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Re: Ass Effect ( an RPG maker game )

PostPosted: Mon, 13Oct14 03:05
by Qayinz
kaliyo wrote:The creator of Ass Effect here.

Everythings fine with EA now but it was quite frightening.
Oh god, Ass Effect Episode 1 is quite embarassing for me, it was
my first attempt with RPG Maker and i just want to forget it. ;)

Right now i'm working on a new project which i've introduced
via Offbeatr. Got a nice funding and it will be freaking huge and
awesome. Roundscape: Adorevia. The Ass Effect Games will be
like crappy minigames compared to it.

You can check it out here:

hey kaliyo!
how are you doin'?
i LOVE any good RPG maker game (in english) that i can get my hands on, and many of the people here who don't know those yet, are missing out.

why don't you open a thread here also? with updates about your game?

the hype can only add to people buying it when its out!

Re: Ass Effect ( an RPG maker game )

PostPosted: Mon, 13Oct14 06:25
by tlaero
Hello Kaliyo,

Are you working with Rastifan? The characters in your animated trailer look like the ones he uses in his comics. A collaboration between the two of you would be great.
