Envying Celina

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Re: Envying Celina

Postby tlaero » Sun, 15Jun28 03:34

I remember there being a couple of LOP games that had combat mechanics in them, and the feedback from the lagoon was that people didn't like that kind of grind in their erotic games. That said, there ARE things you can do. If you build stats in the game, you can have it that you can't beat the troll until your stats are such and such. Or you can have that you do research on trolls and learn about a weak spot, then, when you fight one, that weak spot is available. Etc. So long as there is a deterministic path to victory, people will accept it.

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Re: Envying Celina

Postby redle » Sun, 15Jun28 08:13

I'd say there are several things here.
1. The more you have fighting and potentially losing, the better your save/restore system needs to be (or at least auto-revive to just before the fight that killed you. But this doesn't help when you start with 100hp; win a fight but are reduced to 10hp; start another fight and die; and the game keeps putting you back into said fight you can't possibly win with only 10hp).
2. Games with a clear focus are easier to design, build, and find an audience. Either it's a fighting game with a bit of sexy, or an erotic game with a bit of strategic stat building. The point being, it's hard to combine two cores. You're better off picking 1 core concept and making sure the game mostly centers around it (that isn't to say games can't be mixed, but it's very hard to do well).
3. As others have somewhat covered, the erotic game is about building eroticism. Generally speaking, dungeon crawling and fighting are the opposite of this. Not saying it would be impossible to claim you were invading a modeling agency and battling gorgeous people at every turn to supply some eye candy, but to keep sexy going through attack scenes it almost needs to either be that the main character is the source of the sexy or that the "combat" is non-violent/non-lethal (You are a famous movie star/athlete and must get from one side of the town to the other through a bevy of adoring fans. You must distract, flee, redirect, hide, disguise, sate, whatever your way through each party that approaches. [flee into a store to get away from the first; happens to be clothing, put on a disguise... choice of disguises and which you choose might change which exit path might be successful; call a friend at some point to stage a diversion; bribe a security guard to let you pass through a rear exit; make out with a woman as you lure her into a room, step out and lock the door; etc]).
4. You can make a standard rpg that basically has the goal of getting out/through with potential romance waiting at the end. But that's basically like making two different games and you will certainly have people that want to just play one or the other (or at least maybe do the fighting once to earn the "reward" game, but then be able to jump straight to the reward game on future plays). Maybe the first game has several different endings and each ending basically unlocks a new way to start/play the second game. The second game can be instantly started using any previous finish from part 1. Toggling back and forth between erotic and non-erotic elements just isn't a great idea.
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Re: Envying Celina

Postby Super » Sun, 15Jun28 17:21

Well, if no one wants to play something like that, then I guess there's no point in trying to make it. Oh well. Envying Celina is still progressing.
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Re: Envying Celina

Postby tlaero » Sun, 15Jun28 21:29

There's definitely a place for erotic games set in fantasy settings. I just think you don't want to make the main game mechanic be killing monsters blow by blow.

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Re: Envying Celina

Postby Mortze » Sun, 15Jun28 22:13

tlaero wrote:There's definitely a place for erotic games set in fantasy settings. I just think you don't want to make the main game mechanic be killing monsters blow by blow.


That's exactly what redle and I have been saying Super. But if you absolutly want to make an erotic game with battles go ahead.
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Re: Envying Celina

Postby Super » Sun, 15Jun28 23:58

tlaero wrote:There's definitely a place for erotic games set in fantasy settings. I just think you don't want to make the main game mechanic be killing monsters blow by blow.


Um, but that's an entirely different game than what I'm thinking of, so yeah.

And I wouldn't enjoy making a game no one would want to play and everyone would hate so I'll just focus on this for now XD
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Re: Envying Celina

Postby Skelaturi » Mon, 15Jun29 01:21

Super wrote:
tlaero wrote:There's definitely a place for erotic games set in fantasy settings. I just think you don't want to make the main game mechanic be killing monsters blow by blow.


Um, but that's an entirely different game than what I'm thinking of, so yeah.

