Get Rich Dating Sim - Project Test

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Re: Get Rich Dating Sim - Project Test

Postby redle » Sun, 15Jan11 11:10

1. Hit the game killing bug with Sandy that dole and jfrancois both mentioned.
2. Whenever I actually quit the game I have exceptions being thrown: "Windows - No Disk... Exception processing message" (game seems to run fine, only when I quit).
Met Mr. Smith in the alley. Picked up 2 different pieces of paper. Was told that a new location was added, but never found a new location on the map. I could call the escort (but that was the only phone number ever added). No continuation with Mr. Smith ever happened.

4. The "boss" lady doesn't use 1 AP when speaking to her like all the other women (it's currently a free action).
5. Not sure if you plan to rebalance later or future activities will use more vitality. As the game currently stands, there are lots of activities to restore vitality, and I never found a reason to use a single one of them. Five AP is way more limiting (at least once the pillow is bought, but that can be bought on day 1).
6. Also on the rebalancing front... Loyalty needs a reworking. Gaining 1 loyalty per job worked doesn't seem the best way to go. Basically it means, as a player, no matter what job I "can" do, I spend most of my time mopping the floor or working on tires. I can earn 5 loyalty per day with those jobs and get to higher pay way faster than working the jobs I should be doing and limited to 1 loyalty per day. One suggestion would be to hand out loyalty at a rate of 1 Loyalty/1 AP spent. Then one actually works at the job they should. If you are worried this progresses a player through the jobs too fast (can currently do this anyway by spamming the 1AP jobs as I mentioned), increase the growth curve required to unlock higher jobs.

7. The game doesn't ever state how much rent is going to be until the first time it is owed. The game told me multiple times that I was going to need rent money on day 7 and to make sure I had it. Would really have been nice to have been told the actual numeric amount.
8. The pillow and cover items may be a bit misleading. I didn't check to see if having the cover makes the pillow actually meaningless or if one needs both to gain the full 100 per day. Khaaleth's comment makes it sound like one overrides the other, rather than stacking. Players can figure it out regardless, but the bed currently says +30 and the pillow +60... both are shown listed separately and on the bed screen at the same time... it implies one should be gaining +90 per day. Or with bed, pillow, and cover, +190 per day. I would suggest you make the pillow +30 and the cover +40 if you stick with the general display layout you currently have. People must buy both to gain 100 per day and the numbers stack.
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Re: Get Rich Dating Sim - Project Test

Postby khaaleth » Sun, 15Jan11 13:20

Another bag: if you don't give package from Sunny to Lindsay in the same day when you acquire it, you can't do it later.

Anyway i like this game very much !!!
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Re: Get Rich Dating Sim - Project Test

Postby Dole » Sun, 15Jan11 14:40

I tried it a second time and these Bugs I found:

Rebecca and so on you don´t get sex scene or whatever (your last pic with Rebecca you have posted I never seen). Only the Boss from the service station have a little bit another pic when you choose it.

Mr.X and in the Mansion Mission= I get nothing so it dosen´t matter. It posted before we have no new location.

Sandy when you look in the Window she is mad at you and you can´t talk to her anymore so you can´t get her friendship up. Is this so correct or aso a bug?

Sandy need more time to examine my sperm. Is this the end at the moment? I can wait a lot of time it changed anything.

If I buy drugs I see nothing I can do with it so aso the Iventory is all time emty (Maybe it is normal at the moment).

Found nothing at the Laptop (Maybe it is normal at the moment).

Loyalty to company you can get over 100.

When you call Anetta from Call Service the second time you get all text from the first one. You meet her before so it was normal when you have another text or maybe other pics.

In the Game I found a lot of "dontt" and so on and not "don´t".
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Re: Get Rich Dating Sim - Project Test

Postby Icebaer3 » Sun, 15Jan11 18:14

Ok ok, that is a lot of bug reports, and I know the bugs. I know that I need to balance the game and add more content.

But the important question was primarily:
Apart from the fact that you can not play anything, does it makes fun to play, and is there a desire for more, or should I abandon the project?
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Re: Get Rich Dating Sim - Project Test

Postby redle » Sun, 15Jan11 21:05

Icebaer3 wrote:Ok ok, that is a lot of bug reports, and I know the bugs. I know that I need to balance the game and add more content.

