Creating flash Women

You found a 3d sexy girl on the net… Maybe you created one yourself … Or then you have an idea for a new pictures series… Be nice, make take advantage off it everybody…

Re: Creating flash Women

Postby Snoopy1968 » Thu, 08Apr10 03:07

Can anyone give me some advise ive heard sof swif3d and other
packages avaible but what package do you use to create the women in your flash games i have macromedia flash mx do i need any other program to create the animation

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Re: Creating flash Women

Postby versetti » Wed, 08May28 10:08

i wanna know that too.
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Re: Creating flash Women

Postby Squeeky » Wed, 08May28 10:57

Try this: ... hooter.htm

It is a link to one of the threads on site. Milly (rkshooter) gives some details.

Scroll to the bottom of the page if this doesn't take you directly there.
Squeaky is clean, I'm just a tad messy!
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