Dating Master

You found a 3d sexy girl on the net… Maybe you created one yourself … Or then you have an idea for a new pictures series… Be nice, make take advantage off it everybody…

Re: Dating Master

Postby crankdog » Fri, 07Dec21 19:02

Here is yet another idea...

What about a dating game that has the same basic premise... you have a girl meet you at your apartment for a date and sit her in your living room. You agree to go to a Movie, so then you go to a movie theater. Then you go to a fancy restaurant. Then lastly she walks to your door and you either kiss her good night or get her to come in with you for some more fun.

The game is trying to figure out what to say to her or what items to give her in the game to get her interested in you. If you get her interested in you enough during your date, she will suggest skipping the rest of the night and going back to your place. If you click on the wrong things or do things that she doesn't like... she calls the date off.

You can re-use the same game areas and just change the girl models around. Each girl has her own kind of personality that determines what she will like or not like. Some girls don't mind you groping them early in the date, while others will simply forbid it. The game is basically reading the type of personality she is and what she might like based on how she acts towards you. If you read her wrong... then you get nothing.

The good about the game is if you can re-use the areas, maybe it is easier to put out new girl personalities without having to re-do the whole game. :D
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Re: Dating Master

Postby Franco » Thu, 08Jan17 06:06

I agree this would be a good game.
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Re: Dating Master

Postby beppebz » Thu, 08Jan17 14:05

Yes. it seems a good idea.
Just one thing: the possibility the game lasts for more than one day, so the player can have several dates with her.
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Re: Dating Master

Postby Gauthier » Sun, 08Jan27 16:50

Ariane B. already implemented your idea:
It's quite well done.
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Re: Dating Master

Postby beppebz » Sat, 08Feb02 14:46

Ariane is really a nice game. For her I've put my beloved flight-simulators in a corner :D .
The risk of the new game proposed by crankdog, IMHO, is to have a "carbon copy" of Ariane.
However I like the idea of having to choose your date among more women, but the programmer must be sure to invent really different kinds of personality.
Anyway I think it would be a titanic work.
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Re: Dating Master

Postby Harllow » Fri, 08Feb08 16:53

Sounds like a great game... Maybe a new idea for a new shark´s game :D
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Re: Dating Master

Postby versetti » Tue, 08May20 12:22

:lol: it sure is a good idea for a new game :crazy:
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