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Postby Dolphin-BR » Tue, 16Feb02 20:29

tlaero wrote:I think it's much more valuable for someone to come here and say, "Tlaero, I don't like that you made the male character weak," or "Tlaero, I think the game is too linear," than for someone to write a review on a different site that complains about questionably important things. The goal of the former is pretty clearly to help me make better games. I'm not exactly sure what the goal of the latter is. Is it to help me improve? If so, why not use a more effective method?

From my point of view, reviews are just someone's own opinion about a game. Based on their tastes and what they consider important. Players and authors may agree or disagree with said reviews. If authors agree with bad things mentioned in the review, it can indeed help them improve their games. But the main goal of a review is to express one's opinion. Others who share the reviewer tastes may also benefit from their reviews.
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Postby JolllyTodger1 » Wed, 16Feb03 17:54

I always assumed the Over Analyzing AIF blog was written slightly tongue in cheek.

It's there in the title. The reviewer is deliberately applying very high review criteria to what is basically a low-brow art form. It's like New York Times reviewing a 5-minute YouPorn clip or something.

I really enjoy it.
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