Dreaming with Elsa (En, Sp, Fr, It, Ge)

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Re: Dreaming with Elsa

Postby Sartain » Tue, 15Jul07 18:38

Mortze wrote:
Sartain wrote:LostTrout wrote:
I liked the game, but I feel the graphics of the men could have used more attention. Even though I'm a guy, I was distracted every time there was a picture of a man. It pulled me out of the game. I kept thinking, why was there a teenage boy in this sex game? Is that a pompadour? Why doesn't he shave or grow out his beard? Why is he so short? Maybe a woman would feel different about the looks of the men though.

I have to agree on this. The male avatars were serviceable, since for my part I mostly ignored them, but honestly they tended to look like retarded high-school boys. Which I suppose might have been the look the artist was aiming for, but there was certainly a certain suspension of disbelief required to buy the premise that these attractive, capable women would get involved with the the comic relief sidekicks of a frat-boy movie

Incidently, that was the aim yes. Both Conner and Jason are just out of college, and if Jason is a bit more mature, Conner has always been a frat boy. When designing both of them I questioned myself "what do 2 young men, just out of college, with a crappy job look like?" and I looked around and (besides Conner whose profile is to be a frat boy) most of the young men I see have a similar look like Jason. I know I did his age (save for the hair but that was not a personal choice unfortunately [img]images/icones/icon5.gif[/img] ). They are supposed to be about 23 years old. Which by today's standards is an age closer to teen than Man (in average, there are exceptions of course).

I think you made them a bit too young looking to be honest. My impression was more 19 than 23, at any rate. Of course, maybe that's how people look where you live, or I'm just losing the ability to tell ages because I'm getting older [img]images/icones/icon10.gif[/img]
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Re: Dreaming with Elsa

Postby ptmg30 » Tue, 15Jul07 19:57

do you need low points to get with chloe in your dreams, or just act like a perv?
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Re: Dreaming with Elsa

Postby Sartain » Tue, 15Jul07 20:02

ptmg30 wrote:do you need low points to get with chloe in your dreams, or just act like a perv?

I'm not 100% sure, but I think I managed to do it by perving on Chloe at the three times it was possible (listed earlier in the thread in one of my posts) while following the "Confusing" path. Basically, you need to get dumped by Elsa after the date at Delfinos.
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Re: Dreaming with Elsa

Postby Darius » Tue, 15Jul07 20:20

What? A new release of a Tlaero’s game! This time I need to register on Shark Lagoon’s forum...

Thanks Tlaero and thanks Mortze for “Dreaming with Elsa”.

Big up for:
- The main character! Elsa is really great and I enjoyed discovering her two personalities along the romantic/sexual path. You take the time to build a strong character and it makes the difference!
- Iksanabot already said it but the silhouette idea was really awesome!
- Game mechanics: the two main paths were not too difficult but the confusing path was a little bit more tricky (but the reward worthed the pain)
- The bonus scene ^^

I hope to discover where the dream master and Elsa will do...
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Re: Dreaming with Elsa

Postby GleebToo » Tue, 15Jul07 23:00

Tlaero and Mortze thanks for the great game. As a long fan of Tlaero and Phreaky but not exactly lagooner i really enjoyed this one and it ranked among the best of all erotic games out there. To me the game is almost perfect so consider this as comments rather than negatives:
- I kinda missed "wicked" things like neighbour scene in Getting to know Christine or some threesomes (other than extra bonus scene ;) but I understand this simply wont fit at the moment as the main characters in DwE aren't ready
- As this is third game similar to Getting to know Christine and I really like Daydreaming with Keeley with more sexual exploration than dialogue exploration please please PLEASE do next game more like DwK :) If I could dream of a game it would be something starting as a "normal" sex with a girl with various outcomes in DwK way (MFF threesome centered on pleasure of a guy, MFF threesome centered on pleasure of a female, "simple" romantic sex, MMF female centered, maybe some harder ways ... with outcomes based on what you do to the girl and what she then agrees to as she likes the way of your actions :)
- keep doing great games guys, you are the best (Phreaky as well of course :) I know you do this with love and not for money but if its possible to donate a few bucks to support you I would love to