But the important question was primarily:
Apart from the fact that you can not play anything, does it makes fun to play, and is there a desire for more, or should I abandon the project?

Yeah, myself and some others can be bad at positive reinforcement. As a general rule though, people don't often spend enough time to find bugs in games they don't like. Let alone go to such lengths as writing bug reports and suggestions. So consider the responses to all be game fan club members.

In other words, yeah, it's a good start. We hope you keep at it.
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Re: Get Rich Dating Sim - Project Test

Postby Dole » Mon, 15Jan12 09:33

Icebaer3 wrote:Ok ok, that is a lot of bug reports, and I know the bugs. I know that I need to balance the game and add more content.

But the important question was primarily:
Apart from the fact that you can not play anything, does it makes fun to play, and is there a desire for more, or should I abandon the project?

For me it is more like a Demo or so.

If a Game is worth to play or if it make fun have to do with the playtime/deep of the Contents (and so from the producer if he work so long to get a real Game or abandon it before).

The Graphic is good and the Interface looked aso like a real Lesson of Passion Game it needs more "Life (Contents, maybe aso humor)" and then you can make changes (like money or others).

For me makes it no sence when you work on a place and don´t know the Boss from the first Day. It can be aso a motivation to make a career on this workplace. Maybe different text for the works/intros and so on.

Aso for testing I have had made for all things one thing if it works correct (Inventory,Laptop...) maybe with a Intro/Story.

And for player or Game tester maybe you can write to the Version (known Bugs and where the Content ends) so it makes more fun to play and see the progress from the Game.
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Re: Get Rich Dating Sim - Project Test

Postby Icebaer3 » Mon, 15Jan12 13:34

Thanks for the info so far. I only work for a few weeks on the project and I wanted just to have some motivation for continue the work.
Sorry if I may have given the wrong impression. Your answers with bug notes help me a lot. The game is supposed to be fun.

The more I work, the more I learn and improve myself. I think I can get a better update in a month or two.
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Re: Get Rich Dating Sim - Project Test

Postby whynot » Mon, 15Jan12 20:45

Bravo pour ce jeu, ICEBAER3 !

Il est effectivement déjà beaucoup mieux qu'une simple démo.

Félicitations et merci de partager le travail réalisé !
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Re: Get Rich Dating Sim - Project Test

Postby Icebaer3 » Tue, 15Jan13 11:55

Well if that does not motivate ...! :roi:

Maintenant, si ce ne est pas motivé ...! (Translation by my friend Google)
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Re: Get Rich Dating Sim - Project Test

Postby steve263488 » Mon, 15Jan19 21:35

well, just so much from me: This is very, very promising. I like the graphics, the feel of the game. My expectation was to see a Demo, and I liked what I saw.

Of course, now it's all about getting rid of a few bugs, tuning and levelling out the way to make points and advances, and to make the game interesting and replayable!

I am looking forward to a future/beta version!
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Re: Get Rich Dating Sim - Project Test

Postby Icebaer3 » Wed, 15Jan21 15:07

I'm working on it. But first of all I'll take care of the bug´s before I add more content.
Well and that will probably still take a while. [img]images/icones/icon9.gif[/img]
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Re: Get Rich Dating Sim - Project Test

Postby cypisek1233 » Thu, 15Feb19 20:14

hi :)

I like your game very much. Congrats!

I'm a pro developer. Maybe I can help you with bugfixing or adding content, so game will be finished sooner? :)

Cheers :)
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Re: Get Rich Dating Sim - Project Test

Postby psycho72 » Tue, 15Mar17 11:43

Hey great game concept
what is the aim here
what is achievable
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Re: Get Rich Dating Sim - Project Test

Postby Perdido » Wed, 15Mar25 19:54

Anynews on updates?
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Re: Get Rich Dating Sim - Project Test

Postby Icebaer3 » Sat, 15Mar28 08:40

I am workin´ on the game, but it takes time. I have only a preview version, but it is actually only in german. So I didn´t post it here.
But if someone will take a look, I can give him the link.

I have to restart workin´ on the game, because the game editor got a major update and now I have to check all the script code that I used.
It's a little bit more work I thought!
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