And I wouldn't enjoy making a game no one would want to play and everyone would hate so I'll just focus on this for now XD

i would play. And its to early to tell if i hate it or not, only can do after i played it. Besides people here are about combat and erotics do not mix well, imagine Super that you can break that thought with the game you got in mind!. Imagine if Shark would have thought that nobody would like his games and by thinking that he wouldn't have created any. We all wouldn't be here talking together as it is now.
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Re: Envying Celina

Postby redle » Mon, 15Jun29 08:25

Not to mention I play, and enjoy, plenty of games that have zero erotic content. Just because I think that a game that focuses almost exclusively on fighting won't be played by me for the purposes of its eroticism, doesn't mean I wouldn't still play and enjoy the game.
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Re: Envying Celina

Postby Mimailia » Mon, 15Jun29 12:12

Search the forums for "The Last Sovereign" and give it a look (it was originally "The Last Fucklord") being made by Sierra Lee. She doesn't want it to be "grindy", but it is an erotic rpg.

Sex is "cut-scene" text, but it is a good story that is fun, FUNNY, challenging, and extremely well written.

The original title never grabbed me, but I was shocked at how good & erotic it was after I gave it a chance.

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Re: Envying Celina

Postby fleet » Mon, 15Jun29 17:06

Super wrote: "...no one would want to play and everyone would hate me..."

Please don't feel that way. [img]images/icones/icon11.gif[/img]

While some people won't play it, some people will play it. I sincerely doubt that anyone here would hate YOU for creating a game (they might strongly dislike the GAME, but that's NOT the same thing).

My most recent erotic visual novel "Giles' Journey" http://the-new-lagoon.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&p=82211#p82202 has some combat sequences. It has been downloaded over 15000 times. I included a 'spoiler' file with solutions to the combat scenes.

Make the game that YOU want to make. [img]images/icones/icon14.gif[/img]
If you want to make an erotic game with combat, and you're afraid people who like erotic games will refuse to play it because of the combat, give them the option to skip the combat, or include a spoiler file explaining how to win each fight. Let them know up front that they can skip the fights or win them. ;)
Last edited by fleet on Mon, 15Jun29 17:19, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Envying Celina

Postby Mortze » Mon, 15Jun29 17:16

fleet wrote:Make the game that YOU want to make. [img]images/icones/icon14.gif[/img]
If you want to make an erotic game with combat, and you're afraid people who like erotic games will refuse to play it because of the combat, give them the option to skip the combat, or include a spoiler file explaining how to win each fight. Let them know up front that they can skip the fights or win them. ;)

Couldn't agree more. That way you would satisfy BOTH types of players. Double the success. Make the battles optional.
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Re: Envying Celina

Postby Super » Mon, 15Jun29 17:46

? I didn't say anyone would hate me. I said everyone would hate the game.If people don't want to have long hours of grinding and adventuring in their erotic games, I wouldn't want to spend all the extra time making said game. I'm not naive enough to think you guys would hate me for that.

Also, having battles being able to be insta win would mean I'd need to make the battles too easy and wouldn't be that much of a point.

But whatever, I can't seem to get the battle system to work anyway so I guess it doesn't really matter. Envying Celina it is for now.
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Re: Envying Celina

Postby Skelaturi » Mon, 15Jun29 18:08

Btw i find the combat in pervert action: future by BBBen also pretty good executed. the focus lies within the stat building for the girls. The combat is an extra with enemies and their weak spots.
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Re: Envying Celina

Postby fleet » Tue, 15Jun30 02:42

Super wrote:? I didn't say anyone would hate me.

I apologize. I misread your statement. Please forgive me for misquoting you.
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Re: Envying Celina

Postby redle » Tue, 15Jun30 08:25

Sounds like your moving away from the idea for other reasons, but I still want to make one last attempt at clarification. Then I'll be quiet ;)

If a game combines 2 different themes in it and the game play goes something like
20 minutes - Theme A
1 minute - Theme B
15 minutes - Theme A
2 minutes - Theme B
30 minutes - Theme A
etc, etc

I might really enjoy this game even if I don't like the content in Theme B. It's doubtful I'd enjoy this game if I don't like the game mechanics/content in Theme A. Sometimes the 2 themes can compliment each other enough that a mediocre A and great B can still work, but if A and B are completely separate/opposing themes, then the game is played or not based on how good Theme A is. (a good B can still improve the enjoyment of the game, but the game is played or not based on the interest of A) Without playing the game you only have in your mind I can't say how it would play with certainty, but, generally speaking, I'd say gunning down aliens and wooing women fall into the "separate" themes category.
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