Thanks guys
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Re: Dreaming with Elsa

Postby kessie8yl » Wed, 15Jul08 00:09

Huge credit must go to Mortze for seeing the best way to use his talents was by letting someone else handle the storyline and programing - and there are fewer better than Tlaero when it comes to creating stories that are believable enough to keep the player absorbed.
Well done both of you. I hope this is the start of a long and productive relationship.
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Re: Dreaming with Elsa

Postby tlaero » Wed, 15Jul08 03:08

jardel77 wrote:But for me the fun and excitment is the flirtation and seduction part and if that's rushed it's not as good to play for me. And that's what I liked about Christine and also about Keeley and even Keisha.

Keeley put out on the second date. (-: At the time, that was new for the genre (in the other games, if you had sex it was on the first date, after alcohol). But Elsa takes it much more slowly than Keeley did.

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Re: Dreaming with Elsa

Postby tlaero » Wed, 15Jul08 03:22

Sartain wrote:It would be even better if missing certain actions, or having to choose one or the other, offered different branches to the game. So in one playthrough you might not say, find a blindfold in your romantic interests belongings because you didn't want to look through her stuff, but on the other hand if you did find it, it would open up the possibility of a scene or story branch that involved some light bondage stuff.

That's actually how most of the games in the genre work, including Meeting Keeley. To the degree that I can get away with calling anything I've done here "innovative," the main innovation in GtkC was that I didn't do that, which allowed me to tell a more involved story. For a given amount of work, the more branches, the shorter each branch is. Short branches mean less character development and less story. (Although Ariane did an incredible job telling an extended story with a billion branches in SitA.)

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Re: Dreaming with Elsa

Postby tlaero » Wed, 15Jul08 03:24

iksanabot wrote:Even so, we aren't doing that in LOP games because the exact mechanic I have in mind is just too much of a headache to program, as I understand it...

Tell me more. I'll be the judge of what's too hard to program. (-:

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Re: Dreaming with Elsa

Postby tlaero » Wed, 15Jul08 03:36

Re: Interest in Chloe. Although we won't get back to her for some time, her story isn't done...

Re: Silhouettes. I think the Silhouette title page on the first game was Phreaky's idea, but I thought it was really cool. So all of my games have had one. Truth be told, though, the real inspiration for a silhouette sex scene came from a Spider Man comic book. Kind of like how the inspiration for GtkC came from a Halestorm song.

Re: The post credits scene. Yeah, that's not there by accident. (-:

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Re: Dreaming with Elsa

Postby Gatsu » Wed, 15Jul08 07:58

Congratulations to this newly formed team to give us this wonderful game!!!

I think Elsa is now my favorite character of your lore Tlaero, thanks to your new partner Mortze too who did an amazing job : making me love that much a short-haired woman is quite an achievement... ;)

Using the dreams is also a great idea, I'm really receptive to that....wish I remember mine that well...it allows people yearning for sexual content to have it without turning your character into a full sex-driven person : it's because she feels safe that she lets her give in to her sexual drives but one step at a time, keeping the shyness and the lack of confidence of the character intact.

Looking forward to your next collaboration and the next chapter of Elsa's adventure...thanks to both of you. :roi:
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Re: Dreaming with Elsa

Postby Venom » Wed, 15Jul08 13:17


I did a couple of playthroughs of the game recently and I must say WOW (chin drop).
The graphics are beautiful much better then I expected from a html games (especially the silhouettes) , the story line is pretty good (the whole dream concept is quite interesting and can come back in the sequel), besides the game has a nice build and humour and isn't just the fuckfest that some aif games tend to have where every girl orgasm after you say hi to them so to speak.

To continue on the storyline itself i enjoyed the changes in the plot when you choose the dark (being a certificate asshole) or light (the chivalry) route. But inmho it could have been more for the sake of multiple playthroughs. The one that i find most interesting was the neutral storyline, since you got awarded to do so and no go to a fail state which most games do if you don't pick a side.

