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Re: Illustrated Love Stories

PostPosted: Sat, 10Dec18 18:15
by ILSWriter
I have taken more hits on this story (both here and private) than all the others combined. I have a poll going that shows half of you readers have no problems with incestuous relations. But let me point out I have been careful that incest does not occur in any of my stories.

If anyone has a plausible reason for three unrelated young adults being in a house, pool and hot tub together every couple of years I will gladly change the relations here. You will also note that there is no reference to their ages in this story. So changes can be made pretty easily.

Re: Illustrated Love Stories

PostPosted: Sat, 10Dec18 18:33
by Arnulf
You are right, ILSWriter, there is no incestuous approach in your stories. But as it was cited above, everybody can calculate the age of the actors, because they started with an age of 12 years and there are made exact time jumps (two years) every time the scene changes. I assume there are 3 jumps of each 2 years, that resulte 6 years and together with the starting 12 years, we should assume that the three persond are 18 years.

Re: Illustrated Love Stories

PostPosted: Sat, 10Dec18 18:57
by ILSWriter
because they started with an age of 12 years

Why did they do that? As I pointed out in my last post, there is no reference to ages in this story. There certainly is no incest and there is no longer a brother and sister in this story.

Re: Illustrated Love Stories

PostPosted: Mon, 10Dec20 01:26
by Jackson
well they are still growing and the girls already have boobs. That leaves me with the two possiblities of them being around 12 or 14.

And with incest in this case I don't necessarily mean having sex or getting a child together. But already this giving head and touching each others genitals seems kind of wrong to me.

But well it's your choice of course and I don't want to influence you into changing it or something. I just wanted to say that I personally don't like it very much.

Re: Illustrated Love Stories

PostPosted: Tue, 10Dec21 19:04
by afaw41
ILS nice story What people fail to accept is that Cousins are alot of the time the ones we experiment with innocent touching and looking with to begin with. I do not see a problem with your story.

Re: Illustrated Love Stories

PostPosted: Wed, 10Dec22 02:44
by ILSWriter
I took all of your input to heart and have changed the "Growing Up" story some. It now has a new ending.

Re: Illustrated Love Stories

PostPosted: Wed, 10Dec22 03:51
by Greebo
@ ILSWriter - if I try downloading the file its size is given as 276MB as opposed to the 24MB the initial html suggests. Why is this? Is it trying to download all of your stories or is this the size to expect? Since I have already downloaded your earlier stories I only want the one for now so I've stopped the download until I know what's going on

Re: Illustrated Love Stories

PostPosted: Wed, 10Dec22 04:27
by ILSWriter
Yes, this is a problem. The end of the story is now an animation of 347 mb before it was zipped. I suppose it is not very realistic to put something like that on the web. Well anyway the figures you see are correct. Go ahead down load it, watch it once, an delete it. I kinda like the animation but then I have the advantage of it being on my website so I don't have to have it on my pc. The animation has 2655 frames. So the rendoring of that many takes a few bytes (and 24 hours.) At 30 frames per second it only runs for 90 seconds. So, was it worth it? You tell me.

Re: Illustrated Love Stories

PostPosted: Wed, 10Dec22 05:07
by Greebo
Fine, I have no real problem about downloading large files, since I have plenty of disk space, a fast connection, and an ISP that doesn't grumble and restrict download traffic, so I'll go to bed and leave it downloading

Re: Illustrated Love Stories

PostPosted: Wed, 10Dec22 09:47
by Hey Chief
Wow! another finely crafted and drawn story, how are you able to make then so quickly? (Or is that a trade secret?)

Well Done Image

Re: Illustrated Love Stories

PostPosted: Wed, 10Dec22 15:18
by Greebo
Greebo wrote : Fine, I have no real problem about downloading large files, since I have plenty of disk space, a fast connection, and an ISP that doesn't grumble and restrict download traffic, so I'll go to bed and leave it downloading

I seem to have hit a snag when downloading. I have tried twice so far with the same result - the file on my computer at the end of download ends up as being only 173MB in size and any attempt to unzip it ends up stopped with the following message:

Archive: /media/...../...../Documents/shark/ILS/
End-of-central-directory signature not found. Either this file is not a zipfile, or it constitutes one disk of a multi-part archive. In the latter case the central directory and zipfile comment will be found on the last disk(s) of this archive.
note: /media/...../...../Documents/shark/ILS/ may be a plain executable, not an archive
zipinfo: cannot find zipfile directory in one of /media/...../...../Documents/shark/ILS/ or /media/...../...../Documents/shark/ILS/, and cannot find /media/...../...../Documents/shark/ILS/, period.

Re: Illustrated Love Stories

PostPosted: Tue, 10Dec28 00:13
by Greebo
After a couple more abortive attempts halting at around 170MB, I've at last managed to coax the full 284MB file to download. I must say the animation was worth the effort! Well done! [img]images/icones/icon7.gif[/img] [img]images/icones/icon10.gif[/img]

Re: Illustrated Love Stories

PostPosted: Mon, 11Jan03 03:39
by Josefus
hi ILSWriter,
Happy new year. I love your stories. But the last i can't download. After 157MB the download is ready... but the zip_file is emty.
The avi-file i have loaded direct from your homepage... nice work.
The next little problem ... on your homepage i can't write a comment after vote ...

But ..the stories are very very nice. i like your work.

Re: Illustrated Love Stories

PostPosted: Wed, 11Jan05 18:34
by ILSWriter
Here are a couple of the characters in my latest story. They find an empty classroom at school but have nothing but bad luck there.

Re: Illustrated Love Stories

PostPosted: Wed, 11Jan05 20:04
by ludwig
great story again, thanks