Sexy girls from the lagoon great artists

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Re: Sexy girls from the lagoon great artists

Postby Rastifan » Thu, 19Sep05 22:36

Greebo wrote:Nothing like a good slurp of Sherry, eh Rasti? I was about to get myself some soup for lunch and I like a glass with it but you just reminded me the bottle's all but empty :lol:

Edit: Aah! It seems Mamma Mae's not been at my Sherry -- there's still enough to go with my soup!


Not that I know anything about Sherry. I see a bottle, I go "Bottle with alcohol. Rast drink now. Ugh!" :lol:
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Re: Sexy girls from the lagoon great artists

Postby Greebo » Fri, 19Sep06 12:38

Ugh! Oloroso? that's far too sickly for me -- I prefer the drier varieties like Amontillado or even Fino.

I think I know the ideal drink for you, Rasti, and it's straight from the pages of that ultimate book, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy:

"The Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster is an alcoholic beverage invented by ex-President of the Universe Zaphod Beeblebrox, considered by the Guide to be the "Best Drink in Existence." Its effects are similar to "having your brains smashed in by a slice of lemon wrapped round a large gold brick."

Beeblebrox advised that you should "never drink more than two Pan Galactic Gargle Blasters unless you are a thirty ton mega elephant with bronchial pneumonia." However, Ford Prefect ignored this advice and consumed three Pan Galactic Gargle Blasters while at Milliways."

Take the juice from one bottle of Ol' Janx Spirit.
Pour into it one measure of water from the seas of Santraginus V — Oh, that Santraginean seawater! Oh, those Santraginean fish!
Allow three cubes of Arcturan Mega-gin to melt into the mixture (it must be properly iced or the benzene is lost).
Allow four litres of Fallian marsh gas to bubble through it, in memory of all those happy hikers who have died of pleasure in the Marshes of Fallia.
Over the back of a silver spoon float a measure of Qualactin Hypermint extract, redolent of all the heady odours of the dark Qualactin Zones, subtle, sweet and mystic.
Drop in the tooth of an Algolian Suntiger. Watch it dissolve, spreading the fires of the Algolian Suns deep into the heart of the drink.
Sprinkle Zamphuor.
Add an olive.
Drink... but... very carefully...
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Re: Sexy girls from the lagoon great artists

Postby Rastifan » Fri, 19Sep06 16:55


Ah yes. I wish I hadn't read The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy so I could read it over again. All 5 times :lol:
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Re: Sexy girls from the lagoon great artists

Postby Rastifan » Sat, 19Sep07 07:53


Sherry Birkin - Frozen City. Why the axe you ask! Well it's so cold no mechanics will work. Not even lesbian sex [img]images/icones/icon17.gif[/img]

Full res
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Re: Sexy girls from the lagoon great artists

Postby Rastifan » Mon, 19Sep09 20:22


Mei from Overwatch takes a selfie.
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Re: Sexy girls from the lagoon great artists

Postby Rastifan » Tue, 19Sep10 21:40


Magic always comes with a price. But around Lilith someone else is usually paying it [img]images/icones/icon15.gif[/img]
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Re: Sexy girls from the lagoon great artists

Postby Greebo » Thu, 19Sep12 16:09

Oh great, Rasti, it's been too long since we last saw Lilith! [img]smile/!icon_biggrin.gif[/img]
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Re: Sexy girls from the lagoon great artists

Postby LRM » Thu, 19Sep12 22:27

I think he's aware she is my favorite.
Thanks Rasti.

I must admit however, there have been a few of late, that are threatening her position.
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Re: Sexy girls from the lagoon great artists

Postby Rastifan » Fri, 19Sep13 02:01

LRM wrote:I think he's aware she is my favorite.
Thanks Rasti.

I must admit however, there have been a few of late, that are threatening her position.


Yes I am aware. And tell me who they are and Lilith will seduce them :roi:
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Re: Sexy girls from the lagoon great artists

Postby Rastifan » Fri, 19Sep13 02:23


Elena has always been kind of single single minded.
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Re: Sexy girls from the lagoon great artists

Postby Rastifan » Sun, 19Sep15 18:02


For the love of the Carnifex.

When Commander Shepard can't sleep... Weapons duty.
Weapon from Mass Effect

Original resolution
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Re: Sexy girls from the lagoon great artists

Postby Rastifan » Thu, 19Sep26 13:41



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Re: Sexy girls from the lagoon great artists

Postby Greyelf » Thu, 19Sep26 21:41

As an ex-championship level archer I know there is something wrong with the flight of that arrow...

but for some strange reason I just can't tell what it is! [img]images/icones/icon14.gif[/img]
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Re: Sexy girls from the lagoon great artists

Postby Rastifan » Thu, 19Sep26 22:49

Greyelf wrote:As an ex-championship level archer I know there is something wrong with the flight of that arrow...

but for some strange reason I just can't tell what it is! [img]images/icones/icon14.gif[/img]

Well I an not a ex-championship level archer, so there is probably a lot wrong with it :lol:
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Re: Sexy girls from the lagoon great artists

Postby Hey Chief » Fri, 19Sep27 00:14

the second and third frames should be reversed. Arrow goes up flight flight then down in to target.
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