Redemption for Jessika (En, Sp, Fr, It, Ge)

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Re: Redemption for Jessika

Postby Dolphin-BR » Tue, 16Feb23 03:29

tlaero wrote:And you feel that Marc didn't do those things? What should he have done differently? Please be specific.


Please understand that I don't think the game should be changed. It is the way it is and it is a very good game! For my taste it could be better if the player had more options, especially during the sex scenes (for instance, lick here, lick there, try doggy style position, try missionary position, try anal doggy style position, etc. even if the partner says: "I don't like this, let's do that.")

For me it is not a problem that the PC seems weak. But if you intend to prevent this from happening, I believe it would help to make him more active than passive during events. (for instance, At the bar he could ask Jess to go to a quieter place, instead of being picked up by her. He could suggest her to give him a blowjob in the elevator. He could slap her butt on the way into her home, anything you can think of that would make him take the initiative.)

ares wrote:I also have many women friends with which I speak openly about sex. And by a big margin, the majority of women I know a) masturbate often, some of them masturbate every day b) Would have masturbated if in that situation.

I saw something similar in a porn movie I watched many years ago: It was a gonzo style porn movie. Three guys with a camera traveling through South America. They got two escort girls to make the sex scenes with them, and they had a female journalist to translate their communications with the girls. After many minutes watching the guys having sex with the girls and translating their commands to the girls, we could see the translator (who tried to stay out of the camera range) beginning to masturbate, and she even performed an oral sex scene with one of the guys. It was really interesting to see the scene and to hear the other two guys commenting: "How did he do that?"
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Re: Redemption for Jessika

Postby nale » Tue, 16Feb23 21:51

First i want to join everyone to thank You, Tlearo and Mortze for this very beautiful game, i liked it so much.

But i was a little bit upset about one part of the story: The knowledge of Sylvia about her Girlfriends life. She doesn't even know the name of the Band Sarah is in? She doesn’t even know the name of the Room mate of her Girlfriend? I can hardly believe that. But the most interesting fact is that Silvia never have been to a Concert from Sarah, otherwise she would have met Marc there - because Mayham is a local band, the Concerts should not be to huge to not notice each other. What is she for a heartless Girlfriend to not take part in Sarah's life. Sylvia also doesn't seem to be a person, to lie in such a situation and besides what would be the point? If she wants Marc to help Jessica she could directly suggest it.

For Marc and his "Weakness": I didn't feel that way, but what i thought was unusual, that you hardly know anything about the PC after the game. Marc is a huge music fan with a long-standig crush on Jessica, his Co-Workers thinks he is nice, he works (he don't seem to really identify with beeing a scribe, but rather sees it as a nice work). But besides that? Does he have any closer Friends? What does he used to do in his spare time? What does he think he is good at?
I assume that many .en tend to rather not fill this questions by one's own creativity but to rather Say: Ok No Friends, no Hobbys, no nothing. If your really assume that than he is a boring person and one could call him weak.

azrael wrote:Whats the next story?

See /viewtopic.php?f=3&t=3553 its Finding Miranda.
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Re: Redemption for Jessika

Postby tlaero » Wed, 16Feb24 04:00

jk103 wrote:Option 1 would probably be pretty similar to the game as-is, but again, I think having AN option in the first place is what makes the difference. There's a difference between being passive because you think that's the best course of action and being passive because you don't know how to take action, and in a video game, you do the former by giving the player a choice.

This is a different discussion. This is, "The game should be more interactive," and not "Marc is weak."

The personification of Marc as "strong" or "weak" should not be related to the interactivity of the game. If interactivity was required for a character to be strong, then it would be impossible to have a strong character in any book or movie.

I understand the desire for games to be more interactive, but that's a clear tradeoff. You either make the game longer, or you make the story shorter. There's no other way around it. I'm happy to discuss that further, if you'd like, though.

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Re: Redemption for Jessika

Postby azerukaze » Thu, 16Feb25 15:31

Hmm... In my opinion since you already have the variables (sweet, nice, funny, smart, sexual, etc), maybe you can use it to influence some of the scenes ie. if you're sweet = date at the park, if you're funny = have fun at the carnival, if you're smart = go to the museum/art exhibition, if you're sexual = hangout at the bar (well maybe not the bar since Jessika's trying to avoid getting plastered but you know what I mean). You can then reset the variables after each scene so that you're not locked in as just sweet or smart or funny. Am I even making any sense? It simply means having multiple route but still ends up at the same ending.

