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Re: Emily: Sister Attraction

PostPosted: Sat, 15Aug22 12:01
by palmer_aif
LRM wrote:Once again I say this is Lou (not a moderator's opinion).
What I've said, over and over, that is apparently so difficult to understand is palmer_aif's posts are almost completely self serving!
He's made 39 total posts. 37 of them have been to his own thread.
He's made only one post to ANY other game creator's or artist's thread. We have a multitude of both; and only one post to any author or artist?
Even his required intro post, spells out the reason he came here.
palmer_aif wrote:Hello, I'm introducing myself in order to post my AIF game.

Is this the way a good neighbor acts? I think not!
IMO, as a six year resident, This is most bothersome to Shark. Again IMO the only thing he finds more detestable is advertising for a pay site!!!
A week ago I was a hero for defending incest! Today I point out something I and IMO Shark finds bothersome and you want to hang me.

The rules at that time (don't know what they are now on that matter) required members of the forum to register and post something in that thread in order to be able to post a thread. You are absolutely correct that I came to this forum to post the game, though. But isn't that sort of the sole purpose of this sub-forum? To spread games and discuss them?

Why are you still going on about my blog being a paysite? I've explained it before: There are no ads on my site, and my games are absolutely free to download (contrary to some other people on the forum who actually do have sites which requires the user to pay for at least some part of the content). Please stop lying about this. I had hoped this discussion would have died yesterday, but it's hard to keep my mouth shut when you've now yet again so blindly attacked me for coming here and sharing my content for free with the readers. Evidently, making games for free and discussing them with the readers isn't enough for you, game creators now also have to actively participate in other people's threads (which I don't have the time for), in order for you not to label them as mooches.

Re: Emily: Sister Attraction

PostPosted: Sat, 15Aug22 12:18
by LRM
You miss my point (and IMO Shark's) completely!
No one here gives a rat's ass about your site or your blog!
The thing that bothers Shark InMyOpinion) is thinking he created this site to advertise your site!
How can you possibly not believe the sole reason you posted here was to draw other's to your blog?

From the rules:
"- NO advertising : You may provide a link to your own work but the post should not contain advertising material or be a means to solicit funds. The webmaster and his representatives are the only ones to allow advertising on this website."
While you may not be guilty of running a pay site, your sole purpose for posting here was/is to advertise your site. While it may not violate the strict rule it definitely violates the intent!!!
Do I need to translate that?
IMO Shark created this site to showcase HIS creations and to a lessor degree a place to for members to discuss other sites of similar content.
Had one of you minion posted a link to you and started a discussion about it that's far different than how you handled your post!
The ONLY difference in what you've done and what JB Games did is to solicit donations. Both of you posted here to get free advertising! That IMO chaps Shark's ass. I know it does Lou's!

Re: Emily: Sister Attraction

PostPosted: Sat, 15Aug22 12:28
by palmer_aif
LRM wrote:You miss my point (and IMO Shark's) completely!
No one here gives a rat's ass about your site or your blog!
The thing that bothers Shark InMyOpinion) is thinking he created this site to advertise your site!
How can you possibly not believe the sole reason you posted here was to draw other's to your blog?

My blog wasn't even online when I created this thread.

LRM wrote:From the rules:
"- NO advertising : You may provide a link to your own work but the post should not contain advertising material or be a means to solicit funds. The webmaster and his representatives are the only ones to allow advertising on this website."
While you may not be guilty of running a pay site, your sole purpose for posting here was/is to advertise your site. While it may not violate the strict rule it definitely violates the intent!!!
Do I need to translate that?
IMO Shark created this site to showcase HIS creations and to a lessor degree a place to for members to discuss other sites of similar content.
Had one of you minion posted a link to you and started a discussion about it that's far different than how you handled your post!
The ONLY difference in what you've done and what JB Games did is to solicit donations. Both of you posted here to get free advertising! That IMO chaps Shark's ass. I know it does Lou's

My sole purpose for posting here was/is to advertise my blog? Okay... Thanks for telling me what my intent was/is. You apparently have some supernatural ability to read people's minds.
I don't know who JB Games is, but if you're referring to my p-word-site, that's only been online for about a week (At which point I updated my signature). This thread has been here fore more than two years. Your logic is flawed, to say the least.

And as longs as you want to bring up the rules, how about this one:
3. - Always remember that the Lagoon brings together people who seek fun and recreation. Be respectful in your discussions and polite to each other

I find you neither respectful nor polite.

Re: Emily: Sister Attraction

PostPosted: Sat, 15Aug22 12:39
by LRM
It's a community!
You don't participate in the community!
Your participation is limited to your little corner of the world.
Read a thread or two you didn't create. it might broaden your horizons.
I've not been disrespectful... direct absolutely... and honest!

Re: Emily: Sister Attraction

PostPosted: Sat, 15Aug22 12:43
by palmer_aif
LRM wrote:I've not been disrespectful...

LRM wrote:No one here gives a rat's ass about your site or your blog!