Both thumbs up and keep up to good work
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Re: Dreaming with Elsa

Postby iksanabot » Wed, 15Jul08 21:47

tlaero wrote:
iksanabot wrote:Even so, we aren't doing that in LOP games because the exact mechanic I have in mind is just too much of a headache to program, as I understand it...

Tell me more. I'll be the judge of what's too hard to program. (-:


:) I'm sure you could do it (I think it's mostly a headache in Flash). But it's not a new idea - we discussed it before, either when you were developing Coffee with Keisha, or maybe even when you were working on Life with Keeley. Your current manual animations are a variation on it (do you remember, we talked about that virtual blowjob game that moves so smoothly with the mouse movements?).

But I'll describe it briefly again. It's like an integration of your current mechanic, Shark's mechanic, and Pusooy's mechanic:
Just like your current manual interactions, you move the mouse to move the animation. But you start by finding the hotspot which will be some part of the player character's body that moves the most in the animation, like his hips if they are having missionary sex. You click to lock onto the hip (in this case) and then move the hip in the motion shown in the animation, for example, maybe in a little Nike-swoop kind of arc to follow the hips exactly as they thrust forward and the pelvis turns upward. There are two elements that require concentration and investment from the player. First, the cursor disappears once you click on the hotspot, but the hips/hotspot follows your movement so the player still has an idea of where it is, but has to keep the "true" cursor position within a certain distance of the hip (or whatever the hotspot was) to keep the animation going properly, otherwise the player "drops" the hotspot. Dropping the hotspot makes the partner's pleasure go down, whereas keeping the animation going makes it rise. Second, keeping the animation going with "target" rhythm (I would use a beating heart) makes the pleasure bar rise at maximum pace. The last part of the idea was developed with LwT in mind, because the consequence of having sex for too long would result in getting caught, or making Tracy late for work, or whatever. But even in regular context putting a time limit works. Basically, everybody starts to get bored from having sex in just one position if it goes on too long. So the idea is that the longer you are in a position, the slower the pleasure bar rises, and once it stops rising the partner will want to change positions. Thus, the amount of pleasure you give your partner and the resulting affection bonus points you get comes from being able to manual run the animations really well to raise the pleasure bar fully in each position. I wouldn't make it too hard, just hard enough that the player has to focus on moving that body part, hopefully encouraging a feeling of real participation. I might also be encouraged to give more intense pleasure sounds for better performance.

Hmm, I went on longer than I intended. I'm curious to read your response.
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Re: Dreaming with Elsa

Postby jardel77 » Thu, 15Jul09 00:02

tlaero wrote:Keeley put out on the second date. (-: At the time, that was new for the genre (in the other games, if you had sex it was on the first date, after alcohol). But Elsa takes it much more slowly than Keeley did.


Thanks again for the feedback Tlaero!

True but, for me, this game had that situation that she was scared but then at the same time things moved quite fast even in dreams considering her trust issues. And seducing in real life, showing a bit of cleavage here, upskirt there, caught staring (both), spying that would be even more interisting than it is and with a more natural feeling over the game as well. And also a lot happened during dreams and they barelly saw each other although the dreams are consciencious and that adds a bit of realism into it but still felt a bit strange.

Also if you would include a few other branches like mentioned here in this tread would probably be something really good. Like in dreams pushing and finding some secret, find a hidden dildo, spying, discover something from her or his past that is sexy but secret too... and with that open different endings and possibilities would be even more amazing even if some of those weren't happy endings.

But these are all suggestions and your games are the best so I'm happy with what you create and I can't wait for more =)
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Re: Dreaming with Elsa

Postby Trucla » Thu, 15Jul09 01:29

@Tlaero: I didn't exploit all the possibilities of this game, but must say that you were equal to yourself, which means the best in this kind of games. Congratulations!
@Mortze: I loved the way you "produced" Elsa! Especially the detail of the eyes (grey/blue). People with this colour (like myself) trend to change from blue (shining when happy) to grey (when sad) to leaden grey (when mad). Elsa is trapped in that bookstore, so she can't feel happy. Great job, bro!
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