Virtual Date : Sarah

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Virtual Date : Sarah

Postby Rikwar » Sun, 11Jun05 10:02

Sarah's walkthrough

This isn't for the online version, but Chaotic's download version 1.1..with bug fixes from the download link , or till Chaotic does the fixes himself ?
The game worked fine for me got all endings, using Firefox or IE !
Just download the Sarah_fixed files and overwrite all of Chaotic,s files in the game folder just make sure you do not delete or modify the original images folder and its pictures by Chaotic You must have Chaotic's last version downloaded first, the Hotfile link is just for the fixed files..Thanks to Serge for doing the bug fixes ! ... d.rar.html

The Boss
On day One pick the stripper job, ''dont go to the copy room at all for the boss ending !''
Take her top off while sitting in her office,, go see the boss compliment her go back to office no need to talk with Jess
2nd day , sit on the lounge pick the 'adult' porn movie, go elsewhere, kitchen, go out get booze, drink, go out again via the door to the adult store buy dildo 'not sure if necessary' then get the Christmas outfit at the store, go home, go to bedroom, get undress, go back to lounge and watch porn movie, go sleep
3rd day. go see Jess talk to her ''shes a lesbian'' back to office lock the office door get undress, then go see the boss and flirt 'if you did everything right Sarah will bend over' go home
Day 4. Go do the strip job pick the police uniform, dance , remove the tie, dance, remove belt, dance, remove shirt, dance, remove shoes, dance, remove pants, dance, remove panties, then leave stage go home
Day 5, pick the Christmas dress go to party get the boss, you now know what to do :-)

On day One.. pick the model job, sit take off top, go compliment Jess, talk to the boss, go back to the office go home
2nd day.. sit on the lounge pick the adult movie, go elsewhere, go to kitchen, go get booze, drink, go out, buy strap-on at the adult store then buy the bikini, go home
go to bedroom, get undress, go back to lounge and watch porn movie, go to sleep
3rd day.. Lock the office door, sit and get undress, go flirt with Jess, back to office, now go photocopy breast
4th day..go to bedroom, put the bikini on then go the to the photo-shoot, do all poses wearing bikini and get naked, finish job after talk with photographer go home
Day 5 go to the party in the bikini and meet up with Jess, flirt with her ..take it from there 'if she falls asleep on you then you forgot the strap-on'

Office guy
Just do as usual to start on Day 1, pick the escort job from the computer , sit take off top, go flirt with him, back to office,
Day 2, sit on the lounge pick the porn movie, go elsewhere, kitchen, go get booze, drink, go out buy dildo at the adult store then buy the dress at the department store 'choose to walk home' when your at home click near the bottom of the bedroom door ' undress but not go to bed' ps: if you choose the middle or top part of the door only option will be to go to bed so dont !! ' go back to lounge watch the porn movie then go to bed
Day 3, Lock the office door, sit and get undress, go photocopy her breast, go talk to Jess, go home
Day 4, go to bedroom , put the dress on, go do the escort job, choose just to kiss the guy then go back home
Day 5, Put dress on go to party, choose the office guy, kiss her, go to her place with him....enjoy

'mind you if you did the same things for Jess or the Boss ending 'strip or model jobs you can still get the guy instead pics are different on Day 5 'Friday' hes not too fussy lol

Alone ending do any one of the above, choose job and pick the right outfit at the store for it, make sure you bought the dildo at the adult store as well, go to the party with whatever clothing you bought but choose then to go back home alone, while in bed click on the right side of her room to get the dildo ending

That's about it..hope I didnt forget anything ;).......Rikwar
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