Re: Emily: Sister Attraction

PostPosted: Sat, 15Aug22 13:25
by shark
The latest posts are completely out of topic. This is likely to become increasingly common if some members continue to use this forum to make advertising.
When I created my website, I have not been looking for visitors on other web sites, I just released my games so that they are known... and the purpose of this forum is to help creators to create their games, not to sell them.

Moreover, I feel that there are more and more people interested in the controversy rather than in sexy 3d. Should I to change the title "sexy game forum" to "polemic forum"?
Please, Everybody stop.

Re: Emily: Sister Attraction

PostPosted: Sat, 15Aug22 14:49
by Issho
i think most discussions here lately are just of misunderstanding and have started with a little mosquito growing now to a big elephant. Let´s just all calm down and do what everyone can do best, like it always has been before all of this :)

Re: Emily: Sister Attraction

PostPosted: Sat, 15Aug22 16:28
by tolanis
Yes plz back on topic

Re: Emily: Sister Attraction

PostPosted: Sat, 15Aug22 18:18
by Dolphin-BR
If we keep attacking people who present their FREE GAMES in the so called ALL SEXY GAMES forum, which should be a place for sharing free games "You found a free sexy game on the Web, share it with the buddies ", we will have less and less authors coming here to share their creation.

This kind of behavior is suicidal for the supposed intent of the forum: Find and share free sexy games.

Palmer presented a free sexy game. Which was and still is a FREE SEXY GAME. I don't understand where it is breaching the supposed forum intent: "You found a free sexy game on the Web, share it with the buddies"
By the way, it is one of the best AIF games available!

Re: Emily: Sister Attraction

PostPosted: Sat, 15Aug22 18:24
by Cochise
Dolphin-BR wrote:If we keep attacking people who present their FREE GAMES in the so called ALL SEXY GAMES forum, which should be a place for sharing free games "You found a free sexy game on the Web, share it with the buddies ", we will have less and less authors coming here to share their creation.

This, times a hundred.

LRM wrote:
If you were well read in the forum you'd already be aware of Lou vs LRM. Lou can disagree with Shark. LRM cannot openly (we gave a hidden discussion at times) do that. I'm pretty good at keeping the two separate.
Moderators don't get two accounts. We have and occasionally like to voice our opinions. Lou vs LRM is how I do that. I'll not speak for anyone else. Read a few other threads. you may get a whole different view of the Lagoon.
I shouldn't have to repeat myself; LRM is a moderator... Lou is not!
When it's necessary for LRM to chat with you there will be no doubt who you are speaking with.

I'm sorry, but given how you confused everyone involved in that previous argument, I don't think you're good at keeping those two separate. As I mentioned before, from my point of view coming into this thread and reading what was being said, it looked like you were trolling the other people. I can only speak for myself, but from past experience I've come to expect moderators to at least be concise while trying to communicate with other members.

Instead of being "Lou this" or "Lou that", would it really be so hard to just say something like "speaking as a member and not a moderator" and then deliver your message? I hope I'm not the only one who finds it confusing and just a bit insulting.

This is all I'll say about this, so as to not continue the argument.

Re: Emily: Sister Attraction

PostPosted: Sat, 15Aug22 20:13
by shark
Dolphin-BR wrote:If we keep attacking people who present their FREE GAMES in the so called ALL SEXY GAMES forum, which should be a place for sharing free games "You found a free sexy game on the Web, share it with the buddies ", we will have less and less authors coming here to share their creation.

This kind of behavior is suicidal for the supposed intent of the forum: Find and share free sexy games.

I never prohibited palmer_aif to show his game. I only refused that he adds a link to a page that asks for money.
Having said that, I asked to stop off topic posts. This thread is intended to talk about a game. If someone considers that his "mission" is to explain to me how I have to manage this website, he can do it in "the beach" or "Shark's website" sections.
From now on, the posts off topic in this thread will be deleted.

Re: Emily: Sister Attraction

PostPosted: Sat, 15Aug22 23:20
by palmer_aif
Apologies to everyone for derailing my own thread, but I felt inclined to defend myself against the false accusations. I've said it on several occasions before; this is Shark's forum, and he can do what he wants. I asked Squeeky and Shark via PM if it was okay to post a certain link, Shark said no, so I didn't, that's all there is to it really! I'm totally fine with that. Let's forget about this whole thing and do as Shark says, please.

Now, to smooooth things over and get the thread somewhat in the right direction again, here's a Lagoon-exclusive of what Emily could look like with one of the new graphic styles I'm currently experimenting with! I think it kind of looks like her!

Let's follow her example; be happy, stay on topic, and get back to discussing sexy games :)

Re: Emily: Sister Attraction

PostPosted: Sun, 15Aug23 01:25
by ltpika
I think that's TOO different. Scary, even.

Re: Emily: Sister Attraction

PostPosted: Sun, 15Aug23 01:29
by slickchris
That looks like something i'd see in a bbben game. I like it.

Re: Emily: Sister Attraction

PostPosted: Sun, 15Aug23 04:44
by MorganTreeman
Though she is cute, love the school girl outfit, it does remind me a lot of BBBen's style. It leaves me a bit disconnected from the Emily I know. I think the problem might be the eyes. Can we see what she looks like with smaller eyes?