Re: Getting to Know Christine

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Re: Getting to Know Christine

Postby t_jobe » Tue, 11Apr12 01:22

tlaero wrote : I've put a new version up: ...

It also tries out a new system that shows you how many points are available at the various points in the game. I didn't test it too heavily, so it could have some bugs. As such, I've left the original up. But if anyone would like to try the new version and tell me how it works, that would be cool. ...

On the 3rd date I got 63 of 61 points in your new version. I followed Ex Libris's walk through.
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Re: Getting to Know Christine

Postby tlaero » Wed, 11Apr13 09:39

Thanks t_jobe. Looks like I missed another arousal point somewhere.

Zarkon, if you send me a private message, I'll tell you how to enable debug mode.

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Re: Getting to Know Christine

Postby blevins29 » Mon, 11Apr25 22:03

I can't get the secrete ending with the new version of the game. As soon as I refuse to plant the camera my points drop from in the 30s to in the low teens and I'm told I'm not enough fun to continue seeing when Christine has her laptop out - Game over. If I go back to the last checkpoint the score remains in the low teens.
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Re: Getting to Know Christine

Postby Nosferatu » Wed, 11May04 18:57


I can hand on heart say that this was the best point and click adventure of this type that I have ever played - thanks for the time and effort it must have taken to put this together!!! Different, bug free and loads of fun, it cost me an entire evening of my life to work it all out, and then another to get to the secret ending!

Fabulous stuff all round - should you ever develop more games this good I would definitely pay a modest fee to play, something I never really wanted to do for any other developer thus far.

Thanks again!
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Re: Getting to Know Christine

Postby Grubnut » Thu, 11May05 22:44

I guess I'm having a more difficult time getting into this game than everyone else. I'm not talking about gameplay, which works fine.

It's a credibility thing. I just cannot understand why Christine is the least bit interested in this lamer wimp. If he had brains or was successful in something -- anything -- it might increase the credibility. But this guy has nothing going on. He's just some dork kid following her around like a puppy.

So, as a result, I find it very difficult to put myself in the role of Adrian. Yes, sure, I can figure out which responses to use to collect points. But in so doing, I have zero respect for myself, and actually, lose respect for Chistine for being the least bit interested in this lamer.

Tell me how I've gone wrong. Help me understand the dynamics in a way that makes me feel good about being Adrian. Because from the opening bar scene on, I am ashamed of everything I do/say.
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Re: Getting to Know Christine

Postby Josefus » Thu, 11May05 22:56

Hi Grubnut,

Finally someone who also thinks like I do. Thanks
What happened in this game, not understandable for me
Who plays there with whom? That is the question. So Christine had died for me ... done... ticked off
That was the reason for me to make the games 'Double sick' and 'Master tailor Boeck' * grin *
I wanted to call the game 'Master tailor Boeck' to 'Getting to Know Brunhilde' . Did it but rather 'Master tailor Boeck' mentioned.
As shown there's life. Even if it is just as sick ...
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Re: Getting to Know Christine

Postby natasha » Thu, 11May05 23:39

Grr.. frustrated.. [img]images/icones/icon5.gif[/img]
At the hotel scene with Christine and Vanessa (at medium difficulty, currently 56 pts) and all I can do is switch between V fingering or licking C.. (Not that it's not fun to watch, but I can't find how to progress from here...)

Anyone have a tip?
(Oh, if anyone wonders, I can't read exlibris' walkthrough, because the forum is private..)

EDIT: Just found the spot. Yay for persistance! [img]images/icones/icon7.gif[/img]
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Re: Getting to Know Christine

Postby phreaky » Fri, 11May06 01:08

@grubnut and josefus

Well, sorry about that. After being a game maker for some time, I've learned that it's impossible to make EVERYONE like your game.
So, we just have to aim for the majority

For me, even if around 60-70 percent people like it, then it's already okay

Not everyone has the same taste, and that can happen to virtually anything in life (food, music, movies, hobby, etc)
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Re: Getting to Know Christine

Postby Grubnut » Fri, 11May06 18:45

A minor continuity issue. At the end of the bar scene, after Adrian wakes up from being knocked out, he asks Christine if she will show him how she knocked the guy out. She says yes. Adrian asks "when?" and she says she'll show him the next day at the gym. Well, they go to the gym, but all they do is work out. She never shows him how she knocked the guy out, and Adrian doesn't ask. It's not a big deal, not a bug, just a continuity issue in the story line.

I do like the fact that there is a story here. I happen to like women with self-confidence as well as physical strength. I've enjoyed the companionship of a couple of women athletes in the past. They have great bodies, physical strength, and a competitiveness and tough mindedness that is really very attractive. And they do date guys who are accountants and teachers -- guys with ordinary jobs.

My problem here is that Christine comes across as a woman in her late 20s who has been out in the world enough to establish her job and self-confidence as a woman. Adrian is just starting out in his career, and accounting would require at least a BA, so he'd be in his mid 20s. But he acts like a kid in high school. He has no sense of self-worth, obviously has no experience at all with women (other than looking at them). That's okay. Every guy starts out that way.

So, to me, it seems there is a disconnect. Christine comes across as 5 years older in age and 10 years older in experience. So, I immediately wonder why Christine is interested in him. All we get from the dialogue is that Adrian is "cute." Well, okay. Adrian is Christine's "boy toy." I don't relate to that role myself, but it's not a game killer. I don't relate to being a spaceman or a criminal either. I can play a game and enjoy it without really connecting with the characters. This is not real life.

