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Re: Vdategames: Maddison II

PostPosted: Fri, 13Feb01 13:53
by smokindavis
The game is definitely one of his best. And it's by far his most difficult.

Re: Vdategames: Maddison II

PostPosted: Fri, 13Feb01 17:36
by phreaky
@tlaero, what's the example of the erotic things you mentioned ?

Just curious, are the sex scenes better ?

Re: Vdategames: Maddison II

PostPosted: Fri, 13Feb01 19:02
by Stinky
I really like this game, not just because I like the Maddison character.

It's definitely Chaotic's most ambitious and difficult game to date. The finale has so many variations that it's going to take me quite a while to find them all.

And the animation is top-notch in some scenes. The scene where Maddison plays with her breasts is so realistic, right down to her fingers trembling. [img]images/icones/icon7.gif[/img]

EDIT: @phreaky The sex scenes are great. But I have to admit the animated Maddison-on-top scene from the Photographer is still one of my favourites!

Re: Vdategames: Maddison II

PostPosted: Fri, 13Feb01 19:32
by wagner
Stinky wrote:It's definitely Phreaky's most ambitious and difficult game to date.

Except... it isn't. Phreaky and Tlaero have done the Keeley, Christine, and Jessica games, and Tlaero wrote a tool to help create them. Maddison is by Chaotic, from vdategames.

Re: Vdategames: Maddison II

PostPosted: Fri, 13Feb01 19:43
by Stinky
wagner wrote:
Stinky wrote:It's definitely Phreaky's most ambitious and difficult game to date.

Except... it isn't. Phreaky and Tlaero have done the Keeley, Christine, and Jessica games, and Tlaero wrote a tool to help create them. Maddison is by Chaotic, from vdategames.

D'oh! You're absolutely right and I knew that. Brain fart because I was looking at Phreaky's post above mine.

Re: Vdategames: Maddison II

PostPosted: Fri, 13Feb01 22:54
by Alx
loved it ^^

I still hope to use Tlaero's toll to make a few my self, if I can have a few weeks of free time

Re: Vdategames: Maddison II

PostPosted: Sat, 13Feb02 00:03
by smokindavis
any tips guys?

I can get to the nightclub/art class stage, but never past it. I've even had the happiness bar completely full. It's hard to determine the best choices when you can't see the true value they're adding to the happiness and lust bars.

Re: Vdategames: Maddison II

PostPosted: Sat, 13Feb02 00:14
by MisterU
I like a good pair of tits but ehhhh Maddison tits are so unrealistic, very exaggerated, it enters the ridicule zone [img]images/icones/icon15.gif[/img]
The animations of Maddison at the beginning when she's trying different clothes were so awkward...
anyway i just played the demo, unfortunately it's very short.... and $20 bucks it's a bit high, i know it also includes other games on site but i already played many of them before, so i don't find it a pretty good deal.
Sell each game individually at $5 or so, i guess would be a more interesting choice than pay $20 and hope new games would be released during the subscription period (which most probably won't happen)

Re: Vdategames: Maddison II

PostPosted: Sat, 13Feb02 04:02
by tlaero
I don't know that it's worth $20, but it's infinitely better than his previous games. Phreaky, the main sex scene is very involved with many positions and gif animations. I feel that your artwork is better but this is definitely competitive if not more varied. Good job Chaotic on the improvements. The overall story is pretty standard and the characters are a little flat, but some of the situations are cool. I especially like the art scene.

Technologically, it could use help, but in terms of amount of content, he really outdid himself this time. One huge downside is he forgot to compress his images. The darn thing is 500M! Yeah, it has a lot of files, but each image is 5-10x bigger than it needs to be.


Re: Vdategames: Maddison II

PostPosted: Sat, 13Feb02 04:05
by tlaero
Alx wrote:I still hope to use Tlaero's toll to make a few my self, if I can have a few weeks of free time

Once you get some time, if you have any questions at all, I'll be more than happy to answer them in the projects section.


Re: Vdategames: Maddison II

PostPosted: Sat, 13Feb02 04:45
by phreaky
I haven't played the game (no membership), but just found out the it has around 800 something images in total. Well done, chaotic, he must've put a ton of effort to make this one

Still, maddison boobs are too big and too firm in my opinon. Did she have a boob job ? :D

But again, this is the kind of work chaotic should aim for if he still wants people to pay for his game
So, it's good to see him improving

Re: Vdategames: Maddison II

PostPosted: Sat, 13Feb02 10:51
by kessie8yl
Werehunter wrote:Yeah, I wasn't a huge fan of Maddison in previous games. Though she was the winner of the poll he ran about people's favorite character, with Rachel coming in second.

Oh and Libris, he does have the option to buy games without using offsite. Though they are bundled. The full pack is 8 games for about $20.00.

An update on this... Back in October I attempted to buy the download of the online games via his "Paypal Store" but it didn't work.. I mentioned it under the Pool-Party topic about a week or so later, having reported the problem but getting the usual response from Chaotic (i.e. none).

Finding myself with time on my hands I finally gave in to temptation and attempted to try again yesterday. The result was exactly the same. This is despite the fact that he has updated the list of games in the pack to include Maddison, so it's obviously not just a forgotten area of his website.

I have left feedback again but I guess Chaotic will treat it with the usual amount of disdain.

Before anyone starts clicking on the links and telling me they work you should know that anyone who persists with the transaction is taken to their Paypal account where they can even "pay" the $20 but as soon as you hit the button to complete it just takes you back to Chaotic's "shopping basket". The only upside is that no money is actually charged to your Paypal account.

Presumably some people will have taken out the ultra-short 2 month subscriptions, assuming the "Paypal Store" to be a dead link but I've never been a huge fan of his and I'm damned if I'm going to be conned out of $20 just to play for 2 months. I don't trust some of these payment processing sites anyway - and Chaotic seems to use a different one to anyone else, presumably because they charge him less. Given his attitude to his customers I somehow doubt Chaotic would choose a partner because of their track record in reliability, security and trust.

Basically the set of games are NOT available to download for $20 and to my knowledge it never have been. This sort of false claim would actually be unlawful here in the UK.

Re: Vdategames: Maddison II

PostPosted: Sat, 13Feb02 18:26
by robr
It seems like every time Chaotic releases a new game, there are comments about the cost of membership to his site. First, I would to say that I am a big fan of Sharks, Chaotic, and Pusooy and join their sites whenever they release a new game. But, all things considered, Sharks site is the most expensive. 15 euros(currently $13.50 US) for 30 days. Chaotic gives you 60 days for $20. Chaotic also allows you to download the games in his "members only" site. But these downloads are useless, because near the start of every game, the correct option is left off the screen so you can not play the game all the way through. Pusooys site is the "best value"(if you enjoy wearing out your mouse). For $10 you get 6 months of membership or you can join for $20 and get a full year. You can also download all of his/her games(except the most recent game) and play them all the way through. You can also see the "passwords" for all of his/her games. Because I enjoy playing the different types of games these 3 sites offer, I will continue to support them by joining their sites whenever a new game is offered. The creators of these games have expenses, so by joining, I hope I can help in a little way to support their work.

Re: Vdategames: Maddison II

PostPosted: Sat, 13Feb02 21:06
by NiGHTS4life
Has anyone managed to download [mod edit ...... illegal ask] ?

Re: Vdategames: Maddison II

PostPosted: Sat, 13Feb02 21:36
by rabbie
NiGHTS4life wrote:Has anyone managed to download [mod edit ...... illegal ask]?

I got it downloading right now, but its against the site rules to post it here, its out there.. so look around....i guess.