I know that this will cost you both a shit load of extra work but i think that it will improve your game drastically.

I also like how you implement the mini game in the last sex scene except it feels like it wasn't explored to the fullest. I mean it's a great way to showcase Mortze animation skill but in terms of gameplay, it feels a little lackluster. Maybe add a fail condition? Ie. if you click too many times instead of holding, they won't have sex but go straight too sleep, which won't deviate that much from the story since they weren't planning on having sex in the first place. So the sex is the reward for players who play the mini game.

That's just my two cents, you're games are still one of the top on my list. Ranking on playforceone proves the same as well. [img]images/icones/icon10.gif[/img]
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Re: Redemption for Jessika

Postby JFR » Thu, 16Feb25 17:31

I hate mini-arcade games that must be passed to complete a scene!
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Re: Redemption for Jessika

Postby Greyelf » Fri, 16Feb26 00:17

JFR wrote:I hate mini-arcade games that must be passed to complete a scene!

In a narrative based game like this one I would have to agree with JFR's statement, a reader should never be forced to rely heavy on their physical agility (eye-hand co-ordination) to be able to proceed with the narrative.
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Re: Redemption for Jessika

Postby herkalurk » Fri, 16Feb26 01:15

Greyelf wrote:
JFR wrote:I hate mini-arcade games that must be passed to complete a scene!

In a narrative based game like this one I would have to agree with JFR's statement, a reader should never be forced to rely heavy on their physical agility (eye-hand co-ordination) to be able to proceed with the narrative.

I agree in the sense of the normal storyline. I kind of like how it was done in the Haunted Island games by arnii (not sure if they're on this board). They would have a mini game like that to get a bonus scene at the end, but didn't affect the storyline if you failed.
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Re: Redemption for Jessika

Postby xeris » Sat, 16Feb27 08:50

tlaero wrote:Part of the reason my games are well received is that I portray women more realistically than most erotic games do. It seems, though, that I'm guilty of the reverse, and am stereotypical with my guys. That's fair. I'll work on doing better in the next one.


I don't think you're necessarily unfair in your portrayals. You tend to have shy "good" guys who are realistic for a subset of men. I've always been shy & nerdy so I identify with your male characters and don't think any of their choices are unexpected from someone with that personality type(including not masturbating in front of others). Now, that's not a _popular_ portrayal for men. Boys grow up idolizing strong figures like superheros and their fathers. So seeing a "hero" who is more quiet and passive can be jarring. That's not necessarily a bad thing but it's likely to provoke reactions.

Specifically regarding the choice to leave, I think it was adequately conveyed how everyone in the situation felt and in a story-driven game I don't mind being told how the character feels about something whether or not I might feel the same way. So I don't see a problem there.

I personally prefer confident introverted women. So I wouldn't date some of your female characters in real life, but as fantasy game characters I like seeing where the story goes. I don't need characters to align with my ideals to enjoy a game. Likewise I can play as an alpha or female even though they aren't me. The only exceptions are things like rape, S&M, or MM sex. Those are things I can't role play. (not knocking MM sex, just not a turn on).

Anyway, I think there's nothing wrong with you writing characters you find attractive. If you try to write a different kind of character that isn't familiar to you it likely won't be as good.
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Re: Redemption for Jessika

Postby Vechter » Sat, 16Feb27 21:05

Great game ! I must congratulate both Tlaero & Mortze for delivering such a gem. :)

Your portraitization of the male lead was fine Tlaero, there are different types of male profiles, you can't capture them all in a single character and you've done a great job. Not to mention the attitude from the protagonist was good for the female counterpart. Everything seemed realistic.. well, to a certain extent. But it's fine, that's why it's a game. ^^
I, however, would've loved to see some more restraint from Jessika, she seemed way too eager to get into the guys pants. But I can't complain too much, from a psychological stand-point, it all made sense, seeing as he was the loving person she needed and all that.
But, it was an amazing experience, the writing was even better than your previous games Tlaero, and the graphics were amazing aswell.

All in all, read my first 2 words again. :lol:
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Re: Redemption for Jessika

Postby fatquack » Sun, 16Feb28 01:20

Greyelf wrote:
JFR wrote:I hate mini-arcade games that must be passed to complete a scene!

