[RPG Maker MV] The Eldrid Saga

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[RPG Maker MV] The Eldrid Saga

Postby Mori » Mon, 17Dec11 19:29

Hi everyone.

I would like to share with you a game I have been working on for about a year/year and a half. The game didn't turn out how I had planned it but the feedback I have received so far has been very positive. I hope you all enjoy it!

You start the game as a young man who loves playing MMOs one morning he wakes up to find a beta invite to a new game. Putting the game on to download you leave for school. When you return home you decided to load up the game. While playing the game there is a strange thunderstorm after receiving a shock you black out. After waking up you discover that you have been transported into the game world. You spend your first day in a small village which is attacked by orcs. You survive the attack and decided to go to the capital city to inform the king. There you are sent on a quest to stop Gader'el the lord of demons.

The gameplay is a cross between classic JRPGs combined with some MMORPG elements. The game has similar dungeons to an MMO where you will fight multiple bosses dropping higher quality loot. The game currently has a large selection of weapons split into 3 tiers with common, uncommon, rare and epic variations. There is currently 11 playable characters to choose from. The game will use a relationship system, improving your relationship with characters through events throughout the game. As well as the main quest there will be side quests throughout the game giving experience and other rewards.

Last edited by Mori on Sun, 17Dec24 12:01, edited 1 time in total.
sirens hunter
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Re: [RPG Maker MV] The Eldrid Saga

Postby Brutalix » Mon, 17Dec18 21:36

Okay. So I played the game for some time now and I'm at my own castle. Now Abigail joined me and I can't attack anything without losing. All my fighting skills are gone. How do I get them back?
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Re: [RPG Maker MV] The Eldrid Saga

Postby Super » Tue, 17Dec19 07:33

Just gave it a try While I've never been a fan of the whole "person in real world waking up in fantasy world" trope and would have preferred if I was actually just someone in said world, and the 3d models clash with the rpg maker anime graphics, and not to mention all the bugs, and I have no idea why you have no music despite RPG Maker coming with perfectly good music you can use, I did appreciate somewhat what I saw. seems more like I might be going on an adventure with characters and not just corrupting women like a lot of these games, but then again I couldn't get far because after my father died I can't figure out how to get out of that town... so uh help would be appreciated. Also, when you say you're making a sequel, do you mean a continuation of this game or like a Final fantasy style sequel where it's actually a completely different story?
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Re: [RPG Maker MV] The Eldrid Saga

Postby Mori » Sun, 17Dec24 12:07

Sorry I've taken awhile to reply was busy fixing all the bugs and making improvements like adding music ect. Updated the link.

Firstly I really don't know why you lost your skills I haven't seen that happen before so I will look into it.

Yeah I did feel like taking that intro out(Still am) I thought about leaving the character portraits blank for non important characters as well.

As for the sequel it will continue the story on and be set so many years in the future with the 2 main party members being the PCs son and Amelias daughter.
sirens hunter
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Re: [RPG Maker MV] The Eldrid Saga

Postby Serge » Wed, 17Dec27 07:52

Nice game. I like it

Suggestion :

Add name of cities or villages on world Map

2 bugs ( I think) :

Clear the beach cave
Clear the tavern
For each, 3 objectives done and quests still not completed

Little help please ;

Can't find (again) the elf who need stingers
Can't find Water temple.

Edit1 : Found the elf but not the temple

Edit 2 : Find missing ring

Quest completed without checking well

Edit 3 : Get UNEXPECTED ERROR When i was cheking the completed quests

Edit 4 :

Quest attend training : Quest completed but objective get your equipemnt is not

Edit 5 : Water Temple found. No more bugs.
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Re: [RPG Maker MV] The Eldrid Saga

Postby Serge » Fri, 17Dec29 18:10

Reach the end of the game BUT

Memory room : All crystal are scene 16/ scene 18. 4 crystal not actived

Found 40 quests

When going to dungeon and reset dungeon, one key is missing

Something wrong somewhere !!!!
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Re: [RPG Maker MV] The Eldrid Saga

Postby LustiestBeast » Fri, 18Sep07 15:41

The link isn't working for me. Could you update it?
sirens hunter
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