postby Mortze » Sun, 15Sep13 21:12

As far as you'd want I guess. Sure the most important premise would be to do games where we favor good actions. But it is also about erotism. I guess it will be very diferent from person to person how erotism and violence works out. I think that a story about a civilian trying to do right in a cataclysm desolated village is a great story but I can't find any room for erotism there. A bunch of mercenaries battling warlords in Africa, liberating innocent people from abuse and murderer makes a great story too. But I'd have some dificulties finding a place for erotism there too. On a more mundane scale, a guy falling in love for a girl finds out she is abused at home and tries to give her some hope and relief. Yeah, sounds good, but I'd find it hard to fantasise sexually on a girl that is abused in the story.
Those are hard examples I know. More soft one would be a swat brigade entirely made of sexy girls, that shoot vilains during the day and have wild sexy stories off work. Yeah, there would be violence there, but the kind we see in action movies and done in such a way we distantiate ouselves from the violent action (killing bad guys).
I do not say all the games must be without violence. That would takes us far from realism because violence exists in our world. The point is how we'd use violence in games and not compromise any erotism. I'd say violence has to play a secondary background part, and not be the main part.
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Re: Help pick the next Tlaero and Mortze game

Postby danigonz » Tue, 15Sep15 12:38

Mortze wrote:I do not say all the games must be without violence. That would takes us far from realism because violence exists in our world. The point is how we'd use violence in games and not compromise any erotism. I'd say violence has to play a secondary background part, and not be the main part.

I totally support that statement.

I'm not a gamer, I don't have any console. But what I see from "outside" the gaming world is that, if we set apart sports simulators, almost all the big hits are violent games: "Assassin's Creed", "GTA", "God of War", "Call of Duty", etc... So, I think there's enough violence for the ones who want it; I really appreciate that Tlaero's games are relatively violence-free.

And I also like that the characters she uses are into consensual sex. I'm not tame: I love porn, I love sex games, but, honestly, sometimes I'm afraid of the excess of dominance, rape, teenage sex or unfaithfulness which populate these games. So, I feel relieved when I play a game whose characters are consenting adults. Tlaero has showed us there can be really hot games without "darker" edges.

In adition, I also prefer "normal" environments. The possibility of meeting a hot woman in a library, an office or at your neighborhood is something we all can relate to. I think it's more exciting playing something that could really happen.
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Re: Help pick the next Tlaero and Mortze game

Postby jvit » Mon, 15Sep21 00:46

Looking forward to it!

(first I have to finish getting all the accomplishments in Elsa)
I post some of my renders here:
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Re: Help pick the next Tlaero and Mortze game

Postby john milton » Tue, 15Oct13 20:55

i was wandering if in your future game we'll see elsa having sex with different people other than jason.
since he had his way with the redhead (amazing) waitress, rebecca if i'm not wrong. elsa might have a similar kind of fantasy and it's a pity not to see her fulfilled, we're talking about equity after all ;)

i know that ms Tlaero has a preference for monogamous relations but since they have the opportunity to explore their fantasies in dreams i don't think it would break that "rule".

besides we've all seen a similar situation in getting to know christine, and it was epic in my opinion.

thank you for your efforts anyway, i really appreciate your work and the passion you both put in it.
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Re: Help pick the next Tlaero and Mortze game

Postby dauner » Tue, 15Oct13 21:47

john milton wrote:besides we've all seen a similar situation in getting to know christine, and it was epic in my opinion.

I have to agree, the endings to Getting to know Christine were the best out of all your games so far and i hope we can see something similar with the next one!
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Re: Help pick the next Tlaero and Mortze game

Postby Mortze » Tue, 15Oct13 22:08

Well. It is not for me to give any informations about that request but I'll be amongst the many to enjoy watching (and also rendering) our dear Elsa in such adventures.
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Re: Help pick the next Tlaero and Mortze game

Postby Skelaturi » Tue, 15Oct13 23:11

Mortze wrote:Well. It is not for me to give any informations about that request but I'll be amongst the many to enjoy watching (and also rendering) our dear Elsa in such adventures.

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Re: Help pick the next Tlaero and Mortze game

Postby tlaero » Wed, 15Oct14 01:51

Hey John, good to hear from you. You're talking about the GtkC beach scene with the two couples, right?

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Re: Help pick the next Tlaero and Mortze game

Postby john milton » Wed, 15Oct14 09:03

it's nice to hear you too Tlaero [img]images/icones/icon10.gif[/img]
exactly, i was talking about that. but that's just a reference that i (had) to make, i understand that Elsa and Christine have quite a different personality and that the situation would be different either.

but it's a theme that sometimes comes back in your games, and likely in our fantasies ;)

you're doing well in keeping you Precious secrets Moretz [img]smile/fuck.gif[/img] hahaha
but actually i don't envy you, we'd get such a huge surprise effect if something similar eventually happen.
the curse of the demiurge i guess..

have a good day, thanks for your replies
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Re: Help pick the next Tlaero and Mortze game

Postby tlaero » Thu, 15Oct15 03:47

Well, I do have a similar scene in mind for an upcoming game, but it's not with Elsa. She's not the main character in either of the games we're voting on here, so you should expect not to see her too much. But I hear your request and will think about how she might fit in. The next game has more room for that kind of thing than this one does.

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Re: Help pick the next Tlaero and Mortze game

Postby john milton » Sat, 15Oct17 18:06

thank you, i'm sure it'll be a great game [img]images/icones/icon10.gif[/img]
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Re: Help pick the next Tlaero and Mortze game

Postby kaffine » Mon, 15Oct19 12:21


i like to play with your games.

And i vote for the next.


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Re: Help pick the next Tlaero and Mortze game

Postby tlaero » Thu, 15Dec24 01:01

A quick update on how things are going.

We started working on our next game in August, but my day job was a living hell for a while. (At its worst, I didn't see a weekend for 5 weeks in a row.) I've had some time off since then, and things have picked up considerably. We're pretty far through the game now, and I'm really happy with how it's turning out. Last week I put together my favorite scene in all of the games I've created.

Not that "number of files" is a perfect indication of anything, but DwE was 1100 pages and 1135 images. In its current state, the new game is almost 900 pages and a similar number of images. It feels like the new game will end up being a little bit longer than DwE, but on the same scale. I'm writing the script for some of the later scenes now. We've still got a lot of images to generate, pages to write, and the hated "sounds" part. But it's coming together. Feels like it'll probably be done in January or February.

Remember than our Patrons at the "Friends with Benefits" level ($5) or higher will get the game a week before everyone else.

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Re: Help pick the next Tlaero and Mortze game

Postby Dasati » Thu, 15Dec24 11:37

ooh may get it in time for my birthday in February :D Glad to hear things are coming along and really looking forward to it.
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Re: Help pick the next Tlaero and Mortze game

Postby Issho » Thu, 15Dec24 16:44

First of all, you two are the best about this type of games! :) Tlaero, as I know, you implemented in some of your games the possibility to interact in the Sex-Scenes. Will this be an idea for the next game (being a loser or a freaking good guy in the bed)? Would be cool to see that more often :)

Second of all, I like all the stories of your games, and I don´t know if I am here right, but I recognized in your last games, that you as a protagonist, often have to take a relationship with the girl before you can get into her pants. I know that you tend to be a romantic woman in your games. I just made the experience the other way around (perhaps just my generation (even if the girls have some principles) :??: ). Personally I and all of the men I know, don´t take a relationship, before having at least for one time Sex with the girl (who knows, if it really harmonizes in the bed).
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