I think there was a missed opportunity in the second segment of the game. Christine says she would really like to watch her neighbors having sex and proposes this plan to hide the webcam in their bedroom. Adrian eventually can choose not to go through with it, but the missed opportunity occurs at the time she proposes it. Christine should know that this is not only illegal, but also a morality issue involving invasion of the privacy of others. It's one thing to look through a window if the person wants to be seen or makes no effort to close the shades. It is quite another thing to spy on the private activities of others who have made reasonable efforts to remain private. People believe their bedroom is a place where they can do private things without being seen.

So, at the point when Christine proposes the idea of planting the webcam, it could actually be a test of Adrian's integrity. He could say, "It sounds exciting, but it is illegal and immoral" and decline to participate. And Christine could say, "Good. That was a test" and Adrian could win points for his integrity (and for showing a little backbone).

Okay, so that's just my opinion. I'm just commenting on my difficulty putting myself into the role of Adrian. But this does not mean I dislike the game. It is very well done. The graphics are very good. It's not buggy. I like the fact that it has alternative branches and "secret" stuff. And really, I end up having questions about motivations and specific choices in most every game. So this is not really a big deal.

I'm not a game designer. I wouldn't know the first thing about the graphic design aspects of creating games. I admire the exceptional talent of game designers, and the huge amount of work required to create the games. I enjoy playing them -- including this one.

So this is not intended as condemnation. Just observation. This is a very good game. I'm looking forward to the next one you create, because I am confident that it will be even better!
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Re: Getting to Know Christine

Postby dryheave » Sat, 11May07 01:40

It's quite simple really, Christine has been burnt before by trusting someone and wants to control the relationship. And she want's someone she can control. That is her main motivation.

She is complex, as most people are and she also is atracted to this somewhat naive honest loving guy. She's in a quandry herself, with her own pasions and fetishes and in some ways doesn't understand herself. She sees a lot she likes in him, but doesn't quite know for sure what she wants, at least long term.

I was in a relationship like this way back. I was Adrian and she was Christine. Funny thing is, while she started out older in experience, I eventually outgrew her, and I grew a LOT in that process. And my "Christine" is still trying to find exactly what she is looking for, and for that matter, she still doesn't quite know what that is. I check on her once in a while and chuckle.

Maybe that's why I totally get this game and why some of you don't get it. You haven't experienced anything at all like this in real life. And I suspect the designers have too.
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Re: Getting to Know Christine

Postby roberttx » Sat, 11May07 19:40

Graen wrote:
dcyberjf wrote : aie aie aie !! i'm almost bald from trying to get enough points on Hard difficulty. Can i got a walkthrough up to the end of the Night club scene ?? please !! from the there i will continue by myself !

thank in advance !!
ExLibris Posted what you want in this very forum. Getting to Know Christine: Walkthrough - Spoilers!!!

All the more reason for a "Walkthrough and Cheats" forum...

I get a message that this is a private forum and I can't get in! (Fixed this issue at this point, Squeeky.)
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Re: Getting to Know Christine

Postby redle » Sat, 11May07 20:50

Well, I wrote a rather long commentary, but was on the phone for quite a while during the middle of it and when I posted my login had timed-out. Lost the whole bleepin thing... Skipping all the good, the bad, the rambling commentary, and simply covering the but:

The disconnect I felt was between me as player and me as Adrian. They did not feel like the same person. Adrian was an inexperienced/insecure guy being corrupted/trained by Christine. The player had to be aggressive/cock-sure to gain points. The story converted the aggressive choices into a more wishy-washy nature and into the roll of Adrian, but I, as the player, never became that. If I became Adrian I lost.

Anyway, the game was fun and had a nice story. (and I'm stopping before I get too annoyed with repeating myself, even though no one heard me the first time)
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Re: Getting to Know Christine

Postby tlaero » Sun, 11May08 00:58

Thanks for the feedback on this one too, Grubnut.

We were definitely trying to break the mold we saw in most of these games, and give the characters more ... characterization than has been typical. A lot of players couldn't put themselves in Adrian's shoes and many couldn't imagine dating a girl like Christine, but even so, they enjoyed the game. Partially as a result of this and partially due to a desire to not be constrained by who the player wants to be, we're heading more toward a 3rd person viewpoint on future games. We're hoping that allows us to tell the stories we want to tell while avoiding the cognative dissonance of the player saying, "but I wouldn't do that..." We'll see how it goes.

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Re: Getting to Know Christine

Postby listenma » Thu, 11May12 14:25

One of the best games I've played. Just awesome.

Where can I play more of your games?
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Re: Getting to Know Christine

Postby Delacroix » Mon, 11May16 03:12

Well, this is my first time post here, but I thought that this was such a great game, that I needed to give my opinions :P
Ok, the game is fantastic but I felt some dissapointments in the ending:

I don't know, I think I needed more in the "good" ending, like Adrian and Christine living together, etc., but maybe the personality of both didn't make that ending quite possible... (Or hopefully, you let it open for more Christine games, btw are you going to do that?)
And the foursome, this is more personal, I dont appreciate the idea of a foursome, I'm just not okay with sharing - Yes, a lot of male ego :P-, but this is a personal opinion (I'm all for threesomes anyway,but only if my gf is the one proposing it, and with other female of course)

Oh, and I repeat my question: Will you make more Christine games? I would love another game with her, maybe more out of her element, or confused with her feelings (If you played Dragon Age:Origins, Morrigan would be a great personality for this kind of games).

This is it, and there is nothing more to say except: Congratulations,both of you, creating such a great game! :)
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