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Re: Dreaming with Elsa

PostPosted: Fri, 15Jul31 14:35
by jacke
Voting is good !
But i prefer voting for a main character, a short description and picture will be nice , i want to discover the story and not having a few spoiler in the description of the scene....(in fact i like the surprise)
That's only my opinion on the subject, so do as you want to !

Re: Dreaming with Elsa

PostPosted: Sat, 15Aug01 01:14
by anggus
Mortze wrote:
tlaero wrote:My current design is influenced by Bioware games (ie Mass Effect, though I loved them all).



Damn that's awesome Mortze!

Re: Dreaming with Elsa

PostPosted: Sun, 15Aug02 20:05
by tlaero
I just checked Playforceone and, though the score has come down somewhat, it's still 93% compared to Christine's 89.9%

The game is doing better than I expected. Just before we released it I had a worried conversation with Mortze that I thought the two paths had weakened Elsa and that the game wouldn't do as well as a result. I wasn't so worried that I wanted to rewrite the whole thing, mind you. My mindset is much more of a "ship it and do better on the next one" than "keep polishing for years." I guess that strategy is proving out here, given the positive response. But I still wonder.

I'm going to break the game into 4 major categories. Can you folks order them from which you "liked most" on down? (Lowest doesn't have to mean you didn't like it. Just that you liked the other categories more.)

1) Elsa's character and character growth.
2) Images/artwork/graphics
3) Overall story (including the dream aspect and what's going on with Chloe).
4) Sexuality (including the ramp from kiss to silhouette to phone to shower to finale)

So, if you thought, "The sex was amazing, I'd like to date Elsa, the art was fantastic, but I don't like fantasy stuff," your answer would be 4, 1, 2, 3.
On the other hand, if you thought, "The art was great, the sex ramp was hot, the story was interesting, but I liked Keisha, Keeley, and Christine a little better than Elsa," your answer would be 2, 4, 3, 1.

In the end, I'm going to write the games I'm going to write. I'm certainly not going to get into a "design by committee." That never works. But knowing what people appreciate helps me tune and tweak a bit where appropriate.


Re: Dreaming with Elsa

PostPosted: Sun, 15Aug02 20:59
by Skelaturi
tlaero wrote: But knowing what people appreciate helps me tune and tweak a bit where appropriate.


I appreciate hard work. Both you and Mortze delivered on that.

For your rating i used this line in another topic of ours already. I abstain. I am not qualified as a judge.

Re: Dreaming with Elsa

PostPosted: Sun, 15Aug02 22:48
by jacke
So for me it's 4, 2,3,1.

Re: Dreaming with Elsa

PostPosted: Sun, 15Aug02 23:07
by kexter
3-2-4-1, as in "I loved the general premise, the art was great, the sexy-bits were okay, not really a fan of Elsa though - I felt a disconnect with her character".

Re: Dreaming with Elsa

PostPosted: Sun, 15Aug02 23:17
by Super
I like shy nerdy girls (hence why my game was about a shy nerdy girl) so that was great, along with the graphics (no complaints mortze). The ramp up was good too though not as important I me as those two

I didn't care so much for the dream stuff honestly. Not that I'm against fantasy elements, I just couldn't get past the barrier is this taking place in our world (or at least a world with no real stuff like that) and everyone to just casually accept the dream stuff. Like your friend just seemed ok with you have shared dream sex. Also, not a fan of all those firsts being in a dream, I dunno, seems off. So I'd say the dream stuff is my least favorite of the four honestly.

Re: Dreaming with Elsa

PostPosted: Mon, 15Aug03 15:13
by EscapeEvade
I'd go 1-3-2-4, as in "Loved Elsa, really like the unique and interesting story, thought the artwork was pretty good, and actually didn't mind that it took as long as it did to ramp up the sexuality."

Re: Dreaming with Elsa

PostPosted: Mon, 15Aug03 20:59
by ltpika

Re: Dreaming with Elsa

PostPosted: Mon, 15Aug03 21:14
by Ogre
tlaero wrote:...The game is doing better than I expected. Just before we released it I had a worried conversation with Mortze that I thought the two paths had weakened Elsa and that the game wouldn't do as well as a result. ...

Face it, Tlaero, you and Mortze made a masterpiece.

I have a hard time to vote for the four categories you made up, as I can't really tell what I liked at least. Category 2, 1 and 4 are at the first place, and the third is in the second (weird, huh?). There is no such thing as "I didn't like the overall story"... so, here is the result:
2+1+4,3 with nothing in the third or the last places. Sorry, I just can't give any of the categories a vote below the second place.

Re: Dreaming with Elsa

PostPosted: Tue, 15Aug04 02:47
by tlaero
Ogre wrote:2+1+4,3 with nothing in the third or the last places. Sorry, I just can't give any of the categories a vote below the second place.

I'm a manager. You just described every review period for me where I have to decide the order my people should be in... (-:


Re: Dreaming with Elsa

PostPosted: Tue, 15Aug04 20:44
by Frank
tlaero wrote:
Frank, there's no penalty for skipping the mouse control sequences.


Thanks. I really enjoy your work, but my carpal tunnel doesn't always cooperate with mouse-controlled games.

Re: Dreaming with Elsa

PostPosted: Thu, 15Aug06 01:40
by Mortze
As a token of apreciation for all your support here and on PlayForce One, Elsa made a pic of herself fingering her pussy! Enjoy!


Re: Dreaming with Elsa

PostPosted: Thu, 15Aug06 01:43
by Skelaturi
Mortze wrote:As a token of apreciation for all your support here and on PlayForce One, Elsa made a pic of herself fingering her pussy! Enjoy!


Damn you, could have guessed it was something like that cause the other pictures were not spoilered

Re: Dreaming with Elsa

PostPosted: Thu, 15Aug06 04:46
by Wolf007
Just to give it an order: 1+2,4,3

But i really liked it all.

1- This one not really a fair "fight". Elsa is too good for MY personal taste. I don't expect new characters to be the same. Christine is nothing like Elsa, but i still really like her. About the dual path i did't feel like she was off character. She is shy, so she responds (inside her "limits") to her partner (the PC) as she thinks he will like. I think that is completely normal.

2- I loved the art. Mortze did an incredible Job.

4- You get more as the game progress. That is best way.

3- The setting is nice. It makes not only an interesting subject (shared dreams/dream manipulation, witch i hope you continue some day) but puts a nice base for the new universe. The supernatural part is not that "heavy" so it does not take away the characters attractive. I mean that i see the supernatural as an asset, not the whole thing.

Maybe my only "complains" are more in the gameplay than the story:
* the "neutral" path while it gives you a complete different ending scene, is not a good one regarding the objective, so is actually a "penalty" regarding Elsa. I think a balance between romance and sexual is not a bad thing.
* Need to play all three paths to get the bonus scene. Both main path in practice are actually very similar (considering the progression and that the main plot does not alter) and the third one is very specific and difficult to balance. I whould have like more Winning in Hard while being possible to get all achievements in either path. Specially consider the bonus scene is like a continuation of either "good" path.

But those two things i consider really small in the overall. I also consider your game a Masterpiece. Thank you Tlaero and Mortze for making it.

I do have one question: How did Chloe choose "you"? I mean, it is stated that Elsa and the PC never met before. So how did Chloe knew Elsa will like you?