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Re: Infidèle [FR] [EN]

PostPosted: Sat, 15May23 20:26
by nerio
Skelaturi wrote:
You were using the English version? Yeah, RAGS appears to keep the location of the game file in the save file and causes this. I'm fascinated that the issue did not occur for you if you used the same version as me. It hit me every single time, except for a French version a while back.

Skelaturi wrote:Also for your second thing the
On a different note, man 3.0 is awful. It refreshes the entire transcript after each action which rapidly leads to games becoming unplayable.
i believe that can be fixed with the unchecking of turn off autopause, at the top of your screen under tools. Atleast if its the thing that i think it is

I already had that option selected. The problem is that the longer you play, the longer the transcript becomes and the transcript re-draws after each action. This causes an issue where the re-draw can slow down the game if you pile up the actions. If it happens, quicksave, open the game again and quickload - but it should not be happening in the first place and RAGS before 3.0 just appended text so playing for indefinite amounts of time was fine unless there were runaway timers.

yup english, and your fascinated, but i feel left out.

edit: have tried playing it now aswell with the non-french - accent link aswell, still no loop. Could it be that it is related to the OS? I am using windows 7 myself.

I'm using Windows 7 64 bit myself. If it's an OS bug I'll actually be impressed! Don't feel left out, it's quite irritating!

Re: Infidèle [FR] [EN]

PostPosted: Sat, 15May23 20:50
by Skelaturi
i imagine it is irritating, but when others are getting it. And even provide links towards it, i actually start to wonder where the bug is coming from. Also 32bit here. Old pc

Re: Infidèle [FR] [EN]

PostPosted: Sat, 15May23 22:51
by SilentKiller
i am going to install a virtual OS (Windows 7 32 bit) & even Windows XP on my machine then observe the issue on it and give all of you full details
i just hope it's really an OS issue because i will get mad if i experience the problem again [img]images/icones/icon15.gif[/img]

Re: Infidèle [FR] [EN]

PostPosted: Sat, 15May23 23:07
by Skelaturi
well if you still get the problem you will know its not os related, you get annoyed but its atleast one suspect scratched of the list. If you do not get the bug with win7 os 32 then the guys at rags should know it probaly, cause then its not Zigmuts mistake probaly but the rags engine its fault

Re: Infidèle [FR] [EN]

PostPosted: Sat, 15May23 23:28
by LRM
How dare you use logic and common sense! What's next... expect them to read others posts before complaining?

Re: Infidèle [FR] [EN]

PostPosted: Sat, 15May23 23:30
by Skelaturi
LRM wrote:How dare you use logic and common sense! What's next... expect them to read others posts before complaining?

Yes, cause i am that evil.

Re: Infidèle [FR] [EN]

PostPosted: Sun, 15May24 01:04
by Greyelf
The RAGS Player has always been interesting to install correctly, from which version of the .Net Framework, to which version of MS SQL Server, through to which version of Window Media Player. :)

Re: Infidèle [FR] [EN]

PostPosted: Sun, 15May24 15:31
by Nihu
I was getting the loop also, I believe it was on 2.4 rags, now I decided to check if something changed.

And something did change for me.
On newest rags ( I'm getting the following errors:
They happen in the new game. The first one triggers when entering the living room, after clicking OK the Noelle argument with her boyfriend happens and this scene is followed up with the 2nd error. If I go to the other room and go back, it happens again.

This is on both eng and french version.

Re: Infidèle [FR] [EN]

PostPosted: Tue, 15May26 17:08
by nerio
Nihu wrote:I was getting the loop also, I believe it was on 2.4 rags, now I decided to check if something changed.

And something did change for me.
On newest rags ( I'm getting the following errors:
They happen in the new game. The first one triggers when entering the living room, after clicking OK the Noelle argument with her boyfriend happens and this scene is followed up with the 2nd error. If I go to the other room and go back, it happens again.

This is on both eng and french version.

OK, that was the hint I needed. The issue is that the decimal separator in zigmut's computere is ',' and on those of use in the anglosphere, it's '.'

Change this by going to Control Panel, Region and Language, and click the Advanced Settings on the Format tab. Change the decimal symbol to ',' and restart RAGS.

I just tested this. Before the change - loop. After the change, no loop.
I strongly recommend to avoid floating point arithmatic internally in games :)

Edit: Following up, here's a snippet from a similar discussion on hypnopics (but reversed where a player from Europe ran into this issue with a game from America)
Fun fact: RAGS doesn't do numbers as type Int (whole numbers), they're all of type Double (decimals).
Which means that every number in a RAGS game can have a decimal point in them at any given moment. Said number can be assigned an integer value, but can become a decimal value at any point (i.e an integer of 1 divided by say 4 will become 0.25).

So buh, anytime a number is used (say for to represent cash on hand, or serve as a counter as to how many times the player does a thing), you're going to have a risk of punctuation screwing up the game for this particular issue.

I am going to refer this to the RAGS bug forum

Re: Infidèle [FR] [EN]

PostPosted: Tue, 15May26 19:17
by Skelaturi
well that explains it i am Dutch ehh ehh from Hel and we use a "," for decimal. But had to see it for myself aswell and i can confirm after changing it towards a "." i got the loop. Yeeej no longer feel left out. And Yeeaaah, when people read (or as LRM mentions it )
LRM wrote:How dare you use logic and common sense! What's next... expect them to read others posts before complaining?

noone should have the loop any longer. Huzzah more work to get rags to work.

edit: should have bowed first towars Nerio and shouted "i am not worthy i am not worthy"

Re: Infidèle [FR] [EN]

PostPosted: Tue, 15May26 22:45
by nerio
Skelaturi wrote:edit: should have bowed first towars Nerio and shouted "i am not worthy i am not worthy"

Hardly, if anything Nihu cracked it, and those very nice people over at hypnopics. I wonder why I was not getting the same RAGS error, too.
Also, guaranteed this will get lost in the pile :D

Re: Infidèle [FR] [EN]

PostPosted: Tue, 15May26 23:31
by LRM
nerio wrote:
Skelaturi wrote:edit: should have bowed first towars Nerio and shouted "i am not worthy i am not worthy"

Hardly, if anything Nihu cracked it, and those very nice people over at hypnopics. I wonder why I was not getting the same RAGS error, too.
Also, guaranteed this will get lost in the pile :D

No guarantee anyone will read it, but post 1 has been edited to add the fix...
Thanks nerio; good catch. You've just earned an atta boy. Actually I award two... you also alerted the people in a position to correct the error. Atta boys are pretty rare, thanks again.

Re: Infidèle [FR] [EN]

PostPosted: Wed, 15May27 03:56
by redle
Haven't had a chance to replay the game now to give the fix a try, but certainly sounds like a likely source. I'll add my thanks to the others. Bugs are foiled once again. Well played, nerio.

Re: Infidèle [FR] [EN]

PostPosted: Wed, 15May27 13:05
by SilentKiller
thanks nerio for solving the bug, good one man [img]images/icones/icon15.gif[/img]

Re: Infidèle [FR] [EN]

PostPosted: Wed, 15May27 13:37
by Skelaturi
wanna bet Nerio, his royal modesty is currently blushing with all those compliments?