In a narrative based game like this one I would have to agree with JFR's statement, a reader should never be forced to rely heavy on their physical agility (eye-hand co-ordination) to be able to proceed with the narrative.

I totally agree!
(and I suck at those things anyway [img]images/icones/icon15.gif[/img] )
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Re: Redemption for Jessika

Postby muttdoggy » Sun, 16Feb28 06:20

I've had the chance to play this game numerous times and I enjoyed it each time. Been reading the replies here and everyone's got a point. Here's mine. Marc isn't unusual nor is he spineless or not making choices. I'm similar to Marc IRL. Even physically except I'm not tall. Plus, I'm musically inclined and love listening to music. I used to play drums and was in advanced English courses throughout high school. I'm reserved and quiet until I feel I can trust you. When that happens, you'd need duck tape to shut me up. I'm very observant as well. The reason for that is unlike Marc, I'm hearing impaired. I enjoy my bilateral cochlear implants. And.. like Marc I have met a girl with no intention on either of our parts of getting laid but guess what happened that night? I knew her better. MUCH better. :p I don't always "take charge" during sex so I can observe the girl's physical reactions and adjust what i need to do to achieve the desired effect. Remember I have trouble hearing. Most girls are used to talking and I can't understand or hear it so I end up using my other senses to compensate. It works wonders.
Be like Marc. You might be pleasantly surprised at how many girls will end up buying you drinks. And yes.. girls do talk cuz they forget I can read lips. Both lips. :lol:

Keep up the good work Tlaero and Mortze!! Looking forward to Miranda's story!

Oh before I forget.. Dreaming with Elsa took place over several days and some people were concerned about the shift in her personality. Try being a bookworm that is naturally suspicious and then you begin to fall for someone while a strange situation is unfolding. You had a physical separation yet there was still a physical component. Unlike most situations, there was a "safety switch"... you could snap your fingers and the undesired situation would disappear. You never had to "turn the dream off". With all that factored in, there could be an understandable shift in her behavior towards Jason. The way I saw it was that she is still Elsa but now we're seeing the real sexy girl behind the facade. [img]images/icones/icon13.gif[/img]
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Re: Redemption for Jessika

Postby tlaero » Mon, 16Feb29 02:38

Thanks, folks. I'm glad to hear that some men connected with Marc. I'm not sure if I should read something into the fact that the people who were so down on him haven't suggested anything he should have done differently. Maybe just RfJ fatigue.

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Re: Redemption for Jessika

Postby JFR » Mon, 16Feb29 03:02

tlaero wrote:Thanks, folks. I'm glad to hear that some men connected with Marc. I'm not sure if I should read something into the fact that the people who were so down on him haven't suggested anything he should have done differently. Maybe just RfJ fatigue. ...Tlaero

I think most of us just want you concentrating on Miranda for now. [img]images/icones/icon10.gif[/img]
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Re: Redemption for Jessika

Postby jk103 » Mon, 16Feb29 05:24

tlaero wrote:Thanks, folks. I'm glad to hear that some men connected with Marc. I'm not sure if I should read something into the fact that the people who were so down on him haven't suggested anything he should have done differently. Maybe just RfJ fatigue.


Since you seem opposed to adding any more interactivity to the game I won't belabor that point any more. I think I must have does a poor job explaining myself, but I think if I try to press the point any longer I'm just going to look like an asshole.

My only other advice would be to give the protagonist some motivation other than pleasing the romantic interest. Let Marc some goals and interests and motivations that aren't related to Jessika and making Jessika happy.
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Re: Redemption for Jessika

Postby LRM » Mon, 16Feb29 06:41

jk103 wrote:
tlaero wrote:Thanks, folks. I'm glad to hear that some men connected with Marc. I'm not sure if I should read something into the fact that the people who were so down on him haven't suggested anything he should have done differently. Maybe just RfJ fatigue.


Since you seem opposed to adding any more interactivity to the game I won't belabor that point any more. I think I must have does a poor job explaining myself, but I think if I try to press the point any longer I'm just going to look like an asshole.

My only other advice would be to give the protagonist some motivation other than pleasing the romantic interest. Let Marc some goals and interests and motivations that aren't related to Jessika and making Jessika happy.

That ends in... No nooky for you? Not a great choice IMO.
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