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Re: Sexy girls from the lagoon great artists

PostPosted: Sat, 15Dec05 18:36
by tlaero
Mortze, the coloring on that one is really cool. Her tattoos just pop.


Re: Sexy girls from the lagoon great artists

PostPosted: Sat, 15Dec05 19:25
by Mortze
tlaero wrote:Mortze, the coloring on that one is really cool. Her tattoos just pop.

You gotta give us some explanation about the tattoo!

Re: Sexy girls from the lagoon great artists

PostPosted: Sun, 15Dec06 15:14
by Diable Jambe
Mortze wrote:
tlaero wrote:Mortze, the coloring on that one is really cool. Her tattoos just pop.

You gotta give us some explanation about the tattoo!

I second that!

Re: Sexy girls from the lagoon great artists

PostPosted: Sun, 15Dec06 18:05
by tlaero
All in good time, folks. All in good time.


Re: Sexy girls from the lagoon great artists

PostPosted: Sun, 15Dec06 19:08
by Skelaturi
owh the teasing is real

Re: Sexy girls from the lagoon great artists

PostPosted: Tue, 15Dec08 20:56
by Dyonisis
Rastifan wrote:
Ehlanna wrote:Just one new one ...

Georgeous, so real.

Re: Sexy girls from the lagoon great artists

PostPosted: Mon, 15Dec21 04:29
by ltpika

Re: Sexy girls from the lagoon great artists

PostPosted: Mon, 15Dec21 06:33
by Squeeky
Umm? I don't know what happened ... but I chose the first link, wasn't happy with the "cropped" image, looked liked a "thumbnail", that I saw so I clicked upon it.
Somehow that image reappeared with " < [left] --- [right] >" arrows either side of it.
I could scroll through some very interesting imagery as well as animations.
The image at the second link was also there!
I see that you are guite prepared to explore quite a range of genre; well done.


Re: Sexy girls from the lagoon great artists

PostPosted: Wed, 15Dec23 04:38
by ltpika
Squeeky wrote:Umm? I don't know what happened ... but I chose the first link, wasn't happy with the "cropped" image, looked liked a "thumbnail", that I saw so I clicked upon it.
Somehow that image reappeared with " < [left] --- [right] >" arrows either side of it.
I could scroll through some very interesting imagery as well as animations.
The image at the second link was also there!
I see that you are guite prepared to explore quite a range of genre; well done.

Thanks, I have a lot of random gifs and work in progress stuff on there that is kind of a mess. It's just an image dumping ground, but I'm glad you appreciated it. I fixed the original post so people don't have to go sifting.

Re: Sexy girls from the lagoon great artists

PostPosted: Wed, 15Dec23 22:56
by Ehlanna
A series of 'chess' pictures (too large to direct link to), plus this, non-chess one:


Re: Sexy girls from the lagoon great artists

PostPosted: Thu, 15Dec24 11:37
by il joker

And may God bless You all...

Re: Sexy girls from the lagoon great artists

PostPosted: Fri, 15Dec25 01:21
by Rastifan
Elena vs Forces Of Darkness


The Self Doubting Gorge is some unholy place which brave warriors come to test their mantle
against the forces of darkness. You basically stand there and wait for something horrible to
come out and try to kill you.

You can only bring with you your most priced possessions. So Elena brought her sword and shield...
and a little armor because you know... decency.

But Elena has been here before. The forced of darkness stopped coming out after the third time.
All she gets now is a demonic voice booming! "Welcome to the Self Doubting Gorge. The forces
of darkness aren't in right now. But please come back in like 1000 years or so".

Elena was offended. Surly she could appeal somewhere. This was nothing short of slacking service.
How was she supposed to test her mantle now?

Re: Sexy girls from the lagoon great artists

PostPosted: Fri, 15Dec25 01:22
by Rastifan
Ehlanna wrote:Image

Really like this one.

Re: Sexy girls from the lagoon great artists

PostPosted: Fri, 15Dec25 01:23
by Rastifan
il joker wrote:Image


Grasping a star

PostPosted: Tue, 15Dec29 12:56
by Niauropsaka